

DuplexCER – Vysoko odolná duplexná keramika pre efektívne obrábanie niklových superzliatin
High performance duplex ceramics for efficient maschining of nickel superalloysd
Program: ERANET
Project leader: prof. RNDr. Dusza Ján, DrSc.
Duration: 1.6.2022 – 31.5.2025
DURACER – Odolné keramické kompozity so supertvrdými časticami pre obrábacie nástroje so zvýšenou odolnosťou voči opotrebeniu
Durable ceramics composites with superhard particles for wear-resistant cutting tools
Program: ERANET
Project leader: prof. RNDr. Dusza Ján, DrSc.
Duration: 1.7.2018 – 30.6.2021
CERANEA – Multifunkčné hrubé povlaky keramika-grafén pre perspektívne aplikácie
Multifunctional Ceramic/Graphene Thick Coatings for New Emerging Application
Program: ERANET
Project leader: prof. RNDr. Dusza Ján, DrSc.
Duration: 1.1.2018 – 31.12.2020


Program: Intra-constitutional
Project leader: Ing. Sedlák Richard, PhD.
NEOCAR – Ultra-vysokoteplotné karbidy so zvýšenou oxidačnou odolnosťou
Novel enhanced oxidation-resistant ultra-high temperature carbides
Program: SRDA
Project leader: Ing. Kovalčíková Alexandra, PhD.
Duration: 1.7.2023 – 30.6.2027
Com-Cer – Vývoj nových keramických materiálov komplexného zloženia pre extrémne aplikácie
Development of new compositionally-complex ceramics for extreme applications
Program: SRDA
Project leader: Ing. Kovalčíková Alexandra, PhD.
Duration: 1.7.2022 – 30.6.2026
HaTo-Coat – Tvrdé a húževnaté vrstvy na báze boridov a nitridov pripravené progresívnymi PVD technikami
Hard and tough boride and nitride-based coatings prepared by advanced PVD techniques
Program: SRDA
Project leader: doc. RNDr. Lofaj František, DrSc.
Annotation: The project aims at the increase of fracture toughness of thin hard PVD boride- and nitride based coatings deposited using advance sputtering techniques including HiPPMS and HiTUS while keeping their high thermal and oxidation resistance by means of employment of the intrinsic and extrinsic factors. The main idea is based on a „new design“ of hard coatings including simultaneous contribution from the modification of chemical composition, morphology and structure of the coatings via exploitation of the potential of structure control provide by HiPPMS and HiTUS technologies with high level of sputtered material ionization and high density of working gas plasma, respectively. Both technologies result in the coatings with high densities and allow us to modify the nanostructures, size of the nanocrystallites, modify chemical composition etc. and subsequently, to obtain different physical properties of the coatings. The activities of the project are focused on the development of transition metals-based boride and nitride coatings with improved mechanical (hardness > 30 GPa) and tribological properties (coefficient of friction < 0.3) for extreme conditions (> 1000°C, aggressive oxidation environment, etc.). The main effort will be oriented toward the elimination of the main drawbacks of hard coatings, i.e. toward the increase of their inherently low fracture toughness and increase of their oxidation resistance without hampering their hardness via understanding of the mechanisms of nanostructure evolution, decomposition of the high entropy multicomponent solid solutions, formation of stable phases and their relationships to mechanical and tribological properties. The research activities include also the correlations of the experimental results with the ab initio predictions based on theoretical models related to atomic structure and electronic configuration of the studied systems.
Duration: 1.7.2022 – 30.6.2025
ADHEC – Nové vysokoentropické keramické materiály pre pokročilé aplikácie
New high-entropy ceramic materials for advanced applications
Program: SRDA
Project leader: prof. RNDr. Dusza Ján, DrSc.
Duration: 1.8.2020 – 30.6.2024
HEMBO – Štruktúra a vlastnosti reaktívne spekaných vysoko entropických kovových diboridov
Structure and poroiperties of reactively sintered high-entropy metal diborides
Program: SRDA
Project leader: Ing. Sedlák Richard, PhD.
Duration: 1.2.2022 – 31.12.2023
Vývoj vysokoteplotných materiálov na báze boridov a karbidov s prídavkom grafénových platničiek pripravených progresívnymi metódami spekania
Development of high-temperature composite materials based on borides and carbides with the addition of graphene platelets prepared by progressive sintering methods
Program: VEGA
Project leader: Ing. Sedlák Richard, PhD.
Duration: 1.1.2021 – 31.12.2023
AdArmy – Prídavná flexibilná balistická nanokompozitná ochrana horných a doných končatín
Program: Other projects
Project leader: Ing. Puchý Viktor, PhD.
Duration: 1.1.2023 – 30.11.2023
FotDekont – Progresívne fotokatalytické materiály pre biologickú a chemickú dekontamináciu
Program: Other projects
Project leader: Mgr. Shepa Ivan, PhD.
Duration: 7.2.2023 – 30.11.2023
CEDITEKII – Rozvoj a podpora výskumno – vývojových aktivít Centra pre testovanie kvality a diagnostiku materiálov v oblastiach špecializácie RIS3 SK
Advancement and support of R&D for "Centre for diagnostics and quality testing of materials" in the domains of the RIS3 SK specialization
Program: Štrukturálne fondy EÚ Výskum a inovácie
Project leader: prof. RNDr. Dusza Ján, DrSc.
Duration: 1.1.2019 – 30.6.2023
Vysokoteplotné vlastnosti boridových MeB2 (Me = Ti, Zr, Hf) keramických kompozitných materiálov
High-temperature properties of diboride MeB2 (Me = Ti, Zr, Hf) ceramic composite materials
Program: VEGA
Project leader: Ing. Kovalčíková Alexandra, PhD.
Duration: 1.1.2020 – 31.12.2022
PyrMat – Vývoj žiaruvzdorných pyrochlórnych fáz pre vysokoteplotné aplikácie neeoxidovej keramiky
Development of refractory pyrochlore phases for high temperature applications of non-oxide ceramics
Program: SRDA
Project leader: prof. RNDr. Dusza Ján, DrSc.
Duration: 1.7.2018 – 30.6.2022
Vplyv kontinuálneho a pulzujúceho kvapalinového prúdu na mikroštruktúru, vlastnosti a integritu v materiáloch.
Effect of continual and pulsating fluid jet on microstructure, properties and integrity on materials
Program: VEGA
Project leader: doc. RNDr. Hvizdoš Pavol, DrSc.
Annotation: The project is focused on the experimental observation and assessment of the interaction of continuous and pulsating liquid jet with and pulsating water jet with frequency of 20 kHz with material. The energy of the water stream at the site of action releases the mass and causes elastic or plastic deformation, thereby initiating dynamic physical phenomena. These phenomena are manifested in the form of periodic, continuous but non-homogeneous manifestations of vibrational and acoustic emission and their subsequent dynamic manifestations in a wide frequency spectrum. The ongoing disintegration process deforms the wave – changing its shape. An analysis of the waveform change can be identified in the elastic and plastic regions. Through the dynamic signal timing, the process of interaction of the water stream with the material can be controlled, resulting in improved mechanical resistance of the surface layer, controlled change of the microstructure, elimination of delamination and residual stresses.
Duration: 1.1.2018 – 31.12.2021
SEMOD-75 – Nanokompozitný materiál pre balistickú ochranu
Nanocomposite material for balistic protection
Program: Other projects
Project leader: Ing. Puchý Viktor, PhD.
Duration: 1.5.2019 – 31.8.2021
Štúdium javu tvarovej pamäti a príbuzných javov v keramických systémoch.
Study of shape memory effect and related phenomena in ceramics.
Program: VEGA
Project leader: Ing. Vojtko Marek, PhD.
Duration: 1.1.2018 – 31.12.2020
Vývoj nano/mikrovlákien na báze oxidov kovov metódou elektrostatického zvlákňovania pre špeciálne technické aplikácie
Development of nano/microfibers based on metal oxides by needle-less electrospinning for special technical applications
Program: VEGA
Project leader: Ing. Múdra Erika, PhD.
Duration: 1.1.2018 – 31.12.2020
Extremecer – Keramické materiály pre použitie v extrémnych podmienkach
Ceramic materials for extreme operating conditions
Program: SRDA
Project leader: prof. RNDr. Dusza Ján, DrSc.
Duration: 1.7.2016 – 30.6.2020
ProCor – Kompozitné vrstvy pre vysokoteplotnú protikoróznu ochranu kovov
Advanced composite coatings for high temperature corrosion protection of metals
Program: SRDA
Project leader: doc. RNDr. Hvizdoš Pavol, DrSc.
Annotation: Extension of lifetime and enhancing the thermal stability of steel used for construction of exhaust pipes, heat exchangers in waste incinerators, and casting and melting aggregates in steel and glass production can be achieved via suitable anti-corrosion coatings. The aim of this project is development of new types of composite anti-corrosion protective layers, based on ceramics prepared by controlled pyrolysis of organosilicon precursors. The use of organosilicon precursors facilitates application of conventional coating technologies, such as spray and dip-coating, with subsequent pyrolysis and conversion of the precursor to amorphous ceramics. Increased thermal stability, corrosion resistance, and minimisation of volume changes related to conversion of the organic precursor to ceramics will be achieved through the addition of suitable active and passive oxide glass fillers prepared by flame synthesis in the form of microspheres.The flame synthesis facilitates the preparation of glasses with high melting point, which ensures increase of the maximum operation temperature of the coating up to 1400 oC, as well as increased oxidation and corrosion resistance of prepared coatings, optimum compatibility of the filler with ceramic matrix and metallic substrate and, due to spherical shape of glass microparticles, also negligible influence on the rheology of the system polymer-filler in the course of coating on metallic substrate.
Duration: 1.7.2016 – 30.6.2020
LuminSion – Fotoluminescenčné keramické materiály na báze oxynitridov kremíka
Silicon oxynitride-based photoluminecent ceramic materials
Program: SRDA
Project leader: prof. RNDr. Dusza Ján, DrSc.
Duration: 1.7.2015 – 30.6.2019
Vplyv rozhrania keramika-uhlíkové nanoštruktúry na mechanické vlastnosti kompozitov s keramickou matricou
The effect of the ceramic/carbon nanostructures interface on the mechanical properties of ceramic matrix composites
Program: VEGA
Project leader: Mgr. Tatarková Monika, PhD.
Duration: 1.1.2015 – 31.12.2017
AddArmy – Prídavná flexibilná balistická nanokompozitná ochrana horných a dolných končatín
Program: Other projects
Project leader: Ing. Puchý Viktor, PhD.
Duration: 1.3.2023 – 0.0.0000