

Príprava ZnTiO3, ZnO and (YGd)2O3: Eu keramiky konvenčným spekaním a spekaním pomocou pulzného elektrického prúdu
Preparation of ZnTiO, ZnO and (YGd)203: Eu ceramic with conventional and Pulse electric current sintering technique
Program: Mobility
Project leader: Ing. Szabó Juraj, PhD.
Duration: 1.1.2023 – 31.12.2024
WȔRTH – Príprava magneticky mäkkých kompozitov pre priemysel
Preparation of soft magnetic composites for infustrial application
Program: Bilateral – other
Project leader: RNDr. Strečková Magdaléna, PhD.
Annotation: The project focuses on the preparation of soft magnetic composites based on ferromagnetic material and modified polymers. The soft magnetic composite material will be potentialy used for the preparation of miniaturized high temperature templates.
Duration: 1.9.2017 – 31.8.2020
Kompaktizácia magneticky mäkkých práškových materiálov s obmedzenou schopnosťou plastickej deformácie
Compaction of soft magnetic powder materials with limited plastic deformation ability
Program: Inter-academic agreement
Project leader: Ing. Bureš Radovan, CSc.
Annotation: Goal of the project is to investigate the progressive compaction methods to achieve high density and low defectiveness of the structure of soft magnetic materials based on powder FeSi and High entropy alloys. Research is focused on the clarification of densification mechanism in powder soft magnetic materials. Mechanical and magnetic properties of compacted materials will be correlated with parameters of compaction technology. This knowledge will contribute to application of progressive magnetic alloy in technical practice mainly in the field of green energy and transportation industry.
Duration: 1.1.2018 – 31.12.2019


HERO – Elektrokatalyzátory pre efektívnu produkciu vodíka pre budúce elektrolyzéry a palivové články
Hydrogen evolution electrocatalysts for future electrolyser and fuel cells
Program: SRDA
Project leader: RNDr. Strečková Magdaléna, PhD.
Annotation: The development of activities in the field of hydrogen technologies was also supported by the EuropeanCommission in the strategic document "Hydrogen Strategy for a Climate Neutral Europe". Today, Slovakia hassuggested own national hydrogen strategy. Already in 2015, the National Hydrogen Association has founded tosupport research, implementation and use of hydrogen technologies. The Hydrogen Technology Center is beingestablished in Košice with the main "Power-to-Gas" concept using renewable power energy sources with nonegative impact on human life and without dependence on fossil fuels. A significant source of hydrogen is waterand the electrolysis of water is the most promising technology for hydrogen production. However, before it can berecognized as an economically significant resource for large scale application with an exceptional energy potential,the simple, efficient, and secure methods of hydrogen retrieval have to be developed. For the time being, the mostefficient electrocatalysts in terms of overpotential for hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) are noble metals.Unfortunately the high cost and scarcity of noble metals motivate the scientists to find the rival low-costalternatives. Intrinsic structures of TMP meet the criteria of outstanding electrocatalysts that could further improve their HER performance in membrane electrode assembly. Excellent dispersity of electrocatalysts allows full use ofactive sites on catalysts to participate in electrode reaction to improve the electrocatalytic efficiency. Therefore, themain challenge in this project is to reduce the production cost of HER and at the same time to maintain the highefficiency of polymer electrode water electrolysis. Substantial aim of the project will be devoted to improve the PEM water electrolysis components mainly electrode materials based on modified carbon fibers electrocatalysts result in the technology which should be more approached to commercial markets.
Duration: 1.7.2021 – 30.6.2025
Vývoj elektródového materiálu na báze uhlíkových vlákien dopovaných fosfidmi kovov pre elektrokatalýzu vodíka.
Development of electrode materials based carbon fibers doped with metal phosphides for electrocatalysis of hydrogen evolution reaction.
Program: VEGA
Project leader: RNDr. Strečková Magdaléna, PhD.
Annotation: Hydrogen produced from renewable energy sources is considered to be a fuel of the future that has the potentialto reduce the energy dependence of developed countries on oil imports and to improve the quality of human life.Hydrogen produced from electrolysis of water could be a sustainable source of energy. However the simple,efficient, and secure methods of hydrogen retrieval must be developed before it can be recognized as aneconomically significant resource with an exceptional energy potential. The project is devoted to the preparationof new catalysts for the effective hydrogen evolution from water. The porous carbon fibers modified with metallicnanoparticles and metallic phosphide nanoparticles will be prepared by needle-less elektrospinning technologyfrom the free surface of polymers, to catalyze the production of hydrogen at low overpotential.The outcomes ofthe project will be design of a compact electrode composed of modified carbon fibers that would effectivelycatalyse hydrogen evolution.
Duration: 1.1.2020 – 31.12.2022
Príprava a vývoj nanokryštalického kompozitu na báze Cu určeného pre vysokoteplotné aplikácie
Preparation and development of nanocrystalline Cu-based composite for high-temperature applications
Program: VEGA
Project leader: doc. Ing. Milkovič Ondrej, PhD.
Duration: 1.1.2019 – 31.12.2021
SEMOD-75 – Nanokompozitný materiál pre balistickú ochranu
Nanocomposite material for balistic protection
Program: Other projects
Project leader: Ing. Puchý Viktor, PhD.
Duration: 1.5.2019 – 31.8.2021
AddArmy – Prídavná flexibilná balistická nanokompozitná ochrana horných a dolných končatín
Program: Other projects
Project leader: Ing. Puchý Viktor, PhD.
Duration: 1.3.2023 – 0.0.0000