

Zlepšenie oteruvzdornosti povrchu nástrojových ocelí pomocou laserového kalenia v kombinácii s hlbokým kryogénnym spracovaním.
The wear resistance improvement of tool steels surface via the laser hardening in combination with deep cryogenic treatment.
Program: Bilateral – other
Project leader: Mgr. Petryshynets Ivan, PhD.
Annotation: The main task of the project is to investigate the effect of laser hardening in combination with deep cryogenic treatment on fracture toughness, wear resistance and load – carrying capacity of subsurface region of cold work tool steel and to analyze the modification of microstructural parameters depending on the tool steel type and chemical composition. The experimental materials will be created with three groups of tool steels which are determined for the cold work. The first group will consist of carbon steel with carbon content up to 0.7 wt%, the second groups will be low-alloy steels, and the third group will be the medium alloy steels. These materials will be treated by recommended conventional heat procedures. Subsequently, the materials will be subjected to the treatment by laser beam in order to melting the surface or heating the surface to the selected temperature of austenite as a function of technological parameters of laser hardening and to deep cryogenic treatment in order to remove residual stresses, achieve the transformation of retained austenite and modify the dislocation structure and carbon distribution in the martensitic solid solution. For each material variations, optimal parameters of laser and cryogenic treatments will be defined in order to improve the main mechanical properties of investigated tool steel.
Duration: 6.4.2017 – 31.12.2019
IMPROVING – Posilnenie výskumných kapacít Ústavu materiálového výskumu v Košiciach
Improving the research capacity of the Institute of materials research in Košice
Program: FP7
Project leader: prof. RNDr. Dusza Ján, DrSc.
Duration: 1.3.2009 – 28.2.2010
CRV – Centrum rozvoja vzdelávania v oblasti multidisciplinárneho výskumu a vývoja progresívnych materiálov a technológií
Centre for the education on the multidisciplinar research and development of advanced materials and technologies
Program: European Science Foundation (ESF)
Project leader: prof. RNDr. Dusza Ján, DrSc.
Duration: 8.10.2007 – 30.9.2008
Vývoj kolumnárnej mikroštruktúry v neorientovaných elektrotechnických oceliach
Columnar Microstructure Development in Nororiental Electrical Steels
Program: Inter-governmental agreement
Project leader: RNDr. Kováč František, CSc.
Annotation: no description
Duration: 1.1.2006 – 31.12.2007


DINOMESEM – Vývoj inovatívnych spôsobov spracovania a spájania elektrotechnických ocelí pre vysokoúčinné aplikácie v e-mobilite
Development of innovative methods of processing and joining electrical steels for high-efficiency applications in e-mobility
Program: SRDA
Project leader: Mgr. Petryshynets Ivan, PhD.
Annotation: The global trend to reduce emissions has forced car producers to think about other types of propulsion thaninternal combustion engines. A significant direction in which the world is currently moving in this area is thereplacement of internal combustion engines with electric car drives. This fact has led and it is still leading to a greatexpansion in the production of car batteries, which would allow the longest possible range of electric cars. Besidesthe capacity of the batteries, the efficient use of stored energy in electric vehicle drives has a significant effect onthe range of cars as well. This project aims to reduce losses and increase the efficiency of electric drives.Increased efficiency and reduced losses can be achieved by reducing the losses in the materials of the rotors andstators of rotating electrical machines, but also by reducing the losses that occur when changing the properties of the source material during cutting and subsequent joining into rotor and stator bundles. Experimental research will focus on optimizing the microstructure and texture of various grades of electrical sheets in order to minimize electromagnetic losses and optimize the conditions for the production of rotor and stator bundles by cutting and subsequent joining. The optimization of the conditions of joining electrical sheets of various chemical and microstructural concepts will be the expected output of the project. The magnetic properties of the joined electrical sheet cut-outs will be compared with the magnetic properties of the lamellas produced by electrospark cutting.
Duration: 1.7.2022 – 31.12.2025
Vývoj nekonvečného termo-mechanického postupu finálneho spracovania izotropnych elektrotechnických ocelí
Unconventional thermo-mechanical technology development of final processing of isotropic electrical steels.
Program: VEGA
Project leader: Mgr. Petryshynets Ivan, PhD.
Duration: 1.1.2021 – 31.12.2023
HYBS – Vývoj technológie prípravy povrchových nano-štruktúr nástrojových ocelí novej generácie za účelom zvyšovania kvality lisovania hybridných karosérií automobilov s nízkymi CO2 – emisiami z vysokopevných TRIP – ocelí
Technology development of surface nanostructuring of new generation tool steel for increasing the quality of low CO2 – emission cars hybrid bodies stampung using high – strength TRIP – assisted sheet metal
Program: SRDA
Project leader: Mgr. Petryshynets Ivan, PhD.
Duration: 1.2.2022 – 31.12.2023
Histes – Vývoj vysoko-legovaných izotrópnych elektro ocelí pre trakčné motory elektromobilov
Development of high-alloy isotropic electrical steels for traction engines of electric vehicles
Program: SRDA
Project leader: RNDr. Kováč František, CSc.
Annotation: In this project, for the production of high strength electrical steel type “finish”, we aim to propose an original concept of chemical composition and microstructural design with the desirable crystallographic texture which would beprovided a combination of excellent electro-magnetic and high strength properties. The strength properties will be provided by high alloying of steels which are based on substituents elements with Si content from 3 to 3,5 wt.%, Alcontent from 0,5 to 1,5 wt.%, Cu content up to 0,5 wt.%, and P content up 0,10 wt.%. The low value of watt losses and high level of magnetic induction will be achieved by means of coarse-grained columnar or coarse-grained equiaxial microstructure with average grain size in the range from 150 to 300μm and with increased intensity of cube and Goss texture components at the expense of deformation texture. The evolution of the final microstructure will be based on the use of the strain-induced growth of ferrite grains through the thickness of the sheet from itssurface to the central part. At the same time, we want to eliminate the liability to the brittle failure of materials during the cold rolling. It will be realised by optimization of previous thermal deformation exposures in the hot rollingprocess as well as optimization of deformation process of cold rolling with "tailor-made" parameters of rolled steel.The development steel will be used in traction engines of electric vehicles and in high-speed electric motors withhigh requirement for the power.
Duration: 1.7.2019 – 30.6.2022
ZELASHYK – Zvyšovanie efektívnosti lisovania a spájania dielov hybridných karosérií
Increasing the efficiency of forming and joining parts of hybrid car bodies
Program: SRDA
Project leader: RNDr. Džupon Miroslav, PhD.
Annotation: Nowadays, there is a characteristic continual pressure on the emission reduction produced by the cars. Onepossible way to reduce the amount of emissions produced by the automobiles is the reduction of the bodyweight. The weight of the automobile could be reduced through the hybrid car body, which consists of differentmaterials based on the light alloys, composite materials and high-strength steel sheets. Solutions related to suchhybrid car body designs must be addressed in to the forming, but also to the joining of the individual parts ofsuch multi-material conception. The aim of the project is the optimization of the forming conditions of aluminiumalloy sheets and high-strength steel sheets to increase the process efficiency. The appropriate joining techniquewill be proposed based on the results of the analyses of the stress-strain states of the formed parts. Acomparison of strength and load-bearing capacity of the joints after different intensity of deformation and stressstrainstates will be the assumed result. Effective and innovative methods of joining of aluminium and highstrengthsteel sheets after different intensity of deformation and stress-strain states will be assessed. The resultsobtained from the optimization of the joining process of the materials made of ferrous and non-ferrous metals willallow the strength of joints to be increased.
Duration: 1.7.2018 – 31.5.2022
Textúrne dvojito orientované elektrotechnické ocele s vysokou, izotrópnou indukciou.
Double-oriented electrical steels with high and isotropic magnetic induction.
Program: VEGA
Project leader: RNDr. Kováč František, CSc.
Annotation: The project is a goal-oriented on the development of isotropic electrical steels with high induction. The idea of theproject is based on the increase of cubic texture intensity and the control of the Goss texture component in thesheet plane. The mentioned crystallographic texture will be achieved by columnar grains growth via themechanisms of diffusion-controlled and deformation-induced grain boundary motion. The intensity of the cubictexture component will be increased from sub-surface region to the central part. At the same time the highintensity of the deformation component (111) [0vw] will be eliminated at the middle part of steel. Such amicrostructural and textural state will be the basis for the isotropy of magnetic properties at a relatively low lossesand a high isotropy of magnetic induction. The output of the project will be not only the acquired knowledge infield of basic research, also will be proposed a technological process for the preparation of such a microstructure.
Duration: 1.1.2019 – 31.12.2021
Dizajn mikroštruktúry a subštruktúry elektroocelí pre náročné aplikácie v pohonoch elektromobilov
The microstructural and substructural design of electrical steels for demanding applications in the electrical cars drives.
Program: VEGA
Project leader: Mgr. Petryshynets Ivan, PhD.
Annotation: The project is focused on the microstructural and substructural design of high-strength electrical steels intended for rotors and stators of traction motors for electricalcars and cars with hybrid drive. In frame of present project the research will be focused on the design and preparation of high-strength dynamo steels with good strength as well as the magnetic properties. The proposed steel will be designed so that its microstructure and texture parameters show the low watt loss under load in high magnetic fields and mechanical strength provide by ultra-fine precipitates (up to 50nm) or clusters of selected elements based on FeTiP particles responds to the requirements for the extreme mechanical and fatigue loads of the rotor at sudden braking or pulling acceleration. To achieve the selected composite system a sequence of structure creation will be designed and implemented.
Duration: 1.1.2018 – 31.12.2020
FOROPTIMAT – Výskum vplyvu inovácií postupov výroby na životnosť nástrojov a komponentov lesných mechanizmov
Research on the impact of process innovation on lifespan of forestry machinery tools and components
Program: SRDA
Project leader: RNDr. Džupon Miroslav, PhD.
Annotation: Project is focused on research on the impact of process innovation on lifespan of forest machines tools and components. During the project it will be elaborated a comprehensive analysis of the current status in using of working tools and components from material and technology points of view. In order to find stress-strain state of tools and components it will be performed FEM analysis. Further, it will be performed state material analysis of specimens to examine their physical and mechanical properties, microstructure characteristic and resistance to abrasive wear. Based on the results of aforementioned analyzes it will be proposed and applied innovative methods of production technology and surface treatments procedures for exposed functional areas in order to increase their function life. In order to comparison the same experimental tests on specimens will be repeated. Based on the results of comparison, it will be carried out selection of optimal innovative procedures. Selected procedures will be applied and tested in the operating conditions of forestry. It is expected that implementation of the results of applied research will increase lifespan of forest machines tools and components thereby reducing their maintenance costs and purchase costs.
Duration: 1.7.2017 – 31.12.2020
Inotech – Využitie inovatívnych technológií obnovy funkčných plôch foriem na výrobu odliatkov pre automobilový priemysel
The utilization of innovative technology for repair functional surfaces of mold casting dies for castings in automotive industry
Program: SRDA
Project leader: RNDr. Džupon Miroslav, PhD.
Annotation: The project aims at increasing the service life of shaped parts of molds and cores for high pressure die casting (HPDC) of aluminum alloys for the automotive industry. Increasing the service life of casting moulds and dies is achieved using innovative technologies of restoration their functional shape surfaces. For this renovation purpose will be used hard surfacing of functional surfaces of tools in combination with PVD and PE-CVD coatings made of new advanced nanomaterials based on TiAlN, CrAlN and TiB. There will be experimentally verified the effectiveness of local heat exposure of renovated as well as original surface of shaped casting mould to laser as a method of surface pretreatment before deposition thin coatings using PVD or PE CVD technology. The application potential of the project lies in reducing the cost of maintenance moulds and dies, in saving of material resources and also in increasing the productivity and reliability of the process of aluminum castings production.
Duration: 1.7.2017 – 31.12.2020
DevProSteel – Vývoj nekonvenčnej technológie finalného spracovania izotrópnych elektrotechnických ocelí
Unconventional technology development of final processing of isotropic electrical steels
Program: SRDA
Project leader: RNDr. Kováč František, CSc.
Annotation: The project is focused on the technological process application of the final deformation-thermal treatment of isotropic electrical steels. The proposed process provides the better micro structural and textural parameters of materials. In addition to improvement of the electromagnetic properties, this procedure allows to reduce thecontent of alloying elements Si and Al for the individual quality grades with a positive impact on the shearing properties and thermal conductivity of sheets metal. Our proposed treatment technology will be based on the useof strain induced ferrite grain growth under the influence of gradient of internal deformation stresses and thermal exposure at the final heat treatment of strips and electromotor segments. At the same time the domain structure will be modified on the steel surface by using laser radiation.
Duration: 1.7.2016 – 30.6.2019
Modifikácia povrchovej mikroštruktúry nástrojových ocelí laserom
Modification of surface microstructure of tool steels by laser.
Program: VEGA
Project leader: RNDr. Kováč František, CSc.
Annotation: The main task of the project is focused on the analysis of the modification of tool steel microstructure by means ofapplying of conventional heat treatment in combination with the subsequent laser heat treatment so that the mainproperties will be improved.The experimental materials will be created with three groups of tool steels which are determined for the coldwork. The first group will be consist of carbon steel with carbon containing up to 0.7 wt%, the second groups willbe low-alloy steels, and the third group will be the medium alloy steels. These materials will be treatment byrecommended conventional heat procedures. Subsequently, the materials will be subjected to the treatment bylaser beam in order to melting the surface or heating the surface to the selected temperature of austenite as afunction of technological parameters of laser treatment. For each material variations will be defined the optimalparameters of laser treatment in order to increase wear resistance of steel.
Duration: 1.1.2016 – 31.12.2018
ZKVAVESE – Zvýšenie kvality výstrižkov a efektívnosti strihania elektroplechov
Increasing the quality of cut-outs and effectiveness of cutting electric sheets
Program: SRDA
Project leader: RNDr. Džupon Miroslav, PhD.
Annotation: Electric tractions (motors) are inseparable part of many devices from the motor for home appliances through theelectric motors for machines and equipment to electric motors for electric vehicles. Most of these motors consistof the rotor and stator, which are based on the cut-outs from electrical sheets. The cut-outs are joined into therotor and stator bundles. When making the bundles, the important factor is the quality of cutting surface, whichalso influences the additional operations. It also has a significant effect on the quality parameters of electricmotors (size of losses by engine heating). The proposed project has the ambition to solve the optimization of thequality of cutting existing and new developed electrical sheets in context of the expected development ofproduction of electric vehicles. The base of the experimental part is the verification of new tool materials(including uncoated ones) for the production of the active parts of cutting tools for the purpose of increasing thequality of cutting surface and tool life and thereby increasing the efficiency of production of cut-outs fromelectrical sheets.
Duration: 1.7.2015 – 30.6.2018
Vysokopevné elektrotechnické ocele pre elektromobily a hybridné pohony .
High-strength electro-technical steels for electric vehicles and hybrid motors.
Program: VEGA
Project leader: RNDr. Kováč František, CSc.
Annotation: The project is focused on the microstructural design of high-strength electrical steels for hybrid motors and electric vehicles. Within the proposed project the original concept of high-strength electrical steel based on composite gradient microstructure substructure and texture through the sheet thickness arrangement, will be designed. The central part is characterized by coarse-grained microstructure with high intensity cubic texture component reinforced by coherent Cu precipitates and solid solution, characterized by excellent electromagnetic parameters. Subsurface area will consist of fine-grained microstructure reinforced by incoherent AlN precipitates and solid solution of Si, Al, Cu in the ferrite. This area is characterized by high strength characteristics and good resistance to fatigue rupture.To achieve the selected composite system a sequence of structure creation will be designed and implemented.
Duration: 1.1.2013 – 31.12.2015
HECOSTE – Vysokopevné elektrotechnické kompozitné ocele
High-strength electro-technical composite steels
Program: SRDA
Project leader: RNDr. Kováč František, CSc.
Annotation: The project focuses on the microstructural design of high-strength steels for electrical motors for hybrid and electric vehicles. The proposed project will be designed the original concept of high-strength electrical steel based composite arrangement gradient microstructure, substructure and texture of the sheet thickness .. The central part is characterized by coarse-grained microstructure with high intensity cubic texture component reinforced coherent Cu precipitates and solid solution, characterized by excellent electromagnetic parameters. Subsurface area will consist of fine-grained microstructure reinforced incoherent precipitates and AlN solid solution of Si, Al, Cu in the ferrite. This area is characterized by high strength characteristics and good resistance to fatigue poušeniu.To achieve the selected composite system will be designed and implemented a sequence of processes štrukturotvorných / diffusion, recrystallization, deformation-induced grain boundary motion, precipitation, the interaction of grain boundaries with precipitates, selective growth of grains /.They analyzed the electromagnetic, strength and fatigue characteristics. Will be developed a comprehensive model of the complex microstructure of electromagnetic nature, strength and fatigue characteristics of high strength electrical steel composite construction.
Duration: 1.7.2012 – 31.12.2015
VUKONZE – Centrum výskumu účinnosti integrácie kombinovaných systeémov obnoviteľných zdrojov energií
Research Centrum for Combinated and Renewable Resources of Energy
Program: EU Structural Funds Research & Development
Project leader: RNDr. Kováč František, CSc.
Annotation: In frame of the activity named as “Investigation of isotropic electrotechnical steels type semi-finish possessing improved electromagnetic properties” will be conducted research at IMR SAS. The activity will be performed as a part of the project. The study will be directed on investigation of temperature and deformation induced structure development processes such as polygonisation, recrystallization, grain boundary motion and development of crystallographic texture. The experimental material will be electrotechnical steels with Si content up to 2,5 wt.%. Deformation energy will be used for selective growth of grains possessing cubic texture. The deformation energy will have a different intensity level that is dependent on elasticity modulus of differently oriented grains. Mathematical models of behavior of strain stress dependences for particular crystallographic orientations during cold rolling process will be developed. These models will be used for optimization of cold rolling process. The optimization will be done in order to obtain maximal gradient of deformation intensities between grains having cubic and deformation texture components. The gradient will provide a driving force that will be used during dynamical heat treatment. The aims will be a development of columnar microstructure with increased intensity of cubic texture components. The experimentally treated materials will be subjected to electromagnetic properties measurements. On the base the proposed research a new thermo-mechanical treatment process fro semi-finish electrical steels will be proposed. This proposed process will be economically more reasonable in comparison to the now existing ones and will provide better magnetic properties for steels with content of Si up to 2.5% wt.. The process also allows decreasing of the Si content in the quality grades (M 340 to M 560 – 50E) that in turn provides higher heat conductivity.
Duration: 1.6.2010 – 31.12.2013
NMTE – Nové materiály a technológie pre energetiku
New Materials and Technology for energetics
Program: EU Structural Funds Research & Development
Project leader: RNDr. Kováč František, CSc.
Annotation: Aims o the project are: 1. Technology of nanostructured bulk superconductors for energy storage 2. Biological battery based on renewable biological products 3. New trafo-steel modified by nanoparticles 4. Cooling and insulating medium based on magnetic fluid for high power transformers.Activities, carried out at IMR SAS in frame of the project, are targeted on scientific knowledge transfer into proposal of a financially favorable technological process of grain oriented electrical steels production. The activities are manly related to area of microstructure and crystallographic texture evolution of the steels. The originality of the approach is based on an assumption of deformation induced grain boundary motion of ferrite grains. This phenomenon will be combined with pinning effect of nano-particles of micro alloyed elements and will be used for selective growth of (110) [001] oriented grains. Effective distribution parameters of the inhibition system and lower dissolution temperatures of these particles will allow to control of abnormal grain growth of the Goss grains at lover temperature and significantly shorter time temperature expositions.
Duration: 1.9.2010 – 31.8.2013
Mikroštruktúrny dizajn progresívnych izotrópnych elektrotechnických ocelí.
Microstructure design of progressive isotropic electrotechnical steels
Program: VEGA
Project leader: RNDr. Kováč František, CSc.
Annotation: The project is focused on controlled evolution of microstructure and crystallographic texture in the isotropic electrotechnical steels possessing high permeability for use in electric motors with higher efficiency. Mechanisms of deformation induced and thermo activated grain boundary motion will be used during controlled development of microstructure of selective abnormal grain growth process. This will be done in order to achieve predominant intensity of (100) [0vw] and so called Goss (110) [001] texture components with simultaneous decrease of deformation texture (111) [0vw]. The mentioned crystallographic orientation will provide improvement of watt losses parameters as well as magnetic induction with simultaneous decreasing of alloying elements that will have positive impact on decreasing of heat conduction coefficient of the final material.
Duration: 1.1.2010 – 31.12.2012
Technológia prípravy elektrotechnických ocelí s vysokou permeabilitou určených pre elektromotory s vyššou účinnosťou
Technology of preparation of electrotechnical steels possessing high permeability for high affectivity electromotors.
Program: EU Structural Funds Research & Development
Project leader: RNDr. Kováč František, CSc.
Annotation: The project is focused on oriented research and development of progressive electrotechnical steel possessing goal-directed microstructures, textures and substructures parameters that provide excellent application properties. The application is aimed on high efficient electrical gears used in electrotechnical, energetic and automobile industry areas. This bears a great importance not only on Slovak Republic but in whole Europe Union scale. Within connection with knowledge transfer to economic area, an increase of produced product quality is expected. The quality improvement could be achieved at recent or even lower production costs that will lead to increasing of product competitiveness.
Duration: 1.1.2010 – 30.6.2012
DIMONI – Štúdium modifikácie makroštruktúry kovových a polovodičových systémov pomocou legovania prímesnými atómami
Studies of diffusion of modifying atoms and microstructure of metal-based and semiconductor-based alloys
Program: SRDA
Project leader: Mgr. Petryshynets Ivan, PhD.
Annotation: The project is focused on characterization of nano-scale precipitates and grain boundary segregdation of carbon in non-oriented electrical steel (NO ES) and development of an empirical model for assessment of relation between their morphology and core loss. Two groups of main objectives will be investigated by joint efforts of the Slovak and Slovenian groups. First, since magnetic properties of NO ES is very dependent on second phase particles (precipitates). Precipitates can have negative effects because they limit the grain growth during the final annealing and the direct negative effect is pinning of domain wall movements. The aim of the project therefore is to investigate the (nano)structures of NO ES in order to characterize the non-metallic inclusions and precipitate populations in ferrite matrix and determine the size, morphology, quantity and distribution. Purpose of the project is to produce a model for assessment of relation between size and morphology of the inclusions and (nano)precipitates and core loss.The second group of objectives consists in the studies of segregations of carbon on grain boundaries. A quite important role plays a carbon segragation at interfaces in the NO ES. This solute elemnt has an enormous effect on grain boundary migration and even very small ammount of concentration may significantly affects the recrystallization or grain growth phenomenta taking place in the NO steel during its heat treatment. However the knowladge of whow and whther indeed the carbon influence the grain boundary migration, even at small concentrations, in steel is still radumentary. This draws a need to sudy more deeply the presnce of carbon, even at small concentrations, in NO ES.Hence, the prospective results could lead to significant improvement in microstructure and texture control which have a direct affect on electromagnetic properties of NO ES.
Duration: 1.3.2010 – 31.12.2011
Deformarmačne a difúzne indukovaný pohyb hraníc zŕn pri evolúcii kubickej a Gossovej kryštalografickej orientácie v Fe-Si ferite
Deformation and difusion induced grain boundary motion during cube and Goss texture development in Fe – Si ferrite
Program: VEGA
Project leader: RNDr. Kováč František, CSc.
Duration: 1.1.2007 – 31.12.2009