

Gradientné mikro/nano kompozity s Al matricou pripravené spekaním pomocou pulzného elektrického prúdu
Gradient micro / nano composites with Al matrix prepared by pulsed electric current sintering
Program: VEGA
Project leader: Ing. Puchý Viktor, PhD.
Annotation: The project is focused on the experimental research of the new progressive gradient micro / nano compositeswith aluminum matrix reinforced with ceramic particles and carbon nanoparticles – graphene nanoplatelets(GNPs), applicable in the automotive, aerospace and defense industries. Composite powders based on Al alloyswith different contents of hard ceramic particles and GNPs will be prepared, which will be homogenized by mixingand surface activated by grinding in a ball mill in ethanol. The powders thus prepared will be deposited andlayered (geometrically, gradient arranged (FGM)) in a hexagonal graphite mold and then pulsed electric currentsintered in a vacuum in "Spark Plasma Sintering" furnace (SPS). Mechanical and ballistic properties will beanalyzed and correlated with microstructure, texture, fractographic analysis and the content of added particlesand additives.
Duration: 1.1.2023 – 31.12.2025
BIORES – Výskum a vývoj bioresorbovateľných materiálov na báze Zn a Mg
Research and development of bioresorbable materials for implants on the based of Zn and Mg
Program: VEGA
Project leader: Ing. Ballóková Beáta, PhD.
Annotation: The project aims are to prepare and investigate the properties of new types of metal alloys, which will be made of bioabsorbable elements based on Zn, Ca and Mg prepared by intensive plastic deformation, analysis of micromechanisms of failure in relation to microstructure and basic mechanical and technological properties. To improve the mechanical and chemical properties, these alloys will be microalloyed with elements: Mn, Li, and Ag.The studied elements are naturally present in the human body, and thus the body has natural biocompatibility towards them. Tribological parameters, local mechanical properties as well as electrochemical properties will also be investigated. Studies in the field of the development of corrosion-resistant bioresorbable alloys suggest that this combination of mechanical and chemical properties can be achieved by the appropriate addition of microalloys and the appropriate thermo-mechanical treatments of the alloys.
Duration: 1.1.2023 – 31.12.2025
Dizajn topografie povrchov nástrojov z WC-Co s aplikovanými PVD povlakmi
Design surface topography tools from the WC-Co applied PVD coating
Program: VEGA
Project leader: Ing. Jakubéczyová Dagmar, CSc.
Annotation: The aim of the project is to solve the partial role of the optimization process of Ni-super alloys used in the aircraft industry, specifically in jet engines. In the machining of Ni-superalloys, a high thermal and mechanical load occurs in the active area of the tool, reducing its lifetime and decreasing production efficiency. The challenge is the design and experimental verification of the new surface texture design of the active parts of the machining tool from WC-Co, the laser pre-treatment technology and the PVD coating of the 4th generation. Surface topography of the active part of the instrument will be modified by impulse laser radiation with controlled energy density and controlled area distribution of the heat exposed areas. The resulting surface of the active part of the tool will contain microcraters at the desired depth profile positions. The output will be an innovated texture of the tool surface in order to make machining of special nickel superalloys more effective – Inconel 713, resp. 718.
Duration: 1.1.2020 – 31.12.2022
Vývoj progresívnych disperzne spevnených kompozitov s kovovou matricou pripravených spekaním pomocou pulzného elektrického prúdu
Development of progressive dispersion-reinforced metal matrix composites prepared by pulsed electric current sintering
Program: VEGA
Project leader: Ing. Puchý Viktor, PhD.
Duration: 1.1.2020 – 31.12.2022
Vplyv sekundárnych častíc na mikroštruktúru a mechanické vlastnosti horčíkových nanokompozitných sústav.
Effect of secondary phases on microstructure and mechanical properties of magnesium nanocomposite systems
Program: VEGA
Project leader: Ing. Ballóková Beáta, PhD.
Annotation: The purpose of the project is to investigate properties of Mg nanomaterial systems prepared by the method ofIPD, the analysis of the failure micromechanisms in relation to the microstructure and basic mechanical andtechnological properties. Tribological parameters, creep characteristics, local mechanical properties of phases,as well as kinetics and mechanism of superplasticity will also be evaluated. Further, behavior of the individualcomposite materials after influencing the surface by laser radiation and determination of the optimal parametersof the laser beam will be examined. The aim will be to analyze mechanical properties, wear resistant andcorrosion properties of the materials in relation to their morphology and their microstructural changes induced bylaser modification.Experimental materials will be one-phased and composite nanostructured material systems based on Mg withthe different volume fractions of strengthening nanoparticles of Al2O3, SiC and carbon nanotubes.
Duration: 1.1.2017 – 31.12.2019
Výskum systémov duplexných nanokompozitných PVD povlakov s laserom modifikovaným podkladovým materiálom pre aplikácie tlakového liatia kovov.
Research of systems of duplex nanocomposite PVD coatings with laser – modified base material intended for pressure mould cast applications.
Program: VEGA
Project leader: Ing. Jakubéczyová Dagmar, CSc.
Annotation: The goal of the project is the development of an innovative process of surface treatment of tools and parts of moulds for pressure metal casting. The process involves laser heating of tool surface which takes place after the final thermal treatment, and subsequent depositing of duplex PVD coating. The contribution of the project willconsist in testing the nanocomposite PVD coatings deposited to specimens from steel intended for hotapplications, subjected to laser treatment before coating and testing their mechanical,tribological and chemical properties at interaction of molten aluminium with the mould material. By treatment of these materials / machine parts by laser in combination with duplex PVD coating the following properties will be achieved: high resistance towear and excellent resistance to thermal shocks which are the factors affecting service life of functional parts of moulds used for for pressure casting, and of mould cavities.
Duration: 1.1.2017 – 31.12.2019
Účinok chemického zloženia a mikroštruktúry na náchylnosť dvojfázových ocelí ku vodíkovému krehnutiu
Effect of chemical composition and microstructure on the susceptibility of dual phase steels to hydrogen embrittlement
Program: VEGA
Project leader: doc. Ing. Rosenberg Gejza, CSc.
Annotation: The project is aimed at research of hydrogen embrittlement (HE) of advanced high strength steels for automotive industry. The experimental program is primarily aimed at dual-phase steels. The effect of HE on strain and fracture properties of these steels will be studied in dependence on various microstructural characteristics (grain size, volume fracture, size and morphology of martensite, …). The aim of this project is to determine also the resistance of the steels against HE in different areas along the thickness of sheet (focused on the area of structural heterogeneities). Therefore, the experiments will be also conducted on miniature samples. Degradation effect of hydrogen will be examined mainly on samples with stress concentrator, which will be exposed to diverse regimes of loading (static, impact and cyclical loading). The development of local strains and size of plastic zone at cracks tip will be examined with metalography-fractography analysis and using parameters of fracture mechanics (KIC, COD,..).
Duration: 1.1.2015 – 31.12.2017
Fázové transformácie v sol-gel R1/3(Nb, Ta)O3 keramike a tenkých filmoch na báze prvkov vzácnych zemín
Phase transformation in sol-gel R1/3(Nb, Ta)O3 ceramics and thin films based on rare earth elements.
Program: VEGA
Project leader: RNDr. Bruncková Helena, PhD.
Annotation: The main part of the project is concerned on the study of sol-gel processes during preparation of R1/3MO3 (R = La, Nd, Eu and M = Nb, Ta) precursors perovskite ceramics and thin films and the influence on polymeric M-complex on phase composition, microstructure and mechanical properties. La1/3NbO3 and La1/3TaO3 thin films will be prepared by spin-coatingmethod onto the SiO2/Si substrates from sols with different solvent (methanol, ethanol) and chelating agent (citric, tartaric acid) synthetized by polymeric complex sol-gel process. At preparation rare-earth precursos R (R = La, Nd and Eu) will be studied influence of the transformation temperature of pyrochlore R3MO7 and RMO4 phase on perovskite R1/3MO3 in final ceramics and nanocrystalline films. In addition the project will be oriented on the study of evolution of the morphology and nanoparticle size and measurement of the mechanical properties of ceramic systems by nanoindentation.
Duration: 1.1.2014 – 31.12.2016
Výskum procesov degradácie moderných nanokompozitných multivrstiev v tavenine zlievárenských zliatin hliníka.
Investigation of degradation processes of advanced nanocomposite mutilayers in melt of aluminum foundry alloys.
Program: VEGA
Project leader: Ing. Jakubéczyová Dagmar, CSc.
Annotation: The objective of the project is to study the partial processes occurring in the interaction of aluminum melt with advanced PVD coatings deposited onto the substrate used for the production of cores for forms and ejectors.There will be analysed the local tribological and mechanical properties of systems melt – coating-substrate depending on the variability of the process of preparation, composition and application as a result of the environmental influence. The main benefits of the project will include the selection and testing of advancedmultilayer and nanocomposite coatings deposited on samples from steels for hot working and testing their resistance in molten aluminum. Preferred features of this steel group coated by optimal types of coatings will pose the combination of properties such as high abrasive wear resistance and superior protection against thermal shocks, which are essential factors influencing lifetime of functional components of forms for metal casting under pressure.
Duration: 1.1.2014 – 31.12.2016
Hodnotenie deformačných a lomových vlastností dvojfázových ocelí prostredníctvom miniatúrnych vzoriek
Evaluation of strain and fracture properties of dual-phase steels on miniature samples.
Program: VEGA
Project leader: doc. Ing. Rosenberg Gejza, CSc.
Annotation: The project is aimed at research of the effect of various microstructural characteristics (feritte grain size, volume percentage, distribution morphology, percentage of carbon in martensite) on deformation and fracture properties of dual-phase steels. Experiments will be mostly conducted on miniature samples (with and without stress concentrator) which enable us to evaluate the local properties of structural heterogeneities across the thickness of the sheet. The main goal of the project is to evaluate interactive effect of structure/thickness of sheet and evaluate the effect of structure on strain and fracture properties of dual-phase steels which were exposed to different regimes of loading (static, impact, cyclical loading). Development of local strain and size of plastic zone at cracks tip will be examined by metalography-fractography analysis. The parameters of elastic and elastic-plastic fracture mechanics will be used to evaluate the particular stages of damage, as well as failure of samples.
Duration: 1.1.2012 – 31.12.2014
Výskum vlastností kompozitných povlakov aplikovaných modernými PVD technológiami na nástrojoch práškovej metalurgie
Research of the properties of composite coatings applied by advanced PVD technologies onto powder metallurgy tools
Program: VEGA
Project leader: Ing. Jakubéczyová Dagmar, CSc.
Annotation: Research of the properties of multilayer composite coatings deposited by modern PVD technologies onto tools produced by powder metallurgy (PM). Modern PVD coating technologies (ARC and LARC methods)will be used for deposition of coatings based on (Ti,Al)N with addition of Cr, Si, or as Ti substitution. The system coating–base substrate will be subjected to the research focusing on degradation of the coating surface under condition of mechanical wear. For the investigation of failure mechanisms will be used analytical methods – light, electron andtransmission microscopy, AFM to study surface morphology and its roughness, evaluation of adhesive-cohesive properties, indentation and tribological tests, mechanical bending and compression tests and tests of service life.Interpretation of mutual physical and tribological relationships within the scope of analysed systems and conditions of testing on concrete materials will contribute to the knowledge on utilization of new types of coatingsin the working process.
Duration: 1.1.2011 – 31.12.2013
Vývoj mikroštruktúry a fázová transformácia sol-gel prekurzorov bezolovnatých feroelektrických (K, Na)NbO3 tenkých filmov
Evolution of the microstructure and phase transformation of sol-gel precursors in lead-free ferroelectric (K, Na)NbO3 thin films
Program: VEGA
Project leader: RNDr. Bruncková Helena, PhD.
Annotation: The main part of the project is concerned on the study of processes during preparation of lead-free ferroelectricKNbO3 (KN), NaNbO3 (NN) and (K0.5Na0.5)NbO3 (KNN) thin films from sols and their influence on the phasecomposition and microstructure. Environmental acceptable KNN thin films will be prepared by spin-coatingmethod onto the Al2O3 and SiO2/Si substrates from sols with different concentration, synthetized by sol-gelprocess from acetates of K and Na with polymeric Nb-complex. For the preparation of the films will be appliedmodified Pechini method utilized by Nb-ethylene glycol-tartarate complex instead of the classical citrate method.In addition the project will be oriented on the study of transformation processes on amorphous films afterpyrolysis and final 1-3 layered KNN nanocrystalline films with the perovskite phase and development of theirmicrostructure.
Duration: 1.1.2011 – 31.12.2013
Únavové vlastnosti nízkouhlíkových ultra vysokopevných pokrokových ocelí
Fatigue properties of low carbon advanced ultrahigh strength steels
Program: VEGA
Project leader: doc. Ing. Rosenberg Gejza, CSc.
Annotation: This project is oriented on the development of new low carbon without any silicon addition ultra-high-strength multiphase steels that belong to the group of Advanced high strength steels which are primary designated for automotive industry. The objective of project is to appreciate the measure of effect of chemical composition, of mode of thermomechanically controlled forming and cooling, of combined effect of cold rolling with selected ways of heat treatments on microstructure, mechanical and fatigue properties. The influence of variously processing regimes of steels on activation of the individual strengthening mechanisms and of the level localized plastic deformation at failure will be investigated by use of grid strain analysis method and measuring of the plastic zone size ahead crack-tips or notch root. The main objective of this project is focused on the optimization of microstructure for purpose of achieving the trade-off balance between strength-ductility and fatigue properties of multiphase steels.
Duration: 1.1.2009 – 31.12.2011
Sol-gel procesy syntézy feroelektrických nanoprekurzorov a ich vplyv na fázové zloženie a mikroštruktúru v tenkých vrstvách
Sol-gel processes of the synthesis of ferroelectric nanoprecursors and their influence on phase composition and microstructure in thin layers
Program: VEGA
Project leader: RNDr. Bruncková Helena, PhD.
Annotation: The main part of the project is concerned on sol-gel processes of the synthesis of nanoprecursors PZT,PMN, PMnN, PFN and PZN ferroelectric ceramics and thin layers and examines their influence on the phasecomposition in final materials. For the preparation of ferroelectric thin layers from sol-gel solutions onto thesubstrate by spin-coating method, hybrid composite slurrries will be synthetised by sol-gel process from organiccomponents by dispersing of nanoprecursors in the sols. Study of the processes of formation of the resultingperovskite phase in thin layers during the thermal treating and the development of the microstructure andanalysis their relationship to physical properties is also part of the project.
Duration: 1.1.2008 – 31.12.2010
Štúdium charakteristík PVD povlakov na nástrojových oceliach pripravených práškovou metalurgiou a ich
Study of Characteristics of PVD Coatings on the Tool Steels prepared by Powder Metallurgy and their Behaviour
Program: VEGA
Project leader: Ing. Jakubéczyová Dagmar, CSc.
Annotation: Study of the effect of the non-coated and coated inserts (VANADIS30 and S390 grades), prepared by powder metallurgy (PM), on the service life at machining of selected sintered materials based on iron. Single- and multilayered coatings based on TiN will be deposited by the PVD method. Complex analysis of the coating/substrate system, microstructural composition of deposited coatings and determination of mechanical and technological properties of the coated system. Detailed analysis of the failure of tools and PM workpiecesmainly in the area of their contact. Explanation of physical and tribological relationships between the material of sintered workpiece and the cutting tools. The results will be a contribution to the knowledge about themachinability of sintered materials by the coated PM cutting tools.
Duration: 1.1.2008 – 31.12.2010
Vývoj progresívnych ocelí pre automobilový priemysel
Development of advanced steels for automotive industry
Program: SRDA
Project leader: Prof.Ing. Parilák Ľudovít, CSc.
Duration: 1.1.2006 – 1.12.2008
Štúdium povlakovaných povrchových vrstiev nástrojových ocelí pripravených práškovou metalurgiou
Study of coated surface layers of tool steels prepared by powder metallurgy
Program: VEGA
Project leader: Ing. Jakubéczyová Dagmar, CSc.
Annotation: Study of surface layers of PM tool steels by application of coating with PVD-technologies, duplex coating (plasma nitrided layer as a "support layer" for additional PVD-methods) with the aim of an improvement of their functional properties. Surface treatment of tools made from PM steels – machining tools (HSS-S590-Vanadis 30), cutting and forming tools (Vanadis 4 a 6, K190). Determination of suitable parameters of thermal deposition processes from the point of view of the coat/surface system behaviour under specific loading conditions. Microstructure evaluation by light and scanning electron microscopy, in connection with image analysis (IA) oriented on the surface characteristics (microhardness, adhesion, wear resistance).
Duration: 1.1.2005 – 1.12.2007