

INNOVATTOOLS – Inovatívne prístupy k zvyšovaniu životnosti a znižovaniu energetickej náročnosti rezných nástrojov pri spracovaní dreva v lesníctve
Innovative approaches to increase the lifetime and reduce the energy consumption of cutting tools in wood processing in forestry
Program: SRDA
Project leader: RNDr. Džupon Miroslav, PhD.
Annotation: The project will address the issue of the use of methods and procedures for the modification of cutting tools for wood processing in forestry. The result will be an increase in their lifetime and a reduction in emissions and energy consumption of forestry machinery and equipment. The main objects of research will be tools for primary wood processing, modification and processing of forestry biomass for energy purposes, such as splitting and chipping tools, tools for cross-cutting wood, etc. The main task of the project will be the design of procedures and methods for the modification of exposed functional surfaces of the tools. Ensuring a higher quality of functional tool surfaces in the context of reducing friction and eliminating adhesion, provides a prerequisite for reducing the load on machinery equipment and thus reducing emissions and energy consumption in a given production. Analyses will be carried out on the tools – FEM analysis in order to determine the stress-strain state, on the samples analysis of the state of the material in terms of physical properties, microstructure, mechanical properties and resistance to adhesive wear in wood-metal interaction and also abrasive wear. Based on the results of the analyses carried out, innovative surface treatment procedures will be proposed for the exposed functional surfaces to guarantee an increase in their functional lifetime. These will be applied to samples and laboratory tested by relevant test procedures. From the results of the laboratory tests, a selection will be made of the most appropriate non-conventional innovative procedures, which will be applied to the tools and tested on the equipment under forestry operating conditions. In doing so, it will be observed how the modifications in question affect the energy consumption of forestry machinery and equipment. Part of the project solution will be to ensure industrial-legal protection of the original solutions.
Duration: 1.7.2022 – 30.6.2026
Výskum odolnosti a prevencie moderných konštrukčných materiálov voči vodíkovému krehnutiu
Research of the resistance and prevention of modern structural materials against hydrogen embrittlement
Program: VEGA
Project leader: Ing. Falat Ladislav, PhD.
Annotation: The aim of the project is to investigate the susceptibility to hydrogen embrittlement (HE) of structural metallicmaterials based on Fe (i.e. modern grades of carbon and alloy steels) as well as selected alloys or compositesbased on non-ferrous metals (e.g. Al, Cu, Mg, etc.) by the method of electrochemical hydrogen charging andmechanical testing in laboratory conditions. The microstructural conditionality of hydrogen embrittlement will be investigated on defined material states with characteristic microstructural parameters (grain size, phase composition, etc.). The possibilities of HE prevention will be investigated using available methods of surface modification (layers and coatings, surface alloying, formation of gradient structures, etc.) of basic materials inorder to apply a barrier effect against hydrogen permeability.
Duration: 1.1.2022 – 31.12.2025
Ino-Clad – Inovatívne prístupy pri obnove funkčných povrchov laserovým naváraním
Innovative approaches to the restoration of functional surfaces by laser weld overlaying
Program: SRDA
Project leader: RNDr. Džupon Miroslav, PhD.
Annotation: The project is focused on the restoration of functional surfaces by laser weld overlying. Innovative approaches willbe applied in the restoration of functional parts of molds for high-pressure die casting of aluminum alloys. Laserweld overlaying technology will be used for the formation of restoration layers in order to significantly reduce thenegative impact of the introduced heat on the quality of sub-weld layers. Newly designed additional materialsbased on Co, Ni, Fe with the presence of dispersed abrasion-resistant precipitates will be used. Additionalmaterials for laser welding will be used in the form of wires made of Uddeholm Dievar and Maraging. For bettervariability of the chemical composition, powder additives based on Fe with the addition of B, Ti, Nb, Mo, V and Wwill also be used to create weld overlays. The optimal method of heat treatment of weld overlays will be proposed.Research will further focus on microtexturing the surface of molded parts by low-energy laser radiation usinginnovative engraving surface treatment methods (LBT and EBT) in order to ensure a smooth distribution of theseparating agent on the mold surface. Experimental work will be focused on modifying the microgeometry of thesurface of new and renovated shaped parts of molds so that in the phase of "run-in of the mold" a compact layer ofthe separating agent is created to increase the technological life of molds. PVD and PE-CVD technologies will beused for this purpose.
Duration: 1.7.2021 – 30.6.2024
Modelovanie fázových diagramov a termodynamických vlastnosti systémov pre vysoko teplotné aplikácie
Modelling of phase diagram and thermodynamic properties of the systems for high temperature applications
Program: VEGA
Project leader: RNDr. Homolová Viera, PhD.
Annotation: The project focuses on the study of phases, phase equilibria and phase diagrams in systems forhigh-temperature applications. The aim is to refine the uncertainty of phase diagrams and investigate unknownparts of selected binary systems by experimental methods of differential thermal analysis, X-ray diffraction andelectron microscopy and then to model their phase diagrams and thermodynamic properties using thesemi-empirical Calphad-method. The subject of the study are binary systems with iridium. Iridium is an elementwhich, due to its thermodynamic properties, is very interesting for use in the aerospace industry and due to itshigh corrosion resistance even at very high temperatures, it may potentially be suitable for use as part of gasturbine materials. The results of the project will allow to extend the possibility of designing new materials forhigh-temperature use by computational methods without the need for time-consuming experimental testing.
Duration: 1.1.2021 – 12.12.2023
FotDekont – Progresívne fotokatalytické materiály pre biologickú a chemickú dekontamináciu
Program: Other projects
Project leader: Mgr. Shepa Ivan, PhD.
Duration: 7.2.2023 – 30.11.2023
CEDITEKII – Rozvoj a podpora výskumno – vývojových aktivít Centra pre testovanie kvality a diagnostiku materiálov v oblastiach špecializácie RIS3 SK
Advancement and support of R&D for "Centre for diagnostics and quality testing of materials" in the domains of the RIS3 SK specialization
Program: Štrukturálne fondy EÚ Výskum a inovácie
Project leader: prof. RNDr. Dusza Ján, DrSc.
Duration: 1.1.2019 – 30.6.2023
REDHYBEAR – Výskum a vývoj energeticky úsporného hybridného ložiskového reduktora so zníženým opotrebením pre robotické zariadenia (pre Priemysel 4.0)
Research and development of energy saving hybrid bearing reducer with lowered wear rate for robotic equipment (for Industry 4.0)
Program: SRDA
Project leader: doc. RNDr. Hvizdoš Pavol, DrSc.
Duration: 1.7.2019 – 30.6.2022
Prehodnotenie vplyvu intermetalickej fázy na procesy krehnutia žiarupevných ocelí
Re-evaluation of the effect of intermetallic phase on embrittling processes of creep-resistant steels
Program: VEGA
Project leader: Ing. Falat Ladislav, PhD.
Annotation: The project intention is to investigate the effect of intermetallic Laves phase in thermally exposed 9Cr creep-resistant steels on degradation of their mechanical and brittle-fracture properties. Microstructure evolution aimed at kinetics of precipitation and coarsening of Laves phase will be studied in dependence of the conditionsof initial heat treatment. Apart from comparison of the properties of long-term thermally exposed states (i.e. with presence of Laves phase) with the properties of initial material states without long-term thermal exposition (i.e. without Laves phase), the key task will be the study of the effect of supplemental heat treatment of thermally-exposed states (without notable effect on Laves phase precipitation/coarsening) on potential modification of the properties of creep-resistant steels. The main aim of the project is to re-evaluate and eventually complete up-to now generally accepted opinion on the Laves phase considered as the main embrittling factor in creep-resistant steels.
Duration: 1.1.2019 – 31.12.2021
Termodynamické modelovanie ternárneho systému B-Fe-W a extrapolácia ternárnych dát pre termodynamické výpočty polykomponentných zliatinových systémov
Thermodynamic modelling of the B-Fe-W ternary system and extrapolation of ternary data for thermodynamic calculations of poly-component alloy systems
Program: VEGA
Project leader: RNDr. Homolová Viera, PhD.
Annotation: The project links to the previous projects dealing with modelling of Fe-B-X (X= V, Cr, C, Mn) ternary systems. It is focused on the study of the phases and phase equilibria in B-Fe-W ternary system. The research results will contribute to the knowledge on the phases existence, their chemical composition, structure and equilibria in thementioned system. The main goal of the project is a creation of reliable parameter database for thermodynamic calculations in B-Fe-W ternary system by Calphad method. This database will contribute to the creation of complex thermodynamic parameter database allowing predictions of phase equilibria for wide range of systems. In the scope of the project, also poly-component alloy systems, mainly creep-resistant steels with boron, will be investigated. The investigation will be focused on phase existence and phase equilibria. For the poly-component materials, phase diagrams will be calculated using the newly-developed thermodynamic databases for ternary systems with boron.
Duration: 1.1.2018 – 31.12.2020
FOROPTIMAT – Výskum vplyvu inovácií postupov výroby na životnosť nástrojov a komponentov lesných mechanizmov
Research on the impact of process innovation on lifespan of forestry machinery tools and components
Program: SRDA
Project leader: RNDr. Džupon Miroslav, PhD.
Annotation: Project is focused on research on the impact of process innovation on lifespan of forest machines tools and components. During the project it will be elaborated a comprehensive analysis of the current status in using of working tools and components from material and technology points of view. In order to find stress-strain state of tools and components it will be performed FEM analysis. Further, it will be performed state material analysis of specimens to examine their physical and mechanical properties, microstructure characteristic and resistance to abrasive wear. Based on the results of aforementioned analyzes it will be proposed and applied innovative methods of production technology and surface treatments procedures for exposed functional areas in order to increase their function life. In order to comparison the same experimental tests on specimens will be repeated. Based on the results of comparison, it will be carried out selection of optimal innovative procedures. Selected procedures will be applied and tested in the operating conditions of forestry. It is expected that implementation of the results of applied research will increase lifespan of forest machines tools and components thereby reducing their maintenance costs and purchase costs.
Duration: 1.7.2017 – 31.12.2020
Vplyv mikroštruktúry TOO v modifikovaných 9Cr oceliach na porušovanie
Influence of the HAZ microstructure on degradation of modified 9Cr steels
Program: VEGA
Project leader: RNDr. Ševc Peter, PhD.
Annotation: The project is focused on the study of the processes operating on the microstructure and substructure levels in modified 9Cr steels and their influence on the failure of the material. Its intention is to investigate the interconnections among the microstructure, substructure, secondary phase precipitation and hydrogen environment influence in the individual parts of the weld HAZ during degradation processes. The research results could be used at the degradation evaluation of the experimental materials and their welds in connection with the research group former projects results performed on the real weld joints from the view of their sensitivity to the failure during the thermal and mechanical straining.
Duration: 1.1.2016 – 31.12.2018
Termodynamická analýza a modelovanie fázového diagramu ternárneho systému Fe-B-Mn a verifikácia databázy pre termodynamické výpočty komplexných systémov experimentálnou analýzou zliatin typu Fe-B-X-Y (X, Y=V, Cr, C, Mn).
Thermodynamic analysis and modelling of phase diagram for Fe-B-Mn ternary system and verification database for thermodynamic calculations of complex systems by experimental analysis of Fe-B-X-Y (X,Y=V, Cr, C, Mn) alloys.
Program: VEGA
Project leader: RNDr. Homolová Viera, PhD.
Annotation: The project links to the previous projects dealing with modelling of Fe-B-X (X= V, Cr, C) ternary systems. It is focused on the study of the phases and phase eqiulibria in Fe-B-Mn ternary system. The research results contribute to the knowledge on phases existence, their chemical composition, structure and eqiulibria in the mentioned system. The main goal of the project is creation reliable parameter database for thermodynamic calculations in Fe-B-Mn ternary system by Calphad method. This database contributes to the creation of complex thermodynamic parameter database allowing more exact phase equilibria predictions for wide range of systems.Another task of the project is the experimental investigation of quaternary alloys of the Fe-B-X-Y (X, Y=V, Cr, C, Mn) type which will be used for the verification of our complex database. The complex database will be createdby merging of the databases of the Fe-B-Mn system, Fe-B-X (X= V, Cr, C) ternary systems and other existing databases.
Duration: 1.1.2015 – 31.12.2017
Modifikácia štruktúr teplom-ovplyvnenej oblasti zvarových spojov moderných 9Cr feritických žiarupevných ocelí s bórom za účelom zlepšenia ich creepovej odolnosti a húževnatosti
Modification of the heat-affected zone microstructures of welded joints of advanced 9Cr ferritic creep-resistant steels with boron for the purpose of their creep-resistance and toughness improvement
Program: VEGA
Project leader: Ing. Falat Ladislav, PhD.
Annotation: Ferritic 9Cr creep-resistant steels are used in energy industry for the construction of highly efficient supercritical boilers. The problems during creep of welded joints of these steels include degradation of their properties and premature type IV failure in heat-affected zone (HAZ). The most recent research results worldwide indicate the possibility of solution of mentioned problems by boron alloying which effect is not completely understood. The aim of present project is to study the boron effect in base materials and the influence of post-weld heat treatment on the HAZ microstructures and properties modification. Different HAZ microstructural states will be prepared by simulation heat treatment and thermophysical simulation of base materials. The individual material states will be characterised with respect to their microstructure and phase stability supported by thermodynamic modelling using Calphad method and also with regard to their mechanical properties and creep resistance.
Duration: 1.1.2013 – 31.12.2015
Termodynamický opis systémov B-Cr a Fe-B-Cr
Thermodynamic description of B-Cr and Fe-B-Cr systems
Program: VEGA
Project leader: RNDr. Homolová Viera, PhD.
Annotation: The project connects with the project:"Thermodynamic analysis of binary and ternary systems with boron" and deals with study of phases and phase equlibria in Fe-B-Cr system and in B-Cr subsystem. Main goal of the project is the development of reliable database of parameters for thermodynamic calculations for Fe-B-Cr ternary system and the extension of knowledge on the existence of chromium borides, their chemical composition, structures and phase equilibria in the investigated systems. This system is one of subsystems of complex steels containing boron, including white iron, austenitic stainless steels, hard layers, number of soft magnetic alloys etc. The new-created database contributes to the development and reassessment of extensive database of thermodynamic parameters for prediction of phase equilibria for wide range of systems. Achieved data alow the application of thermodynamic and kinetic modelling at the study and development of new materials, as well.
Duration: 1.1.2012 – 31.12.2014
Degradácia a porušovanie heterogénnych zvarových spojov P92/316H s prídavným materiálom na báze Ni
Degradation and filure of dissimilar weld joints P92/312H with Ni-based filler metal
Program: VEGA
Project leader: Ing. Výrostková Anna, CSc.
Annotation: Description of microstructure degradation and failure mechanism of dissimilar weld joints ferrite/Ni-base filler metal/austenite in creep conditions after two kinds of PWHT. Detailed study of interfacial localities. Thermodynamic and kinetic modelling of the microstructure evolution.
Duration: 1.1.2010 – 31.12.2012
Iniciácia, subkritický rast, koalescencia a šírenie mikrotrhlín pri únavovom namáhaní spekaných Fe-Cr-Mn-Mo ocelí
Initiation, Subcritical Growth, Coalescence and Propagation of Fatigue Microcracks in Sintered Fe-Cr-Mn-Mo-C Steels
Program: VEGA
Project leader: doc. Ing. Dudrová Eva, CSc.
Annotation: The project objective is a microscopic study of initiation, subcritical growth and coalescence of microcracks andcrack propagation in fatigue loading of Powder Metallurgy Fe-Cr-Mn-Mo-C alloys. These will be based onFe-Cr-Mo prealloyed powders with additions of Fe-Mn-C master alloy powder such as to sinter with a transientliquid phase. The main topics: a) effect of master alloy addition and sintering conditions on microstructure andfatigue properties; b) microscopic analysis of fatigue failure stages at selected stress amplitudes and increasingnumber of cycles up to failure; calculation of the microstructural stress intensity factors Ka; c) modelling of shortcrack behaviour, measurement and calculation of critical crack sizes; d) correlation of chemical composition,processing parameters and microstructure with failure micromechanisms and macromechanical fatigueproperties. It is expected that original knowledge about these relations in sintered steels will be attained.
Duration: 1.1.2009 – 31.12.2011
Termodynamický opis systémov B-C a Fe-B-C
Thermodynamic description of the B-C and Fe-B-C systems
Program: VEGA
Project leader: RNDr. Homolová Viera, PhD.
Annotation: The project knots on project: ” Thermodynamic analysis of binary and ternary systems with boron”, and deals with study of phase and phase equilibria in the Fe-B-C system and in B-C subsystem. It contributes to the extension of knowledge about existence of stable and metastable phases (borides, borcarbides, carbides of boron), their chemical compositions, structures and phase equilibria in the investigated systems. The main goal of the project is development of reliable database of parameters for thermodynamic calculations for Fe-B-C ternary system, which is subsystem of all steel containing of boron and also subsystem of some amorphous magnetic materials. The new-created database contributes to the development of extensive database of thermodynamic parameters for prediction of phase equilibria for wide range of systems. Acquired data will have wide application for thermodynamic and kinetic modelling at the study and development of new materials.
Duration: 1.1.2009 – 31.12.2011
Únavové vlastnosti nízkouhlíkových ultra vysokopevných pokrokových ocelí
Fatigue properties of low carbon advanced ultrahigh strength steels
Program: VEGA
Project leader: doc. Ing. Rosenberg Gejza, CSc.
Annotation: This project is oriented on the development of new low carbon without any silicon addition ultra-high-strength multiphase steels that belong to the group of Advanced high strength steels which are primary designated for automotive industry. The objective of project is to appreciate the measure of effect of chemical composition, of mode of thermomechanically controlled forming and cooling, of combined effect of cold rolling with selected ways of heat treatments on microstructure, mechanical and fatigue properties. The influence of variously processing regimes of steels on activation of the individual strengthening mechanisms and of the level localized plastic deformation at failure will be investigated by use of grid strain analysis method and measuring of the plastic zone size ahead crack-tips or notch root. The main objective of this project is focused on the optimization of microstructure for purpose of achieving the trade-off balance between strength-ductility and fatigue properties of multiphase steels.
Duration: 1.1.2009 – 31.12.2011
MOTES – Modelovanie ternárneho systému Fe-B-C a termálne krehnutie-príspevok k štúdiu Cr-Mo ocelí
Modelling of Fe-B-C ternary system and thermal embrittlement –contribution to Cr-Mo steel study
Program: SRDA
Project leader: Ing. Výrostková Anna, CSc.
Annotation: Re-evaluation and completion of thermodynamic database for Fe-B-C ternary system using CALPHAD method. Evaluation of Cr-Mo steels sensitivity to thermal embrittlement.
Duration: 1.1.2009 – 31.12.2010
DMKO – Dizajn moderne koncipovaných ocelí na základe charakteristík lisovateľnosti
Design of advanced conceived steels based on pressability characteristics
Program: SRDA
Project leader: RNDr. Džupon Miroslav, PhD.
Annotation: The aim of the project is the derivation of predicting relations between pressability characteristics (boundary drawing ratio, IE, FLD) and microstructure parameters, creating of model maps of applications of advanced sorts of sheets from low-carbon steels and knowledge expansion about deformation mechanisms of particular phases of galvanized steel sheets with pure zinc coatings and Fe-Zn coatings. Limiting conditions of deformation, friction, wear, eventually coating destruction in relation to characteristics of technological processing by pressing of progressive materials will be defined. The project deals with optimization of multiphase steels microstructure and knowledge expansion about zinc coatings of advanced conceived steel sheets acording to characteristics of technological pressability.
Duration: 1.2.2007 – 30.6.2010