
Research focuses on the physical processes that take place in the extreme conditions found in space that typically cannot be observed under laboratory conditions. Our goal is to gain novel information on cosmic energy particles including cosmic radiation. This is accomplished via the analysis of ground and satellite measurements, personal observations, simulation of physical processes in the Earth’s heliosphere and magnetosphere, and preparation of new cosmic experiments.    
    The Department has participated in developing and implementing key components of experimental equipment placed on 14 satellitestwo space probes and two high altitude rockets. Ground measurements are continuously collected from a neutron monitor at Lomnický Peak, with real-time data available at For further information about the Department see

Main fields of research:

  • variations in the low-energy component of space radiation and effects of processes in the Earth’s heliosphere and magnetosphere
  • acceleration, transport and losses of medium-energy particles (between solar wind and space radiation) in the Earth´s magnetosphere and near its border areas
  • acceleration processes on the solar surface and their responses in the interplanetary environment and near the Earth with particular regard to high-energy neutral emissions (neutrons, gamma radiation)
  • links between cosmic energy particles and cosmic weather
  • processes in space plasma formations near other planets

Spectrometer of cosmic energetic particles DOK-2, developed at the Department of Space Physics IEP SAS Košice, has provided a wealth of valuable data on the Earth’s magnetosphere.


Laboratory testing of space technology in the space simulator SPACEVAC