

V4-JAPAN – Vývoj pokročilých horčíkových zliatin pre multifunkčné aplikácie v extrémnych prostrediach
Development of Advanced Magnesium Alloys for Multifunctional Applications in Extreme Environments
Program: International Visegrad Fund (IVF)
Project leader: doc. RNDr. Lofaj František, DrSc.
Duration: 1.11.2021 – 31.10.2024
NICRE – Inovatívne Ni-Cr-Re povlaky so zvýšenou odolnosťou voči korózii a erózii pre vysokoteplotné aplikácie v energetike
Innovative Ni-Cr-Re coatings with enhanced corrosion and erosion resistance for high temperature applications in power generation industry
Program: ERANET
Project leader: prof. RNDr. Dusza Ján, DrSc.
Duration: 1.9.2017 – 31.8.2020
LightMat4Space – Materiál pre vesmírne aplikácie na báze ľahkého nanokryštalického hliníka (modelovanie a verifikácia technológie)
Leightweight nanocrystalline aluminium based material for space applications (modeling and technology verification)
Program: ERANET
Project leader: doc. RNDr. Lofaj František, DrSc.
Annotation: The aim of the proposed project is to develop lightweight structural material based on nc-Al with deposited gradient hydrogenated C-coating with high wear and contact fatigue resistance under cryogenic conditions for space applications (e.g. gear boxes in extraterrestrial vehicles). The originality of the main idea of the project is in the combination of a novel lightweight and high strength Core/Shell Precipitate (C/S) hardened nc-Al alloys with C-coatings which will result in the improvement of wear and fatigue resistance of the alloy in cryogenic conditions and ultrahigh vacuum.
Duration: 1.10.2015 – 30.9.2017
GRACE – Kompozity keramika-grafénové platničky pre využitie v tribologických systémoch pracujúcich vo vodnom prostredí
Graphene-ceramic composites for tribological application in aqueous environments
Program: ERANET
Project leader: prof. RNDr. Dusza Ján, DrSc.
Duration: 1.9.2014 – 31.8.2017
INNVIN – Inovatívne materiálové riešenia pre oblasť dopravy, energie a biomedicíny pomocou posilnenia integrácie a zvýšenia dynamiky výskumu v KMM-VIN
Innovative materials solutions for Transport, Energy and Biomedical sectors by strengthening integration and enhancing research dynamics of KMM-VIN
Program: FP7
Project leader: prof. RNDr. Dusza Ján, DrSc.
Duration: 1.2.2012 – 31.1.2015
Kompozity anorganických nanotrubičiek a polymérov
Composites of inorganic nanotubes and polymers
Program: COST
Project leader: prof. RNDr. Dusza Ján, DrSc.
Duration: 5.2.2012 – 5.11.2013
ISWA – Ponorenie sa do sveta vedy prostredníctvom umenia
Immersion in the Science Worlds through the Arts
Program: FP7
Project leader: prof. RNDr. Dusza Ján, DrSc.
Duration: 1.3.2011 – 28.2.2013
Tribologické vlastnosti keramických nanoštruktúrnych kompozitov
Tribological properties of ceramic nanostructured composites
Program: COST
Project leader: doc. RNDr. Hvizdoš Pavol, DrSc.
Duration: 1.1.2008 – 31.12.2012
INTEG-RISK – Včasné zistenie, monitorovanie a integrovaný manažment rizík prinášaných s novými technológiami
Early recognition, monitoring and integrated management of emerging, new technology related risks
Program: FP7
Project leader: prof. RNDr. Dusza Ján, DrSc.
Duration: 1.11.2008 – 31.10.2012
HANCOC – Tvrdé nanokompozitné povlaky
Hard nanocomposite coatings
Program: FP7
Project leader: prof. RNDr. Dusza Ján, DrSc.
Duration: 1.1.2009 – 31.12.2011
DEMATEN – Posilnenie výskumného potenciálu oddelenia pre materiálové inžinierstvo
Reinforcement of research potential of the Department of Materials Engineering in the field of processing and characterization of nanostructured materials
Program: FP7
Project leader: prof. RNDr. Dusza Ján, DrSc.
Duration: 1.5.2008 – 30.4.2011
SERS štúdia štruktúry supertvrdých nanoštruktúrnych WC/C povlakov
SERS study of the structure of the superhard nanocomposite WC/C coatings
Program: Inter-academic agreement
Project leader: doc. RNDr. Lofaj František, DrSc.
Duration: 1.8.2008 – 30.9.2010
IMPROVING – Posilnenie výskumných kapacít Ústavu materiálového výskumu v Košiciach
Improving the research capacity of the Institute of materials research in Košice
Program: FP7
Project leader: prof. RNDr. Dusza Ján, DrSc.
Duration: 1.3.2009 – 28.2.2010


VEGA – Vplyv prídavkov Nb a V na vysokoteplotnú stabilitu a mechanické vlastnosti multikomponentných Ti-Ta-Zr-Hf-Me-N povlakov (Me= Nb, V), pripravených reakčným DC magnetrónovým naprašovaním a HiTUS technológiou
Program: VEGA
Project leader: Ing. Kvetková Lenka, PhD.
Duration: 1.1.2023 – 31.12.2025
HaTo-Coat – Tvrdé a húževnaté vrstvy na báze boridov a nitridov pripravené progresívnymi PVD technikami
Hard and tough boride and nitride-based coatings prepared by advanced PVD techniques
Program: SRDA
Project leader: doc. RNDr. Lofaj František, DrSc.
Annotation: The project aims at the increase of fracture toughness of thin hard PVD boride- and nitride based coatings deposited using advance sputtering techniques including HiPPMS and HiTUS while keeping their high thermal and oxidation resistance by means of employment of the intrinsic and extrinsic factors. The main idea is based on a „new design“ of hard coatings including simultaneous contribution from the modification of chemical composition, morphology and structure of the coatings via exploitation of the potential of structure control provide by HiPPMS and HiTUS technologies with high level of sputtered material ionization and high density of working gas plasma, respectively. Both technologies result in the coatings with high densities and allow us to modify the nanostructures, size of the nanocrystallites, modify chemical composition etc. and subsequently, to obtain different physical properties of the coatings. The activities of the project are focused on the development of transition metals-based boride and nitride coatings with improved mechanical (hardness > 30 GPa) and tribological properties (coefficient of friction < 0.3) for extreme conditions (> 1000°C, aggressive oxidation environment, etc.). The main effort will be oriented toward the elimination of the main drawbacks of hard coatings, i.e. toward the increase of their inherently low fracture toughness and increase of their oxidation resistance without hampering their hardness via understanding of the mechanisms of nanostructure evolution, decomposition of the high entropy multicomponent solid solutions, formation of stable phases and their relationships to mechanical and tribological properties. The research activities include also the correlations of the experimental results with the ab initio predictions based on theoretical models related to atomic structure and electronic configuration of the studied systems.
Duration: 1.7.2022 – 30.6.2025
FotDekont – Progresívne fotokatalytické materiály pre biologickú a chemickú dekontamináciu
Program: Other projects
Project leader: Mgr. Shepa Ivan, PhD.
Duration: 7.2.2023 – 30.11.2023
CEDITEKII – Rozvoj a podpora výskumno – vývojových aktivít Centra pre testovanie kvality a diagnostiku materiálov v oblastiach špecializácie RIS3 SK
Advancement and support of R&D for "Centre for diagnostics and quality testing of materials" in the domains of the RIS3 SK specialization
Program: Štrukturálne fondy EÚ Výskum a inovácie
Project leader: prof. RNDr. Dusza Ján, DrSc.
Duration: 1.1.2019 – 30.6.2023
WLEDMat – Nové sklené a sklokeramické fosfory na báze hlinitanov vzácnych zemín pre aplikácie v pevnolátkových energiu šetriacich svetelných zdrojoch vyžarujúcich biele svetlo (pc-WLED diódy).
Novel glass and glass-ceramic rare-earth aluminates-based phosphors for energy-saving solid state lighting sources emitting white light (pc-WLEDs).
Program: SRDA
Project leader: doc. RNDr. Lofaj František, DrSc.
Annotation: The project is focused on research and development of novel glass and glass-ceramic rare-earth aluminatesbasedluminescent materials for white light-emitting diodes (pc-WLED), especially materials with efficient redemission, which could improve CRI index compared to the known commercially produced phosphors. Phosphorswill be prepared in the form of glass microbeads. The structure of undoped alumninate glasses in the systemAl2O3-RE2O3 will be studied by spectroscopic methods. Thermal properties and kinetics of crystallization will bealso studied. In order to preparer glass-ceramics materials with required properties, the conditions ofcrystallization process will be investigated and optimized. Photoluminescence properties of glass and glassceramicrare-earth and transition metal ions doped materials will be studied in detail. Special attention will bepaid to study of relations between luminescent properties of materials and their structure and morphology. Infinal stage of the project, the composite PiG materials (Phosphor in Glass) will be prepared and characterized asthin plates suitable for direct application onto excitation LED chip. A LED diode emitting white light/warm whitelight will be contracted using the LED chip with suitable excitation wavelength in the NUV spectral range andprepared PiG composite with optimised thickness, so that optimal emission characteristic will be achieved.
Duration: 1.8.2018 – 31.7.2022
eCHALCO – Štúdium procesov vyvolaných elektrónovým zväzkom a elektromagnetickým žiarením v chalkogenidových sklách
Investigation of phenomena induced by electron beam and electromagnetic radiation in chalcogenide glasses
Program: SRDA
Project leader: doc. RNDr. Lofaj František, DrSc.
Annotation: e-CHALCO project aims to study the interaction of the electron beam and electromagnetic radiation withsurfaces of thin films from chalcogenide glasses. In this area, we have reported recently results that lead tofundamental understanding of the phenomena induced by local interaction of electric charge andelectromagnetic radiation with these materials. In this project, we plan to continue in more systematic and deeperstudy of the effects induced during local perturbation of these materials, which can lead to local deformation,change in the chemical composition, phase transitions and charge persistence and accumulation using the latestmicroscopic, spectroscopic and diffraction techniques. We also focus on the investigation of influence ofexperimental parameters such as charge deposition lattice period, accelerating voltage, layer thickness, andcomposition of glass for the observed effects. Opportunities to prepare mesoscopic and nanoscopic structureswill lead to new applications of these materials in nanotechnology, for example, in fabrication of nanoemitters, incatalysis and in fabrication of probes for scanning probe microscopy and in technologies for recording andstoring information.
Duration: 1.8.2018 – 31.7.2022
ZELASHYK – Zvyšovanie efektívnosti lisovania a spájania dielov hybridných karosérií
Increasing the efficiency of forming and joining parts of hybrid car bodies
Program: SRDA
Project leader: RNDr. Džupon Miroslav, PhD.
Annotation: Nowadays, there is a characteristic continual pressure on the emission reduction produced by the cars. Onepossible way to reduce the amount of emissions produced by the automobiles is the reduction of the bodyweight. The weight of the automobile could be reduced through the hybrid car body, which consists of differentmaterials based on the light alloys, composite materials and high-strength steel sheets. Solutions related to suchhybrid car body designs must be addressed in to the forming, but also to the joining of the individual parts ofsuch multi-material conception. The aim of the project is the optimization of the forming conditions of aluminiumalloy sheets and high-strength steel sheets to increase the process efficiency. The appropriate joining techniquewill be proposed based on the results of the analyses of the stress-strain states of the formed parts. Acomparison of strength and load-bearing capacity of the joints after different intensity of deformation and stressstrainstates will be the assumed result. Effective and innovative methods of joining of aluminium and highstrengthsteel sheets after different intensity of deformation and stress-strain states will be assessed. The resultsobtained from the optimization of the joining process of the materials made of ferrous and non-ferrous metals willallow the strength of joints to be increased.
Duration: 1.7.2018 – 31.5.2022
HECC – Viackomponentné keramické povlaky s vysokou entropiou pripravené iónovým naprašovaním
Multicomponent high entropy ceramic coatings prepared by ionized sputtering (HECC)
Program: VEGA
Project leader: doc. RNDr. Lofaj František, DrSc.
Annotation: The proposed project deals with the understanding of the processes of structure development of novel multicomponent ceramic coatings with high entropy and extraordinary high temperature properties during deposition by HiPIMS a HiTUS sputtering methods with the aim to determine the relationships among deposition conditions and final properties of coatings and their control to improve coating properties at high temperatures. The basis for the preparation of ceramic coatings will be quaternary and more-component high entropy systems based on Hf, Zr, Ta and Nb metals from which high entropy nitride, carbide or boride coatings will be deposited using reactive sputtering in the Ar atmosphere with nitrogen, hydrocarbons or boron co-deposition, respectively.
Duration: 1.1.2019 – 31.12.2021
MiCOAT – Multikomponentné boridové a nitridové PVD povlaky pre ultravysokoteplotné aplikácie
Multicomponent boride and nitride coatings for ultrahigh temperature applications
Program: SRDA
Project leader: doc. RNDr. Lofaj František, DrSc.
Annotation: The proposed project deals with an experimental development of principally new hard coatings based on nitridesand borides with stable structure and excellent mechanical properties up to temperatures approaching 1500°Cand deposited by the novel deposition methods of highly ionized magnetron sputtering. The main idea is thedevelopment of hard high temperature multicomponent nanocomposite coatings originating from the solidsolutions of ternary systems Ti-Al-N, Cr-Al-N, Ta-Al-N, V-Mo-N, TiB2, Ti-B-N, CrB2, TaB2, etc. by doping byadditional transition metals with high melting temperatures (Zr, Hf, Ta, Nb, V, Mo, W, Y, etc.). The main objectiveof work, which is a logical continuation of the previous APVV-14-173 project, is the increase of the temperaturesof the coating structure stability and degradation of mechanical properties well above 1000 oC by means of theunderstanding of the mechanisms of nanostructure formation and decomposition in the high entropymulticomponent solid solutions deposited by novel deposition technologies. The experimental Works will besupported by theoretical ab initio predictions.
Duration: 1.8.2018 – 30.6.2021
Štúdium javu tvarovej pamäti a príbuzných javov v keramických systémoch.
Study of shape memory effect and related phenomena in ceramics.
Program: VEGA
Project leader: Ing. Vojtko Marek, PhD.
Duration: 1.1.2018 – 31.12.2020
ProCor – Kompozitné vrstvy pre vysokoteplotnú protikoróznu ochranu kovov
Advanced composite coatings for high temperature corrosion protection of metals
Program: SRDA
Project leader: doc. RNDr. Hvizdoš Pavol, DrSc.
Annotation: Extension of lifetime and enhancing the thermal stability of steel used for construction of exhaust pipes, heat exchangers in waste incinerators, and casting and melting aggregates in steel and glass production can be achieved via suitable anti-corrosion coatings. The aim of this project is development of new types of composite anti-corrosion protective layers, based on ceramics prepared by controlled pyrolysis of organosilicon precursors. The use of organosilicon precursors facilitates application of conventional coating technologies, such as spray and dip-coating, with subsequent pyrolysis and conversion of the precursor to amorphous ceramics. Increased thermal stability, corrosion resistance, and minimisation of volume changes related to conversion of the organic precursor to ceramics will be achieved through the addition of suitable active and passive oxide glass fillers prepared by flame synthesis in the form of microspheres.The flame synthesis facilitates the preparation of glasses with high melting point, which ensures increase of the maximum operation temperature of the coating up to 1400 oC, as well as increased oxidation and corrosion resistance of prepared coatings, optimum compatibility of the filler with ceramic matrix and metallic substrate and, due to spherical shape of glass microparticles, also negligible influence on the rheology of the system polymer-filler in the course of coating on metallic substrate.
Duration: 1.7.2016 – 30.6.2020
Vplyv grafénu na tribologické vlastnosti keramických materiálov na báze karbidov a boridov
The influence of graphene platelets addition on tribological properties of ceramic composites based on carbides and borides.
Program: VEGA
Project leader: Ing. Kovalčíková Alexandra, PhD.
Duration: 1.1.2017 – 31.12.2019
LuminSion – Fotoluminescenčné keramické materiály na báze oxynitridov kremíka
Silicon oxynitride-based photoluminecent ceramic materials
Program: SRDA
Project leader: prof. RNDr. Dusza Ján, DrSc.
Duration: 1.7.2015 – 30.6.2019
MODIFAZ – Výskum modifikácie fázových rozhraní v systéme povlak/podložka na zvýšenie adhézie tvrdých povlakov
Research of the coating/substrate interphase modification to increase hard coating adhesion
Program: SRDA
Project leader: doc. RNDr. Lofaj František, DrSc.
Annotation: In the last decade, hard coatings based on nitrides or carbonitrides of transition metals play significant role inincreasing the lifetime of the cutting and forming tools, but also in specific products of mobile devices. The mainrequirement for this type of material is high hardness and abrasion resistance. However, in the case of dynamicloading and frequent alternation of heat cycles, the adhesion of the coating to the substrate is the decisive factor.The project is just focused to this area with the main aim to find and optimize physical processes to enhance theadhesion ability of selected types of coatings and create a mathematical model that could describe the physicalprocesses involved. The specific goal is to verify the influence of the initial state of the substrate surface prior tothe coatings deposition both in terms of structural, thermal and deformation characteristics of thecoatingsubstrate phase interface. Different methods for cleaning of substrates, surface exposition and depositiontechnologies will be utilized for these tasks. The techniques of plasma, magnetron and ion sputtering as well ascathodic arc evaporation will be mainly used. The experimental methods such as electron microscopy, X-raydiffraction analysis, Auger electron spectroscopy and optical emission spectroscopy as well as a special ionbeam/ matter interaction based techniques (RBS, PIXE) will be utilized for the study and explanation of processes that could occur at the coating/substrate phase interface. The method of FEM will be used for theclarification of effects of both internal and residual stresses to the coating/substrate interface character. Theoutput will be a comprehensive analysis of the influence of individual parameters of used processes onincreasing of interface adhesion and drafting the proposals for their applications in the preparation of hardcoatings with enhanced exploitative properties.
Duration: 1.7.2016 – 30.6.2019
Deformačné a lomové vlastnosti keramických materiálov na nano a mikro úrovni
Deformation and fracture properties of ceramic materials in micro/nano scale
Program: VEGA
Project leader: prof. RNDr. Dusza Ján, DrSc.
Annotation: Project deals with acquirement and application of progressive testing methods for study of deformation and fracture properties of ceramics in micro/nano scale. The project focuses on sintered carbides WC-Co, ceramic materials Si3N4 a ZrB2 and others, which are prepared by spark plasma sintering. The main contribution of the project is the understanding of the newest testing methods, clarification of relationship between the structure (crystallographic orientation of single grains, grain boundaries) and micro/nano mechanical and fracture properties (hardness, strength, Young´s modulus, Yield stress, indentation creep, scratch resistance) of selected ceramic materials.
Duration: 1.1.2016 – 31.12.2018
ZKVAVESE – Zvýšenie kvality výstrižkov a efektívnosti strihania elektroplechov
Increasing the quality of cut-outs and effectiveness of cutting electric sheets
Program: SRDA
Project leader: RNDr. Džupon Miroslav, PhD.
Annotation: Electric tractions (motors) are inseparable part of many devices from the motor for home appliances through theelectric motors for machines and equipment to electric motors for electric vehicles. Most of these motors consistof the rotor and stator, which are based on the cut-outs from electrical sheets. The cut-outs are joined into therotor and stator bundles. When making the bundles, the important factor is the quality of cutting surface, whichalso influences the additional operations. It also has a significant effect on the quality parameters of electricmotors (size of losses by engine heating). The proposed project has the ambition to solve the optimization of thequality of cutting existing and new developed electrical sheets in context of the expected development ofproduction of electric vehicles. The base of the experimental part is the verification of new tool materials(including uncoated ones) for the production of the active parts of cutting tools for the purpose of increasing thequality of cutting surface and tool life and thereby increasing the efficiency of production of cut-outs fromelectrical sheets.
Duration: 1.7.2015 – 30.6.2018
MICONA – Multikomponentné nanokompozitné povlaky pripravené vysokoionizovanými depozičnými technológiami
Multicomponent nanocomposite coatings prepared by highly ionized deposition technologies
Program: SRDA
Project leader: doc. RNDr. Lofaj František, DrSc.
Annotation: Project is focused on the application of the latest theoretical models for the increase of thermal stability, structural and oxidation resistance, wear resistance, lifetime and toughness in the development of new hard three- and multicomponent nanocomposite coatings based on Ti-, Cr-, Al- and W-nitrides by means of doping by the reactive elements and on the optimization of the newest iPVD processes with the high degree of ionization of the deposited material based on HiPIMS and HiTUS technologies. The main idea is to create new nanostructural systems based on the known 2D and 3D nanocomposite systems (TiB2, Ti-B-N, Ti-Al-N, Cr-Al-N, W-C, W-C-N) doped with additional elements (Ta, V, Y, W, Nb, Si, B a pod.), which will increase toughness and crack resistance of the coatings. They will simultaneously create active barriers supressing oxidation and thus, reduce mechanical properties degradation of the coatings and/or coated substrate at elevated temperatures. The work, which is a direct continuation of the previous project APVV 0520- 10, also involves the investigation of the relationships among the deposition parameters, resulting structure and properties of new systems for hard coatings and basic understanding of the mechanisms of the nanostructure formation, metastable phase decomposition, formation of stable structures, etc. in the case of novel deposition technologies with high degree of ionization of the sputtered material.
Duration: 1.7.2015 – 29.6.2018
Vplyv stupňa ionizácie plazmy na štruktúru a mechanické vlastnosti MeC a MeN (Me=Ti, Cr, W) povlakov pripravovaných vysokoenergetickými pulznými PVD procesmi
The effect of high plasma ionization on structure and mechanical properties of high energy pulsed PVD MeC and MeN (Me=Ti, Cr, W) based coatings
Program: VEGA
Project leader: Ing. Kvetková Lenka, PhD.
Annotation: The project is aimed at the investigation of the fundamental relationships between the degree of ionization and the plasma density, as well as power density on the sputtered target on the microstructure and mechanical properties, such as hardness and tribological properties, of nitride and carbide coatings (TiN, Cr and WC) prepared by the novel HiPIMS and HITUS sputtering methods at temperatures below 200oC. The project includes a comparison of these relations with the results of conventional methods of magnetron sputtering, creation of a database of relationships preparation conditions -microstructure – properties of coatings prepared by these new methods as well as determination of optimum conditions for deposition technology of coatings with reproducible properties
Duration: 1.1.2015 – 31.12.2017
ConCer – Vývoj vodivej keramiky na báze SiC
Development of SiC based conductive ceramics
Program: SRDA
Project leader: doc. RNDr. Hvizdoš Pavol, DrSc.
Duration: 1.10.2013 – 30.9.2017
VEGA – Modelovanie napäťových stavov pri nanoindentácii a mechanickom zaťažení v kompozitných systémoch
Modeling of stress state during nanoindentation and mechanical loading in composite systems (MONACO)
Program: VEGA
Project leader: doc. RNDr. Lofaj František, DrSc.
Annotation: Project deals with the mathematical and experimental modelling of stress states during instrumented indentation and scratch testing under uniaxial – and multiaxial loading of fixed beam in composite systems by means of finite element modeling and experimental testing in model systems. The aim of the project is to create a knowledge basis for the optimization of the conditions for the measurement of nanohardness and scratch resistance of thin hard coatings on hard and soft substrates using instrumented indentation and scratch testing and on the increase of mechanical bonding of beams under loading mimicking bicortical dental implants.
Duration: 1.1.2014 – 31.12.2016
Plazmon – Nanokompozity pre plazmoniku na báze chalkogénnych skiel s kovovými nanočasticami
Chalcogenide glasses/netal nanoparticles nanocomposites for plasmonics
Program: SRDA
Project leader: doc. RNDr. Lofaj František, DrSc.
Annotation: The project is oriented toward the development of a novel types of photosensitive materials for optical sensors that use spontaneous or coherent plasmonic signal generation by metal nanoparticles integrated into the non-oxide glassy film matrix or film/substrate interlayer. The possible role of localized plasmon will be investigated and optimized from the viewpoint of surface relief formation. The planned works include the development of bulk material technology, vacuum thermal deposition of homogeneous and composite layers, their structural characterization by SEM and AFM as well as testing of their mechanical properties using in situ depth-sensing nanoindentation. The basic research will be focused on the study of directed laser processing methods for some selected materials, solving the problems of assembling nanostructures, as well as adjusting them to potential applications in the field of optical sensing in nanoplasmonics.
Duration: 1.9.2015 – 31.12.2016
Lokálne mechanické vlastnosti kostného cementu
Local mechanical properties of bone cement
Program: VEGA
Project leader: doc. RNDr. Hvizdoš Pavol, DrSc.
Annotation: The main purpose of the project is to investigate mechanical properties of bone cement, as well as structuralintegrity and properties of interfaces of bone cement with selected prosthetic materials. The emphasis will be inexperimental studies of hardness and modulus of elasticity of bone cement by means of instrumented indentationand nanoindentation on local micro- and nano-level in relation with parameters of preparation, composition(presence and absence of antibiotics), and with parameters of formed microstructure (grain size, porosity) withaim to understand their influence on the resulting behaviour. Similarly, the cement / prosthesis interfaces will beinvestigated, the mechanical as well as tribological properties will be measured, and their consequnces on themechanical stability of particular joinings will be evaluated.
Duration: 1.1.2013 – 31.12.2015
KoroDENT – Mechanizmy korózie a mikromechanické vlastnosti dentálnych materiálov
Mechanisms of corrosion and micromechanical properties of dental materials
Program: SRDA
Project leader: Mgr. Tatarková Monika, PhD.
Duration: 1.7.2012 – 31.12.2015
SiNGra – Vývoj nitridu kremičitého s prídavkom multivrstiev grafénu
Development of Si3N4 with addition of graphene platelets
Program: SRDA
Project leader: Mgr. Tatarková Monika, PhD.
Annotation: One of the ways how to improve the mechanical properties of silicon nitride is by formation of composite systems. After the discovery of graphene with its unique mechanical and electrical properties the investigation of graphene as a filler of different materials has started. Present research confirms the significant improvement of the mechanical and electrical properties of the polymer with graphene filler. It is expected that the incorporation of graphene platelets into the silicon nitride matrix improves the fracture toughness which should considerably broaden the potential application of ceramic materials. The aim of the project is to develop materials with the excellent fracture mechanical properties as well as functional properties. The parameter of the processing route and the complex of mechanical properties which are necessary for the estimation of application possibilities will be the results of the project.
Duration: 1.7.2012 – 31.12.2015
APONAZEP – Aplikácia progresívnych povlakov nástrojov pre zvýšenie efektívnosti a produktivity lisovania plechov z moderne koncipovaných materiálov
Application of progressive tool coatings for increasing the effectiveness and productivity of forming sheets made of modern materials
Program: SRDA
Project leader: RNDr. Džupon Miroslav, PhD.
Annotation: Project solves problems of forming process optimisation and increasing of forming dies lifetime by application of thin coatings to die´s contact surfaces and researches interaction of tribologic pair die surface-sheet surface.Within the project will be researched coated steel sheets (galvanized, tin) as well as aluminium alloys sheets used in automotive and consumers industry. Tribologic system die surface-sheet surface will be researched from the view their surface topology, adhesive and abrasive wearing and deformation and failure mechanisms of die and sheet coatings. Research of active die parts will be focused to coating-die material system in initial state, after deposition conventionial coating based on Ti-Al-N and after deposition new composite coatings based on TiN, TiCN and TiAlN.These coating will be researched before and mechanical loading and after working condition simulation. Modern experimental techniques will be used to diagnose system coating-die material degradation under known qualitative stress distribution in analysed area. Experimentally measurable strength and structural parameters of coating-die material will be identified, that have dominant influence to processed sheets surface quality and die´s lifetime. Wearing tests laboratory results of coatings will be correlated to results of forming dies coatings loading under industial and semi-industrial conditions.
Duration: 1.7.2012 – 30.6.2015
Mechanické vlastnosti zubnej skloviny a syntetických zubných výplní
Mechanical properties of tooth enamel and synthetic dental materials
Program: VEGA
Project leader: prof. RNDr. Dusza Ján, DrSc.
Duration: 1.1.2012 – 31.12.2014
BioNitrid – Vývoj kompozitných biomateriálov na báze nitridu kremičitého
Development of composite biomaterials based on silicon nitride
Program: SRDA
Project leader: Mgr. Tatarková Monika, PhD.
Duration: 1.5.2011 – 31.10.2014
Vplyv zvyškových napätí v Me-N a Me-C (Me = W, Cr, Ti, Al) povlakoch na ich mechanické vlastnosti
The influence of the residual stresses in the nanocomposite Me-N and Me-C (Me = W, Cr, Ti, Al) coatings on their mechanical properties
Program: VEGA
Project leader: doc. RNDr. Lofaj František, DrSc.
Duration: 1.1.2011 – 31.12.2013
HACONE – Vysokoteplotné nanokompozitné povlaky so zvýšenou oxidačnou odolnosťou a životnostou
High temperature oxidation resistant nanocomposite coatings with improved lifetime
Program: SRDA
Project leader: doc. RNDr. Lofaj František, DrSc.
Duration: 1.5.2011 – 31.12.2013
nanoCEXmatII – Budovanie infraštruktúry Centra excelentnosti progresívnych materiálov s nano a submikrónovou štruktúrou
Infrastructure Improving of Centre of Excellence of Advanced Materials with Nano- and Submicron- Structure
Program: EU Structural Funds Research & Development
Project leader: prof. RNDr. Dusza Ján, DrSc.
Duration: 1.5.2010 – 30.4.2013
Odolnosť proti tečeniu a tepelným šokom žiarovo-lisovaných Si3N4-SiC kompozitov s prídavkom oxidov vzácnych zemín
The study of the creep behaviour and thermal shock resistance of Si3N4-SiC composites with rare-earth oxide additives
Program: VEGA
Project leader: Mgr. Tatarková Monika, PhD.
Duration: 1.1.2010 – 31.12.2012
nanoCEXmat – Centrum excelentnosti progresívnych materiálov s nano a submikrónovou štruktúrou
Centrum of advanced materials with nano and submicron sized structure
Program: EU Structural Funds Research & Development
Project leader: prof. RNDr. Dusza Ján, DrSc.
Duration: 20.5.2009 – 30.6.2011
HITECER – Vysokoteplotné vlastnosti konštrukčných keramických materiálov na báze SiC
High temperature properties of silicon carbide besed structural ceramics
Program: SRDA
Project leader: prof. RNDr. Dusza Ján, DrSc.
Duration: 1.6.2008 – 31.5.2011
Tvrdé a supertvrdé nanokompozitné povlaky
Hard and superhard nanocomposite coatings (NANOHARDCOAT)
Program: SRDA
Project leader: prof. RNDr. Dusza Ján, DrSc.
Duration: 1.9.2008 – 31.12.2010
Vývoj nanokompozitných keramických povlakov na báze WC, DLC, TiN a CrN z karbonylov kovov metódou PVD/CVD
The development of nanocomposite WC, DLC, TiN, and CrN based ceramic coatings from carbonyls using PVD/CVD method
Program: VEGA
Project leader: doc. RNDr. Lofaj František, DrSc.
Duration: 1.1.2008 – 31.12.2010
Kontaktné mechanické vlastnosti konštrukčných keramických materiálov
Contact mechanical properties of structural ceramics
Program: VEGA
Project leader: prof. RNDr. Dusza Ján, DrSc.
Duration: 1.1.2007 – 31.12.2009
PP7RP 2008/INTEG – Refundácia nákladov na prípravu 7 RP projektu – PP7RP 2008/INTEGRISK
Refundation of the expenses connected with the preparation of 7RP project – PP7RP 2008/INTEGRISK
Program: SRDA
Project leader: prof. RNDr. Dusza Ján, DrSc.
Duration: 1.1.2009 – 31.12.2009