Number | Principal investigator | Grant title | Duration |
SK-QCI | Peter Skyba | Slovak Quantum Communication Infrastructure | 2023-2025 |
ERANET-2DSOTECH | Martin Gmitra | 2Dimensional Van der Waals spin-orbit torque technology | 2021-2024 |
IMPULZ | Martin Gmitra | Topological superconductivity in quantum two-dimensional devices | 2022-2026 |
Mobility | Pavol Szabó | Exploring correlated and topological phases in layered Van der Waals quantum materials | 2023-2024 |
APVV-20-0425 | T. Samuely/P. Samuely | Topologically nontrivial magnetic and superconducting structures | 2021-2025 |
APVV-23-0226 | Slavomír Gabáni | Vplyv dynamických nábojových pásov na kvantové magnety a supravodiče v extrémnych podmienkach | 2024-2028 |
APVV-23-0424 | Pavol Szabó | Nízkorozmerné supravodivé aparáty | 2024-2028 |
APVV-23-0564 | M. Hulman/P. Szabó | Optimalizovaný rast a transportné a optické vlastnosti tenkých vrstiev vybraných topologických polokovov | 2024-2028 |
VEGA 2/0093/22 | Marcel Človečko | Dekoherencia v mechanických rezonátoroch pri nízkych teplotách | 2022-2025 |
VEGA 2/0034/24 | Slavomír Gabáni | Magnetic frustration and quantum oscillations in quasi-2D and 3D borides | 2024-2027 |
VEGA 2/0073/24 | Jozef Kačmarčík | Non-centrosymmetric superconductors | 2024-2027 |
VEGA 2/0091/24 | Gabriel Pristáš | Enhancement of superconducting parameters in high-entropy alloy thin films | 2024-2027 |
COST | Peter Samuely | SUPERQUMAP-Superconducting nanodevices and quantum materials for coherent manipulation | 2022-2026 |
DAAD-SAS-2023-02 | Slavomír Gabáni | Frustrated quantum magnets – impact of uniaxial pressure | 2024-2025 |
Partners | Principal Investigator | Name of project | |
Bilateral project between GPI RAS Moscow and IEP SAS Košice |
N. Sluchanko / K. Flachbart | Transport, thermal and magnetic properties of rare earth compounds | |
Bilateral project between Inst. Problems of Mater. Sci., Kiev and IEP SAS Košice |
V. Paderno / K. Flachbart | Investigation of rare earth borides and composites based on them | |
Bilateral project between Lancaster University and IEP SAS Košice |
G. Pickett / P. Skyba | Quasiparticle and spin dynamics in superfluid 3He phases at ultralow temperatures | |
Bilateral project between Comisión Nacional de Energía Atómica, Bariloche, Argentina and IEP SAS Košice, Slovakia |
Y. Fasano / Z. Vargaeštoková |
Spectroscopic properties of strongly-correlated electronic systems with competing orders | |
Bilateral project between NASU Ukraine and IEP SAS Košice |
P. Samuely | Point-contact and tunneling spectroscopy of emergent iron-based superconductors |