

H2MobilHydride – Vývoj a spracovanie pokročilých metalhydridových kompozitných materiálov pre uskladnenie vodíka určených pre mobilné aplikácie
Developoment and processing of advanced metal hydride composites with specific microstructure properties for mobile hydrogen storage applications
Program: ERANET
Project leader: RNDr. Nigutová Katarína, PhD.
Annotation: The innovation goals of this project are to provide a novel metal hydride composite offering hydrogenation capacity close to Mg alloys, faster kinetics, higher dehydrogenation capacity, and limited material degradation per cycle. The material will be based on the concept of high entropy alloy with the addition of catalysts and will be produced not only in the conventional powder form, but also as thin sheets and bulk materials. The project will improve the fundamental understanding of the mechanisms governing the hydrogenation and high-temperature behavior of HEA-based composites and also provide a functional model of a new composite material for hydrogen storage, followed by a technology for its fabrication.
Duration: 1.5.2023 – 30.4.2026
EHSAL – Zvýšenie uskladňovacej schopnosti vodíka v ľahkých vysoko-entropických zliatinách (HEA) typu AlTiVCr prídavkom Ti3C2 Mxenu a veľkej plastickej deformácie
Enhancement of Hydrogen Storage Properties of AlTiVCr Light Weight High Entropy Alloys (HEA) by Ti3C2 Mxene and Several Plastic Deformation
Program: European Interest Group (EIG) CONCERT-Japan
Project leader: doc. Ing. Saksl Karel, DrSc.
Annotation: Recently discovered AlTiVCr high entropy alloy (HEA) exhibits about 70x increase in equilibrium pressure, ~20 kJ/mol H2 decrease in desorption enthalpy (ΔH) relative to the benchmark TiVZrNbHf HEA possessing H/M ratio > 2 with 2.7 wt % hydrogens at 53 bar H2. The AlTiVCr HEA desorption enthalpy ΔH is ~40 kJ/mol and H/M ratio ~1. Since AlTiVCr alloy includes lighter-weight elements relative to earlier studied refractory HEAs, it is envisaged that AlTiVCr can be a potential lightweight metal hydride for future hydrogen storage application if its H/m ratio and hydrogenation/dehydrogenation kinetics can be improved. So far, the addition of Mxene (Ti3C2) as catalyst and nanosizing exhibited a significant influence on the kinetics and hydrogenation capacity of Mg metal hydrides independently. Therefore, in this study, we aim to develop a lightweight metal hydride composite of AlTiVCr HEA by the combination of three concepts of HEA, Mxenes (Ti3C2 Mxene) and nanosizing by high-pressure torsion (HPT). The influence of Mxene and deformation heterogeneities will be investigated and will be tailored for achieving lower ΔH, higher H/M ratio and faster kinetics.
Duration: 1.4.2022 – 31.3.2025


PNMHCS – Výskum a vývoj prototypu nízkotlakovej čerpacej stanice pre zásobovanie metalhydridových zariadení zeleným vodíkom
Research and development of a prototype of a low-pressure refuelling station for refuelling metal hydride equipment with green hydrogen
Program: SRDA
Project leader: RNDr. Nigutová Katarína, PhD.
Annotation: The purpose of the project is the research, development and designing of a prototype of a low-pressure refuelling station intended for refuelling mobile technical equipment for hydrogen storage at low pressure in metal hydrides (MH). The existing infrastructure for hydrogen production that applies a renewable energy source in water electrolysis will be used, while the green hydrogen generated in the process of electrolysis will be stored in stationary tanks with an absorption-based storage system. A strategic objective of the project is to interconnect the system for green hydrogen production operated in the island mode, installed at the Centre for Hydrogen Technologies at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, with a system for stationary low-pressure hydrogen storage in metal hydrides, which will then facilitate refuelling mobile MH equipment using a newly developed prototype of a refuelling stand. An important milestone in the project is the research into a design of stationary tanks with an inbuilt thermal management system. Developing the thermal management system is crucial for operational safety and for increasing the efficiency of hydrogen storage while considering the overall reduction of energy consumption in the process of hydrogen absorption and subsequent desorption. The research of novel MH alloys, while respecting equilibrium pressures at predefined operating temperatures, is therefore a primary input parameter for designing the thermal management system. The use of MH alloys for increasing hydrogen pressure eliminates the risks related to the compression process when compared to mechanical compression. The thermal management system will also include a system for cooling hydrogen during refuelling; hence, reduction of the time of refuelling MH tanks for consumers will be verified.
Duration: 1.7.2022 – 30.6.2025
Vývoj a výskum vysokoentropických zliatin určených na efektívne uskladnenie vodíka
Research and development of highentropy alloys for efficient hydrogen storage
Program: VEGA
Project leader: doc. Ing. Saksl Karel, DrSc.
Annotation: The aim of this project is the development and research of high-entropy alloys – HEA whose primary function will be in hydrogen storage. Commercial use of H2 relies on its efficient and safe storage. One of the most efficient ways to store H2 is chemically bond it to an alloy lattice in a form of metalhydrides. The TiVZrNbHf alloy is capable of storing far greater amounts of H2 up to 210 kg.m-3. The problem of the alloy is its relatively high density of 7.81, for transport applications. Much higher mass storage capacities are expected to be achieved with other HEA, consisting of lighter elements. In the project, we will design, prepare and fully characterize a series of new HEA with a low density of <7 Materials that meet the targets of absorption capacity (>2wt% and>220 kgH2/m3), low desorption temperature <140°C and high cyclic absorption/desorption stability (>1000 cycles with a capacity drop of less than 10%). In the project, we will use our knowledge and expertise in the design and preparation of HEA.
Duration: 1.1.2022 – 31.12.2024
HydroHEA – Výskum a vývoj nových vysokoentropických zliatin určených na efektívne uskladnenie vodíka v energetických aplikáciách
Research and development of new high – entropy alloys for efficient hydrogen storage in energy applications
Program: SRDA
Project leader: doc. Ing. Saksl Karel, DrSc.
Annotation: The presented project aims to development and research of metal hydride materials of the latest generation – highentropyalloys, which report the highest volumetric storage capacity of hydrogen among all materials used so far.We intend to utilize these materials in metal hydride tanks of hydrogen compressors, which are being developed inSlovakia by the project cooperating organisation – FME TUKE.In June 2020, the European Commission presented the Union\’s hydrogen strategy, which states that hydrogen andthe hydrogen economy are among the key technologies for the future of industry in the EU.The presented project aims to meet the goal of efficient and safe hydrogen storage. Up to date studies show thehighest volumetric hydrogen storage capacity of 150 kg/m3, out of all conventional alloys, is reached by Mg2FeH6metal hydride. In 2016, Sahlberg et al. in a publication entitled "Superior hydrogen storage in high entropy alloys"confirmed that the high-entropy alloy TiVZrNbHf can store an incredible "superior" of 210 kg/m3 of hydrogen in itsstructure with a ratio of hydrogen atoms to metal (H / M) 2.5. However, the problem of the alloy is its relatively high density of 7.81 g/cm3, which makes it too high for transport applications. In the project, we will design, prepare andfully characterize a series of completely new high-entropy materials with a low density <7 g/cm3. Materials thatmeet the targets of absorption capacity (> 2 wt% and> 220 kg H2/m3), low desorption temperature (<140C) andhigh cyclic absorption / desorption stability (> 1000 cycles with capacity drop of less than 10%) we will patent. Thealloys will also be tested in a hydrogen compressor, which will undoubtedly contribute to the further evaluation ofthe outputs of this project. In the project we will use our long-term knowledge and expertise in the design,preparation and characterization of high-entropy alloys.
Duration: 1.7.2021 – 30.6.2024