Vývoj a charakterizácia biokeramických systémov modifikovaných termosetovými biopolymérmi | |
Development and characterization of bioceramic systems modified by thermosetting biopolymers | |
Program: | Mobility |
Project leader: | RNDr. Sopčák Tibor, PhD. |
Annotation: | Development of biomaterials consisting of bioceramics as matrix enriched with various polymers is a long-standing challenge when preparing synthetic bone substitutes. The combination of both materials can serve several purposes: the inorganic ceramic phase ensures the outstanding bioactivity, osteoconductivity and osteoinductivity, while the polymer component is responsible for the enhanced mechanical reinforcement and improved biodegradation. In view of above, the present project will be oriented towards the production and characterization of bioceramic systems modified with a thermoset biopolymer coating. A great emphasis will be givenon the synthesis of polyol citrate thermosetting polymers and their effective incorporation on the surface of bioceramic matrix. Beside that, a detailed analysis of the effect of polymer addition on the microstructural, phase, mechanical, and in-vitro cellular properties of bioceramic systems will be thoroughly studied using several characterization techniques. It is anticipated, that our results shouldexpand knowledge in the field of polymer/bioceramic composites and will provide useful directions in their further design for potentialuse in biomedicine. |
Duration: | 1.1.2023 – 31.12.2024 |
Vplyv prídavku terpénových silíc na vlastnosti biokompozitov určených na regeneráciu tvrdých tkanív | |
Effect of terpene essential oils addition on the properties of biocomposites used for hard tissue recovery | |
Program: | VEGA |
Project leader: | RNDr. Sopčák Tibor, PhD. |
Annotation: | Development of biomaterials with antimicrobial properties is a highly topical issue to prevent the risk of infections after surgery. Terpenes are natural bioactive compounds present in essential oils with a significant therapeutic effects. They exhibit excellent antibacterial, antifungal and anti-inflammatory properties. However, disadvantages are high volatility, hydrophobicity and intense odor which hampers their direct application. Incorporation of essential oils into polymers is an effective method to increase hydrophilicity and stability of system with the simultaneous reducing of volatility. The aim of the project will be the stabilization of terpenes through a polymeric elastomer encapsulation, preparation and characterization of biocomposites consisting of matrix (biocement, bioceramic) modified with polymer coatings. The main task will be the production of biomaterial with better physico-chemical properties compared to individual components with potential application as hard tissue replacements. |
Duration: | 1.1.2024 – 31.12.2026 |
VEGA – Kalcium fosfátové biocementy s biologicky aktívnou kvapalnou zložkou | |
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Program: | VEGA |
Project leader: | MVDr. Giretová Mária, PhD. |
Duration: | 1.1.2023 – 31.12.2025 |
HERO – Elektrokatalyzátory pre efektívnu produkciu vodíka pre budúce elektrolyzéry a palivové články | |
Hydrogen evolution electrocatalysts for future electrolyser and fuel cells | |
Program: | SRDA |
Project leader: | RNDr. Strečková Magdaléna, PhD. |
Annotation: | The development of activities in the field of hydrogen technologies was also supported by the EuropeanCommission in the strategic document "Hydrogen Strategy for a Climate Neutral Europe". Today, Slovakia hassuggested own national hydrogen strategy. Already in 2015, the National Hydrogen Association has founded tosupport research, implementation and use of hydrogen technologies. The Hydrogen Technology Center is beingestablished in Košice with the main "Power-to-Gas" concept using renewable power energy sources with nonegative impact on human life and without dependence on fossil fuels. A significant source of hydrogen is waterand the electrolysis of water is the most promising technology for hydrogen production. However, before it can berecognized as an economically significant resource for large scale application with an exceptional energy potential,the simple, efficient, and secure methods of hydrogen retrieval have to be developed. For the time being, the mostefficient electrocatalysts in terms of overpotential for hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) are noble metals.Unfortunately the high cost and scarcity of noble metals motivate the scientists to find the rival low-costalternatives. Intrinsic structures of TMP meet the criteria of outstanding electrocatalysts that could further improve their HER performance in membrane electrode assembly. Excellent dispersity of electrocatalysts allows full use ofactive sites on catalysts to participate in electrode reaction to improve the electrocatalytic efficiency. Therefore, themain challenge in this project is to reduce the production cost of HER and at the same time to maintain the highefficiency of polymer electrode water electrolysis. Substantial aim of the project will be devoted to improve the PEM water electrolysis components mainly electrode materials based on modified carbon fibers electrocatalysts result in the technology which should be more approached to commercial markets. |
Duration: | 1.7.2021 – 30.6.2025 |
DEBIORE – Degradovateľné kovové biomateriály s riadeným uvoľňovaním liečiv | |
Degradable metallic biomaterials with controlled drug release | |
Program: | SRDA |
Project leader: | RNDr. Kupková Miriam, CSc. |
Duration: | 1.7.2021 – 31.12.2024 |
Komponat – Kompozitné biomateriály s komplexnými prírodnými aditívami | |
Composite biomaterials with complex natural additives | |
Program: | SRDA |
Project leader: | Ing. Medvecký Ľubomír, DrSc. |
Annotation: | The project is focused on the research of modified and new types of composite biocements with complex natural additives, which will self-hardened as well as injectable according to the need for use and will be characterized by high bioactivity and biocompatibility with bone tissue. In principle, the preparation of composite biocement systems is applied in combination with complex natural additives without specific extraction of selected groups of compounds from natural products what preserves the simplicity of preparation, cheap final form of biomaterial as well as the "green principle" of their nature, composition and response. Composite biocements will be used inorthopedics (treatment of bone and osteochondral defects and fractures) as well as in the reconstruction of bone injuries in the facial part or as filling cements in dentistry. |
Duration: | 1.7.2021 – 30.6.2024 |
Kompozitné systémy na báze bioelastomérov a bioaktívnych fáz | |
Composite systems based on bioelastomers and bioactive phases | |
Program: | VEGA |
Project leader: | RNDr. Sopčák Tibor, PhD. |
Annotation: | As the population continues to grow, so does the number of surgeries in various fields of medicine, including reconstructive surgery and regenerative medicine. This implies a need for a research of such biomaterials that will closely mimic the structure of the original tissue. The present project will aim to address the issues related to the currently used bone implants, i.e. low mechanical properties with the simultaneous maintenance of their biological properties. The production of composite systems based on bioelastomers and bioactive phases in the form of bioceramics or cements is expected to take advantage of both components with the outstanding bioactivity, self-setting and handling properties of cements along with excellent elastic properties, mechanical reinforcement and improved biodegradation offered by elastomers. A great emphasis will be given on the production of glycerol carboxylate polyesters and their effective incorporation into the bioactive matrix. |
Duration: | 1.1.2021 – 31.12.2023 |
Kompozitné horčíkovo-vápenato fosforečné biocementy s prídavkom koloidného oxidu kremičitého | |
Composite magnesium-calcium phosphate biocements with addition of colloidal silicon dioxide | |
Program: | VEGA |
Project leader: | Ing. Štulajterová Radoslava, PhD. |
Annotation: | The project is focused on the research and development of composite calcium phosphate biocements containing magnesium and colloidal silica particles, which represents an improvement in particular, in the viscositycharacteristics of cement pastes. The intention is that the addition of colloidal SiO2 will contribute to a fastertransformation of calcium phosphate biocement to calcium deficient hydroxyapatite and change or improving the biocement characteristics, which are important in bone reconstruction. Resulting biocement system should haveenhanced mechanical strength that would be sustained over a longer time period during soaking in body fluids and should positively affect bioresorption with an active influence on specific cell lineages. |
Duration: | 1.1.2020 – 31.12.2022 |
VIFKDBB – Výskum inovatívnych foriem liečenia kostných defektov prepojením bioaktívnych biomateriálov s autológnymi rastovými faktormi | |
Research of innovative forms treatment of bone defects by joining bioactive biomaterials and autologous growth factors | |
Program: | Vedecko-technické projekty |
Project leader: | Ing. Medvecký Ľubomír, DrSc. |
Duration: | 15.12.2018 – 14.12.2021 |
INJEHYB – Injektovateľné hybridné kompozitné biocementy | |
Injectable hybrid composite biocements | |
Program: | SRDA |
Project leader: | Ing. Medvecký Ľubomír, DrSc. |
Annotation: | Project is focused on synthesis, preparation and characterization of modified and novel types of injectable hybridbiocements with high bioactivity, structure and chemical biocompatibility with required properties for medicalapplications. Above biomaterials will have widely utilization in orthopeadics (therapy of bone defects andfractures, stabilization of endoprosthesis etc.), for reconstruction of bone injuries in maxillofacial region and like bioactive adhezive cements in dentistry. |
Duration: | 1.8.2018 – 30.6.2021 |