

Modelovanie fázových diagramov systémov s bórom
Modeling of phase diagrams of systems with boron
Program: Inter-academic agreement
Project leader: RNDr. Homolová Viera, PhD.
Annotation: The project deals with modelling of phase diagrams of systems containing boron by CALPHAD method. Main aim of the project is the development of reliable database for thermodynamic calculations of phase diagrams of studied systems. The ternary subsystems of Fe-B-Cr-V-C-Mn system are the main subject of the investigation. Known unary and binary data from literature together with results of our experimental program, based on long term annealing at high temperatures and consequent study of samples by electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction (XRD), X-ray analysis (EDX, WDX, EBSD), DTA-DSC, and also available experimental data from the literature will be used for modelling of the systems. Developed database will allow predict phase equilibria in more complex systems and can be used for modelling of diffusion processes. The results of the project will contribute to the knowledge about phase chemical composition, structure and morphology in thermodynamic equilibrium in the mentioned systems.
Duration: 1.1.2015 – 31.12.2017


Predikcia zvariteľnosti a lisovateľnosti kombinovaných laserom zváraných prístrihov z vysokopevných ocelí s podporou CAE systémov
Prediction of weldability and formability for laser welded tailored blanks made of combined high strength steels with CAE support
Program: VEGA
Project leader: Ing. Kepič Ján, PhD.
Annotation: The aim of the project is to verify the virtual engineering techniques when design and production of prototypes of molds and dies for the production of thin-walled automotive components from tailored laser welded blanks. Based on the results obtained on physical models of selected thin-walled car components, applied CAD/CAE/CAM techniques will be verified. The core of the project consist of CAE analyses and predictions of laser welds microstructure, weldability and formability of laser welded blanks made of combined steels. Verified methodologies for the weldability and the formability prediction should contribute to include more knowledge and less material when design thin-walled car-body components. Thus, low emissions at car operation is reached, production time shortening and production costs decrease as well.
Duration: 1.1.2019 – 31.12.2022
AMEMAT – Rozvoj poznatkovej bázy v oblasti pokročilých kovových materiálov s využitím moderných teoretických, experimentálnych a technologických postupov
Advancement of knowledge in area of advanced metallic materials by use of up-to-date theoretical, experimental, and technological procedures
Program: SRDA
Project leader: RNDr. Homolová Viera, PhD.
Annotation: The project is focused on the acceleration of progress in gaining knowledge about advanced metallic materials. In the related research the representative part of the Slovak scientific basis will be involved, namely the SlovakUniversity of Technology (STU) in Bratislava, the Institute of Physics (IP) of the Slovak Academy of Sciences (SAS), and the Institute of Materials Research (IMR) of SAS. To fulfil project tasks, the top-level recently provided equipment will be used, available at the university scientific parks of STU located in Bratislava and Trnava as well as at the scientific centres of SAS located in Bratislava (IP) and Košice (IMR). The experimental research will be combined with calculations from first principles (IP SAS) and thermodynamic predictions (IMR SAS), both the procedures, which the involved researchers reached a world-wide acceptance in. From thethematic point of view, the project implies theoretic and experimental studies of advanced metallic materials mainly related to phase equilibria (new phase diagrams will be proposed and the existing will be refined on),characterization of crystal structures of un- and less-known complex phases, electrochemical and catalytic properties of surfaces, and innovations in production of thin layers, coatings, and ribbons. Expected results will be published in stages in relevant scientific journals, used by the involved researchers in educational process,and consulted eventually with industrial partners to consider the transfer of technological findings in praxis. All the involved institutions have a huge experience with the science promotion and are ready to exert it in the project.
Duration: 1.7.2016 – 30.6.2020
Vplyv parametrov laserového zvárania na štruktúru a vlastnosti zvarových spojov moderných ocelí pre automobilový priemysel
Influence of laser welding parameters on microstructure and properties of welded joints of advanced steels for automotive industry
Program: VEGA
Project leader: Ing. Kepič Ján, PhD.
Annotation: The project is focused on prediction of laser welded joint behaviour at different strain rates. Mentioned simulatedthe real crash tests by creating new and cost-efficient test methods available in the laboratory. The strength anddeformation properties of high-strength steel sheets, laser welded tailored blanks and composites will beinvestigated by tensile, 3-point bending and cyclic bending tests. The measured characteristics of these materialswill be compared with the characteristics of progressive materials such as aluminium alloys and composites. Thethermodynamic calculations will be performed before welding in order to predict phase composition ofpolycomponent welds depending on welding conditions (power, welding rate and focus position). To reach theobjectives the method of design of experiment, experimental tests and numerical simulations based on finiteelements metod will be used.
Duration: 1.1.2016 – 31.12.2018
Termodynamická analýza a modelovanie fázového diagramu ternárneho systému Fe-B-Mn a verifikácia databázy pre termodynamické výpočty komplexných systémov experimentálnou analýzou zliatin typu Fe-B-X-Y (X, Y=V, Cr, C, Mn).
Thermodynamic analysis and modelling of phase diagram for Fe-B-Mn ternary system and verification database for thermodynamic calculations of complex systems by experimental analysis of Fe-B-X-Y (X,Y=V, Cr, C, Mn) alloys.
Program: VEGA
Project leader: RNDr. Homolová Viera, PhD.
Annotation: The project links to the previous projects dealing with modelling of Fe-B-X (X= V, Cr, C) ternary systems. It is focused on the study of the phases and phase eqiulibria in Fe-B-Mn ternary system. The research results contribute to the knowledge on phases existence, their chemical composition, structure and eqiulibria in the mentioned system. The main goal of the project is creation reliable parameter database for thermodynamic calculations in Fe-B-Mn ternary system by Calphad method. This database contributes to the creation of complex thermodynamic parameter database allowing more exact phase equilibria predictions for wide range of systems.Another task of the project is the experimental investigation of quaternary alloys of the Fe-B-X-Y (X, Y=V, Cr, C, Mn) type which will be used for the verification of our complex database. The complex database will be createdby merging of the databases of the Fe-B-Mn system, Fe-B-X (X= V, Cr, C) ternary systems and other existing databases.
Duration: 1.1.2015 – 31.12.2017