
RDSA (Research and Development Support Agency)

  • Nanosegregation in soft matter of polymeric and nonpolymeric nature, 7/2017-6/2021, grant 16-0550
  • Advanced polymer technologies in biomedicine: Polymer microcapsules for immunoprotection of transplanted pancreatic islets in diabetes treatment, 5/2011 – 10/2014, grant 048610
  • Water soluble polymers: from the fundamentals of interactions, structure and dynamics in solution to controlled polymer synthesis and self-assembly, 5/2006 – 4/2009, grant 51037905
  • Association of weak polyanions by hydrogen bonding – new candidates for targeted drug delivery, project with the Institute of macromolecular chemistry, Prague, Czech-Slovak bilateral cooperation, 1/2006 – 12/2007, grant SK-CZ-05506

SGA (Scientific Grant Agency of the Ministry of Education of Slovak Republic and the Slovak Academy of Sciences)

  • Self-assembly of polymeric and nonpolymeric compounds in liquid state on mesoscales, 1/202012/2022, grant 2/0115/20
  • Mesoscale phenomena and structures in soft matter of polymeric and nonpolymeric nature, 1/2017– 12/2019, grant 2/0177/17
  • Spontaneously occurring and induced target-oriented self-assembly of polymeric and nonpolymeric materials in liquid state,  1/2014– 12/2016, grant 2/0182/14
  • Self-assembly of water soluble polymers, 1/2010 – 12/2012, grant No. 2/0215/10
  • Association properties of ion-containing polymers and low-molecular-weight compounds with potential application in the design of complexes for targeted drug delivery, 1/2006 – 12/2008, grant 2/6197/26
  • Ionic polymers: solution behavior and selected methods of characterization, 1/2002-12/2005, grant 2/2085/2002
  • Submicron structure and dynamics of solutions of charged particles, 1/1999-12/2001, grant 2/6100/99

European Union Structural Funds

  • International virtual laboratory of physics of progressive materials – PhysNet, project No. 26110230097, 9/2013 – 8/2015
  • Research centre for progressive materials and technologies for current and future applications, project No. 26220220186, 07/2013-06/2015
  • Build up of the infrastructure of the Centre of excellence for progressive materials with nano- and submicron structure, project No. 26220120035, 05/2010 – 04/2013
  • Centre of excellence for progressive materials with nano- and submicron structure, project No. 26220120019, 05/2009 – 04/2011
  • SAS institutes in Košice – modernization of the infrastructure for better education, project number: 26250120013, 8/2009 – 7/2011

Scheme COST (European COoperation in the field of Scientific and Technical Research)

  • Action COST CM-1101, Colloidal Aspects of Nanoscience for Innovative Processes and Materials, 01/2012 – 01/2016 (M. Sedlák – member of the management committee, representative of Slovak Republic)
  • Action COST D 43, Colloid and Interface Chemistry for Nanotechnology, 10/2006 – 11/2011 (M. Sedlák – member of the management committee, representative of Slovak Republic)

Slovak Academy of Sciences, Program of support of excellent research and people in SAS

  • Ionic polymers: solution behavior and selected methods of characterization 6/2002 – 12/2006, grant 2/8001/22

GAS (Grant agency for Science)

  • Investigation of macromolecules, supramolecular structures, and colloids by laser light scattering, 1/1995-121998, grant 95/5305/688
  • Investigation of dynamics and structure of macromolecules and supramolecular structures by photon correlation spectroscopy, 1/1992-12/1995, grant 2/29/92

PECO programme of the European Commission

  • The application of quasielastic light scattering to the study of Italian crater lake and Adriatic sediments, 1/1995-12/1997, contract CIPD-CT94-0116

Slovak Academy of Sciences, Support of international cooperation

  • Paleoenvironmental analysis of Italian crater lake sediments, 1995, grant 940016

Slovak-American science and technology program

  • Polyelectrolyte Structure and Dynamics, 1/1994-12/1997, grant 92005

National Science Foundation, USA

  • Polyelectrolyte Structure and Dynamics, bilateral project, Prof. E.J.Amis, USC Los Angeles, 1/1993-12/1994