The first period of existence of the department (up to 1980) was dominated by participation in the bubble chamber experiments performed at accelerators in JINR Dubna and IHEP Serpukhov, Russia.
At the beginning of the seventies a fully automatized measuring system for bubble chamber pictures processing was built up in our laboratory. At the same time the full chain of the CERN off-line bubble chamber software was implemented in Košice. These possibilities were used effectively for contribiting towards the broad programme of experiments with the JINR one meter hydrogen bubble chamber, irradiated at Dubna synchrophasotron in the beams of relativistic light nuclei 3He, 4He, polarized deuterons. The mechanism of a number of exclusive processes was studied; an indication of the dibaryon states has been obtained.
From the beginning of the 1980’s our interests shifted towards electronic experiments. Very important for acquiring experience in this field was participation in the HYPERON experiment at Serpukhov (study of binary reactions with hypercharge exchange, study of the A-dependence of the inclusive h-meson production).
From 1987 a group of our scientists started to participate in the preparation of the H1 set-up for experiments at HERA at DESY (Hamburg, Germany). A large amount of the read-out boards for the liquid argon calorimeter was produced. We designed and realized the trigger electronics for identification of electrons in the backward electromagnetic calorimeter. Long term participation in the experiments at HERA is one of the most important present activities.
Another important present activity is connected with participation in the experimental programme at the European Organisation for Nuclear Research CERN (Geneva, Switzerland). Starting with individual participation in the NA34 (Helios) experiment in 1984, we were focusing on participation in the heavy ion programme at the SPS accelerator. A significant part of our present interests is connected with preparation for the LHC programme.