

Príprava BZT keramiky konvenčným spekaním a spekaním pomocou pulzného elektrického prúdu
Preparation of BZT ceramic with conventional and pulse electric current sintering technique
Program: Mobility
Project leader: Ing. Puchý Viktor, PhD.
Duration: 1.1.2021 – 31.12.2022
Zlepšenie oteruvzdornosti povrchu nástrojových ocelí pomocou laserového kalenia v kombinácii s hlbokým kryogénnym spracovaním.
The wear resistance improvement of tool steels surface via the laser hardening in combination with deep cryogenic treatment.
Program: Bilateral – other
Project leader: Mgr. Petryshynets Ivan, PhD.
Annotation: The main task of the project is to investigate the effect of laser hardening in combination with deep cryogenic treatment on fracture toughness, wear resistance and load – carrying capacity of subsurface region of cold work tool steel and to analyze the modification of microstructural parameters depending on the tool steel type and chemical composition. The experimental materials will be created with three groups of tool steels which are determined for the cold work. The first group will consist of carbon steel with carbon content up to 0.7 wt%, the second groups will be low-alloy steels, and the third group will be the medium alloy steels. These materials will be treated by recommended conventional heat procedures. Subsequently, the materials will be subjected to the treatment by laser beam in order to melting the surface or heating the surface to the selected temperature of austenite as a function of technological parameters of laser hardening and to deep cryogenic treatment in order to remove residual stresses, achieve the transformation of retained austenite and modify the dislocation structure and carbon distribution in the martensitic solid solution. For each material variations, optimal parameters of laser and cryogenic treatments will be defined in order to improve the main mechanical properties of investigated tool steel.
Duration: 6.4.2017 – 31.12.2019
Príprava vláknových laserov s jadrom z transparentnej keramiky a ich využitie na laserovú povrchovú modifikáciu materiálov
Preparation of fiber lasers with a core from transparent ceamics and their use for laser surface modificaion of materials
Program: Inter-academic agreement
Project leader: Ing. Puchý Viktor, PhD.
Duration: 1.1.2016 – 31.12.2017


INNOVATTOOLS – Inovatívne prístupy k zvyšovaniu životnosti a znižovaniu energetickej náročnosti rezných nástrojov pri spracovaní dreva v lesníctve
Innovative approaches to increase the lifetime and reduce the energy consumption of cutting tools in wood processing in forestry
Program: SRDA
Project leader: RNDr. Džupon Miroslav, PhD.
Annotation: The project will address the issue of the use of methods and procedures for the modification of cutting tools for wood processing in forestry. The result will be an increase in their lifetime and a reduction in emissions and energy consumption of forestry machinery and equipment. The main objects of research will be tools for primary wood processing, modification and processing of forestry biomass for energy purposes, such as splitting and chipping tools, tools for cross-cutting wood, etc. The main task of the project will be the design of procedures and methods for the modification of exposed functional surfaces of the tools. Ensuring a higher quality of functional tool surfaces in the context of reducing friction and eliminating adhesion, provides a prerequisite for reducing the load on machinery equipment and thus reducing emissions and energy consumption in a given production. Analyses will be carried out on the tools – FEM analysis in order to determine the stress-strain state, on the samples analysis of the state of the material in terms of physical properties, microstructure, mechanical properties and resistance to adhesive wear in wood-metal interaction and also abrasive wear. Based on the results of the analyses carried out, innovative surface treatment procedures will be proposed for the exposed functional surfaces to guarantee an increase in their functional lifetime. These will be applied to samples and laboratory tested by relevant test procedures. From the results of the laboratory tests, a selection will be made of the most appropriate non-conventional innovative procedures, which will be applied to the tools and tested on the equipment under forestry operating conditions. In doing so, it will be observed how the modifications in question affect the energy consumption of forestry machinery and equipment. Part of the project solution will be to ensure industrial-legal protection of the original solutions.
Duration: 1.7.2022 – 30.6.2026
Experimentálny vývoj nových kovo-keramických nano-kompozitov pre trecie aplikácie s využitím odpadov z obrábamia kovov
Experimental development of new metal – ceramic nano – composites for friction applications using metal wastes from machining operations.
Program: VEGA
Project leader: Ing. Podobová Mária, PhD.
Annotation: The aim of the project is to investigate the properties of nano-composites with a metal matrix based on Fe-Cu with the addition of SiC, ZrO2, Al2O3 and graphene and with the addition of metal wastes from conventional machining operations such as Al, CuSn, stainless steel, Ti, MgAl etc. The composites will be prepared by the method of dry mixing in a 3D turbula, attritor, the method of high-energy ball-mill in ethanol, the method of rapid sintering using a pulsed electric current in a vacuum under the simultaneous action of uniaxial pressure (SPS "spark plasma sintering"). The results will be mapping the properties of prepared nano-composites, such as hardness, strength, abrasion resistance, thermal and structural stability (DSC / TG), coefficient of friction and wear and selection of nano-composites with the best possible combination of individual components with respect to the resulting properties (stability, carrying-off heat weight reduction, coefficient of friction, wear rate).
Duration: 1.1.2023 – 31.12.2025
Gradientné mikro/nano kompozity s Al matricou pripravené spekaním pomocou pulzného elektrického prúdu
Gradient micro / nano composites with Al matrix prepared by pulsed electric current sintering
Program: VEGA
Project leader: Ing. Puchý Viktor, PhD.
Annotation: The project is focused on the experimental research of the new progressive gradient micro / nano compositeswith aluminum matrix reinforced with ceramic particles and carbon nanoparticles – graphene nanoplatelets(GNPs), applicable in the automotive, aerospace and defense industries. Composite powders based on Al alloyswith different contents of hard ceramic particles and GNPs will be prepared, which will be homogenized by mixingand surface activated by grinding in a ball mill in ethanol. The powders thus prepared will be deposited andlayered (geometrically, gradient arranged (FGM)) in a hexagonal graphite mold and then pulsed electric currentsintered in a vacuum in "Spark Plasma Sintering" furnace (SPS). Mechanical and ballistic properties will beanalyzed and correlated with microstructure, texture, fractographic analysis and the content of added particlesand additives.
Duration: 1.1.2023 – 31.12.2025
Ino-Clad – Inovatívne prístupy pri obnove funkčných povrchov laserovým naváraním
Innovative approaches to the restoration of functional surfaces by laser weld overlaying
Program: SRDA
Project leader: RNDr. Džupon Miroslav, PhD.
Annotation: The project is focused on the restoration of functional surfaces by laser weld overlying. Innovative approaches willbe applied in the restoration of functional parts of molds for high-pressure die casting of aluminum alloys. Laserweld overlaying technology will be used for the formation of restoration layers in order to significantly reduce thenegative impact of the introduced heat on the quality of sub-weld layers. Newly designed additional materialsbased on Co, Ni, Fe with the presence of dispersed abrasion-resistant precipitates will be used. Additionalmaterials for laser welding will be used in the form of wires made of Uddeholm Dievar and Maraging. For bettervariability of the chemical composition, powder additives based on Fe with the addition of B, Ti, Nb, Mo, V and Wwill also be used to create weld overlays. The optimal method of heat treatment of weld overlays will be proposed.Research will further focus on microtexturing the surface of molded parts by low-energy laser radiation usinginnovative engraving surface treatment methods (LBT and EBT) in order to ensure a smooth distribution of theseparating agent on the mold surface. Experimental work will be focused on modifying the microgeometry of thesurface of new and renovated shaped parts of molds so that in the phase of "run-in of the mold" a compact layer ofthe separating agent is created to increase the technological life of molds. PVD and PE-CVD technologies will beused for this purpose.
Duration: 1.7.2021 – 30.6.2024
Vývoj nekonvečného termo-mechanického postupu finálneho spracovania izotropnych elektrotechnických ocelí
Unconventional thermo-mechanical technology development of final processing of isotropic electrical steels.
Program: VEGA
Project leader: Mgr. Petryshynets Ivan, PhD.
Duration: 1.1.2021 – 31.12.2023
Vývoj progresívnych disperzne spevnených kompozitov s kovovou matricou pripravených spekaním pomocou pulzného elektrického prúdu
Development of progressive dispersion-reinforced metal matrix composites prepared by pulsed electric current sintering
Program: VEGA
Project leader: Ing. Puchý Viktor, PhD.
Duration: 1.1.2020 – 31.12.2022
Histes – Vývoj vysoko-legovaných izotrópnych elektro ocelí pre trakčné motory elektromobilov
Development of high-alloy isotropic electrical steels for traction engines of electric vehicles
Program: SRDA
Project leader: RNDr. Kováč František, CSc.
Annotation: In this project, for the production of high strength electrical steel type “finish”, we aim to propose an original concept of chemical composition and microstructural design with the desirable crystallographic texture which would beprovided a combination of excellent electro-magnetic and high strength properties. The strength properties will be provided by high alloying of steels which are based on substituents elements with Si content from 3 to 3,5 wt.%, Alcontent from 0,5 to 1,5 wt.%, Cu content up to 0,5 wt.%, and P content up 0,10 wt.%. The low value of watt losses and high level of magnetic induction will be achieved by means of coarse-grained columnar or coarse-grained equiaxial microstructure with average grain size in the range from 150 to 300μm and with increased intensity of cube and Goss texture components at the expense of deformation texture. The evolution of the final microstructure will be based on the use of the strain-induced growth of ferrite grains through the thickness of the sheet from itssurface to the central part. At the same time, we want to eliminate the liability to the brittle failure of materials during the cold rolling. It will be realised by optimization of previous thermal deformation exposures in the hot rollingprocess as well as optimization of deformation process of cold rolling with "tailor-made" parameters of rolled steel.The development steel will be used in traction engines of electric vehicles and in high-speed electric motors withhigh requirement for the power.
Duration: 1.7.2019 – 30.6.2022
PyrMat – Vývoj žiaruvzdorných pyrochlórnych fáz pre vysokoteplotné aplikácie neeoxidovej keramiky
Development of refractory pyrochlore phases for high temperature applications of non-oxide ceramics
Program: SRDA
Project leader: prof. RNDr. Dusza Ján, DrSc.
Duration: 1.7.2018 – 30.6.2022
SEMOD-75 – Nanokompozitný materiál pre balistickú ochranu
Nanocomposite material for balistic protection
Program: Other projects
Project leader: Ing. Puchý Viktor, PhD.
Duration: 1.5.2019 – 31.8.2021
Dizajn mikroštruktúry a subštruktúry elektroocelí pre náročné aplikácie v pohonoch elektromobilov
The microstructural and substructural design of electrical steels for demanding applications in the electrical cars drives.
Program: VEGA
Project leader: Mgr. Petryshynets Ivan, PhD.
Annotation: The project is focused on the microstructural and substructural design of high-strength electrical steels intended for rotors and stators of traction motors for electricalcars and cars with hybrid drive. In frame of present project the research will be focused on the design and preparation of high-strength dynamo steels with good strength as well as the magnetic properties. The proposed steel will be designed so that its microstructure and texture parameters show the low watt loss under load in high magnetic fields and mechanical strength provide by ultra-fine precipitates (up to 50nm) or clusters of selected elements based on FeTiP particles responds to the requirements for the extreme mechanical and fatigue loads of the rotor at sudden braking or pulling acceleration. To achieve the selected composite system a sequence of structure creation will be designed and implemented.
Duration: 1.1.2018 – 31.12.2020
Inotech – Využitie inovatívnych technológií obnovy funkčných plôch foriem na výrobu odliatkov pre automobilový priemysel
The utilization of innovative technology for repair functional surfaces of mold casting dies for castings in automotive industry
Program: SRDA
Project leader: RNDr. Džupon Miroslav, PhD.
Annotation: The project aims at increasing the service life of shaped parts of molds and cores for high pressure die casting (HPDC) of aluminum alloys for the automotive industry. Increasing the service life of casting moulds and dies is achieved using innovative technologies of restoration their functional shape surfaces. For this renovation purpose will be used hard surfacing of functional surfaces of tools in combination with PVD and PE-CVD coatings made of new advanced nanomaterials based on TiAlN, CrAlN and TiB. There will be experimentally verified the effectiveness of local heat exposure of renovated as well as original surface of shaped casting mould to laser as a method of surface pretreatment before deposition thin coatings using PVD or PE CVD technology. The application potential of the project lies in reducing the cost of maintenance moulds and dies, in saving of material resources and also in increasing the productivity and reliability of the process of aluminum castings production.
Duration: 1.7.2017 – 31.12.2020
DevProSteel – Vývoj nekonvenčnej technológie finalného spracovania izotrópnych elektrotechnických ocelí
Unconventional technology development of final processing of isotropic electrical steels
Program: SRDA
Project leader: RNDr. Kováč František, CSc.
Annotation: The project is focused on the technological process application of the final deformation-thermal treatment of isotropic electrical steels. The proposed process provides the better micro structural and textural parameters of materials. In addition to improvement of the electromagnetic properties, this procedure allows to reduce thecontent of alloying elements Si and Al for the individual quality grades with a positive impact on the shearing properties and thermal conductivity of sheets metal. Our proposed treatment technology will be based on the useof strain induced ferrite grain growth under the influence of gradient of internal deformation stresses and thermal exposure at the final heat treatment of strips and electromotor segments. At the same time the domain structure will be modified on the steel surface by using laser radiation.
Duration: 1.7.2016 – 30.6.2019
AddArmy – Prídavná flexibilná balistická nanokompozitná ochrana horných a dolných končatín
Program: Other projects
Project leader: Ing. Puchý Viktor, PhD.
Duration: 1.3.2023 – 0.0.0000