

Konštrukčné PM ocele obsahujúce legujúce prvky s vysokou afinitou ku kyslíku spekané v atmosférach s rôznym chemickým zložením
Structural PM steels containing alloying elements with high affinity for oxygen sintered in atmosphere with different chemical composition
Program: Inter-academic agreement
Project leader: RNDr. Kupková Miriam, CSc.
Duration: 1.1.2016 – 31.12.2018
LightMat4Space – Materiál pre vesmírne aplikácie na báze ľahkého nanokryštalického hliníka (modelovanie a verifikácia technológie)
Leightweight nanocrystalline aluminium based material for space applications (modeling and technology verification)
Program: ERANET
Project leader: doc. RNDr. Lofaj František, DrSc.
Annotation: The aim of the proposed project is to develop lightweight structural material based on nc-Al with deposited gradient hydrogenated C-coating with high wear and contact fatigue resistance under cryogenic conditions for space applications (e.g. gear boxes in extraterrestrial vehicles). The originality of the main idea of the project is in the combination of a novel lightweight and high strength Core/Shell Precipitate (C/S) hardened nc-Al alloys with C-coatings which will result in the improvement of wear and fatigue resistance of the alloy in cryogenic conditions and ultrahigh vacuum.
Duration: 1.10.2015 – 30.9.2017
Výskum konštrukčných ocelí spekaných v atmosférach rôzneho chemického zloženia
The investigation of structural steels sintered in atmosphere with different chemical composition
Program: Bilateral – other
Project leader: RNDr. Kupková Miriam, CSc.
Duration: 1.8.2013 – 31.12.2015
Štúdium správania sa uhlíkom povlakovaných legovaných práškov počas spekania a modelovanie procesu spekania
Investigation of Behaviour of carbon Coated Alloyed Powders during Sintering and Modelling of the Sintering Process
Program: Inter-academic agreement
Project leader: RNDr. Selecká Marcela, CSc.
Duration: 1.1.2012 – 31.12.2014
Nano-carbon allo – Štúdium procesov povlakovania a tvorby nano-štruktúrneho aktívneho uhlíka pri príprave nízkouhlíkových spekaných súčiastok z práškových zmesí
Study of the Processes of Coating and Formation of Nano-Structured Active Carbon at Processing of Low Alloyed Sintered Steel Components from Powder Mixtures
Program: Bilateral – other
Project leader: RNDr. Selecká Marcela, CSc.
Annotation: The aim of the project is development of new ecologically-friendly method of coating of powders based on iron for introduction íof carbon in the form of hydrocarbon CnHm as substitution of graphite. The basic research will be focused on study of processes connected with reactions solidus-solidus and solidus-gas, which are in progress during sintering, namely in Fe-C and Fe-Cr-Mo-C compacts. Optimal conditions of coating will be deternined, data concerning kinetics of the formation of interparticle connection will be obtained and compared with those from calculation and explained micromechanical and diffusion processes. Relationship among microstructure, processing conditions and properties of sintered compacts will be determined. For comparison the specimens with addition of carbon in the form of graphite will be prepared and analysed under the same conditions.
Duration: 1.1.2012 – 31.12.2013
Spekané zliatiny na báze železa s mikrogradientnou štruktúrou
Sintered iron-based alloys with microgradient structure
Program: Inter-governmental agreement
Project leader: RNDr. Kupková Miriam, CSc.
Annotation: no description
Duration: 1.1.2006 – 31.12.2007
Manganse powder – Vývoj PM Mn ocelí pre konštrukčné súčiastky
Development of Powder Metallurgy Manganese Steels for Structural Components
Program: NATO
Project leader: RNDr. Selecká Marcela, CSc.
Duration: 1.3.1999 – 28.2.2003


VEGA – Vplyv prídavkov Nb a V na vysokoteplotnú stabilitu a mechanické vlastnosti multikomponentných Ti-Ta-Zr-Hf-Me-N povlakov (Me= Nb, V), pripravených reakčným DC magnetrónovým naprašovaním a HiTUS technológiou
Program: VEGA
Project leader: Ing. Kvetková Lenka, PhD.
Duration: 1.1.2023 – 31.12.2025
HaTo-Coat – Tvrdé a húževnaté vrstvy na báze boridov a nitridov pripravené progresívnymi PVD technikami
Hard and tough boride and nitride-based coatings prepared by advanced PVD techniques
Program: SRDA
Project leader: doc. RNDr. Lofaj František, DrSc.
Annotation: The project aims at the increase of fracture toughness of thin hard PVD boride- and nitride based coatings deposited using advance sputtering techniques including HiPPMS and HiTUS while keeping their high thermal and oxidation resistance by means of employment of the intrinsic and extrinsic factors. The main idea is based on a „new design“ of hard coatings including simultaneous contribution from the modification of chemical composition, morphology and structure of the coatings via exploitation of the potential of structure control provide by HiPPMS and HiTUS technologies with high level of sputtered material ionization and high density of working gas plasma, respectively. Both technologies result in the coatings with high densities and allow us to modify the nanostructures, size of the nanocrystallites, modify chemical composition etc. and subsequently, to obtain different physical properties of the coatings. The activities of the project are focused on the development of transition metals-based boride and nitride coatings with improved mechanical (hardness > 30 GPa) and tribological properties (coefficient of friction < 0.3) for extreme conditions (> 1000°C, aggressive oxidation environment, etc.). The main effort will be oriented toward the elimination of the main drawbacks of hard coatings, i.e. toward the increase of their inherently low fracture toughness and increase of their oxidation resistance without hampering their hardness via understanding of the mechanisms of nanostructure evolution, decomposition of the high entropy multicomponent solid solutions, formation of stable phases and their relationships to mechanical and tribological properties. The research activities include also the correlations of the experimental results with the ab initio predictions based on theoretical models related to atomic structure and electronic configuration of the studied systems.
Duration: 1.7.2022 – 30.6.2025
CEDITEKII – Rozvoj a podpora výskumno – vývojových aktivít Centra pre testovanie kvality a diagnostiku materiálov v oblastiach špecializácie RIS3 SK
Advancement and support of R&D for "Centre for diagnostics and quality testing of materials" in the domains of the RIS3 SK specialization
Program: Štrukturálne fondy EÚ Výskum a inovácie
Project leader: prof. RNDr. Dusza Ján, DrSc.
Duration: 1.1.2019 – 30.6.2023
WLEDMat – Nové sklené a sklokeramické fosfory na báze hlinitanov vzácnych zemín pre aplikácie v pevnolátkových energiu šetriacich svetelných zdrojoch vyžarujúcich biele svetlo (pc-WLED diódy).
Novel glass and glass-ceramic rare-earth aluminates-based phosphors for energy-saving solid state lighting sources emitting white light (pc-WLEDs).
Program: SRDA
Project leader: doc. RNDr. Lofaj František, DrSc.
Annotation: The project is focused on research and development of novel glass and glass-ceramic rare-earth aluminatesbasedluminescent materials for white light-emitting diodes (pc-WLED), especially materials with efficient redemission, which could improve CRI index compared to the known commercially produced phosphors. Phosphorswill be prepared in the form of glass microbeads. The structure of undoped alumninate glasses in the systemAl2O3-RE2O3 will be studied by spectroscopic methods. Thermal properties and kinetics of crystallization will bealso studied. In order to preparer glass-ceramics materials with required properties, the conditions ofcrystallization process will be investigated and optimized. Photoluminescence properties of glass and glassceramicrare-earth and transition metal ions doped materials will be studied in detail. Special attention will bepaid to study of relations between luminescent properties of materials and their structure and morphology. Infinal stage of the project, the composite PiG materials (Phosphor in Glass) will be prepared and characterized asthin plates suitable for direct application onto excitation LED chip. A LED diode emitting white light/warm whitelight will be contracted using the LED chip with suitable excitation wavelength in the NUV spectral range andprepared PiG composite with optimised thickness, so that optimal emission characteristic will be achieved.
Duration: 1.8.2018 – 31.7.2022
eCHALCO – Štúdium procesov vyvolaných elektrónovým zväzkom a elektromagnetickým žiarením v chalkogenidových sklách
Investigation of phenomena induced by electron beam and electromagnetic radiation in chalcogenide glasses
Program: SRDA
Project leader: doc. RNDr. Lofaj František, DrSc.
Annotation: e-CHALCO project aims to study the interaction of the electron beam and electromagnetic radiation withsurfaces of thin films from chalcogenide glasses. In this area, we have reported recently results that lead tofundamental understanding of the phenomena induced by local interaction of electric charge andelectromagnetic radiation with these materials. In this project, we plan to continue in more systematic and deeperstudy of the effects induced during local perturbation of these materials, which can lead to local deformation,change in the chemical composition, phase transitions and charge persistence and accumulation using the latestmicroscopic, spectroscopic and diffraction techniques. We also focus on the investigation of influence ofexperimental parameters such as charge deposition lattice period, accelerating voltage, layer thickness, andcomposition of glass for the observed effects. Opportunities to prepare mesoscopic and nanoscopic structureswill lead to new applications of these materials in nanotechnology, for example, in fabrication of nanoemitters, incatalysis and in fabrication of probes for scanning probe microscopy and in technologies for recording andstoring information.
Duration: 1.8.2018 – 31.7.2022
Vývoj nano/mikrovlákien na báze oxidov kovov metódou elektrostatického zvlákňovania pre špeciálne technické aplikácie
Development of nano/microfibers based on metal oxides by needle-less electrospinning for special technical applications
Program: VEGA
Project leader: Ing. Múdra Erika, PhD.
Duration: 1.1.2018 – 31.12.2020
Vplyv grafénu na tribologické vlastnosti keramických materiálov na báze karbidov a boridov
The influence of graphene platelets addition on tribological properties of ceramic composites based on carbides and borides.
Program: VEGA
Project leader: Ing. Kovalčíková Alexandra, PhD.
Duration: 1.1.2017 – 31.12.2019
MICONA – Multikomponentné nanokompozitné povlaky pripravené vysokoionizovanými depozičnými technológiami
Multicomponent nanocomposite coatings prepared by highly ionized deposition technologies
Program: SRDA
Project leader: doc. RNDr. Lofaj František, DrSc.
Annotation: Project is focused on the application of the latest theoretical models for the increase of thermal stability, structural and oxidation resistance, wear resistance, lifetime and toughness in the development of new hard three- and multicomponent nanocomposite coatings based on Ti-, Cr-, Al- and W-nitrides by means of doping by the reactive elements and on the optimization of the newest iPVD processes with the high degree of ionization of the deposited material based on HiPIMS and HiTUS technologies. The main idea is to create new nanostructural systems based on the known 2D and 3D nanocomposite systems (TiB2, Ti-B-N, Ti-Al-N, Cr-Al-N, W-C, W-C-N) doped with additional elements (Ta, V, Y, W, Nb, Si, B a pod.), which will increase toughness and crack resistance of the coatings. They will simultaneously create active barriers supressing oxidation and thus, reduce mechanical properties degradation of the coatings and/or coated substrate at elevated temperatures. The work, which is a direct continuation of the previous project APVV 0520- 10, also involves the investigation of the relationships among the deposition parameters, resulting structure and properties of new systems for hard coatings and basic understanding of the mechanisms of the nanostructure formation, metastable phase decomposition, formation of stable structures, etc. in the case of novel deposition technologies with high degree of ionization of the sputtered material.
Duration: 1.7.2015 – 29.6.2018
Vplyv stupňa ionizácie plazmy na štruktúru a mechanické vlastnosti MeC a MeN (Me=Ti, Cr, W) povlakov pripravovaných vysokoenergetickými pulznými PVD procesmi
The effect of high plasma ionization on structure and mechanical properties of high energy pulsed PVD MeC and MeN (Me=Ti, Cr, W) based coatings
Program: VEGA
Project leader: Ing. Kvetková Lenka, PhD.
Annotation: The project is aimed at the investigation of the fundamental relationships between the degree of ionization and the plasma density, as well as power density on the sputtered target on the microstructure and mechanical properties, such as hardness and tribological properties, of nitride and carbide coatings (TiN, Cr and WC) prepared by the novel HiPIMS and HITUS sputtering methods at temperatures below 200oC. The project includes a comparison of these relations with the results of conventional methods of magnetron sputtering, creation of a database of relationships preparation conditions -microstructure – properties of coatings prepared by these new methods as well as determination of optimum conditions for deposition technology of coatings with reproducible properties
Duration: 1.1.2015 – 31.12.2017
Vývoj mikroštruktúry a vlastnosti funkčných kompozitov založených na progresívnych magneticky mäkkých zliatinách
Microstructure development and properties of functional composites based on progressive soft magnetic alloys
Program: VEGA
Project leader: Ing. Bureš Radovan, CSc.
Duration: 1.1.2015 – 31.12.2017
Príprava a charakterizácia nanoštruktúrovaných funkčných vrstiev
Preparation and characterization of nanostructured functional layers
Program: VEGA
Project leader: RNDr. Kupková Miriam, CSc.
Duration: 1.1.2012 – 31.12.2015
MIKROMATEL – Progresívna technológia prípravy mikrokompozitných materiálov pre elektrotechniku
Advanced technology of preparation of micro-composite materials for electrotechnics
Program: EU Structural Funds Research & Development
Project leader: Ing. Bureš Radovan, CSc.
Project webpage:
Duration: 1.12.2010 – 31.3.2015
Kovové biomateriály pripravené práškovými technológiami
Metallic biomaterials prepared by powder-processing techniques
Program: VEGA
Project leader: RNDr. Kupková Miriam, CSc.
Duration: 1.1.2012 – 31.12.2014
Príprava, mikroštruktúra a vlastnosti magnetických kompozitov na báze práškového železa.
Preparation, microstructure and properties of magnetic composites based on iron powders.
Program: VEGA
Project leader: Ing. Bureš Radovan, CSc.
Annotation: The aim of the project is the study of correlation of powder morphology,microstructure and properties of SMC.Composite powders prepared by chemical methods will be compacted using advanced technology of microwave sintering.Project will focus on:a)study of methods for preparation of composite powders related to their physical and technological properties b)study of the influence of modern compaction methods on microstructure of SMC in comparison with conventional pressing and sintering c)study of changes in electric,magnetic and mechanical properties of composites in dependence on technology of preparation d)correlation of technological parameters,morphology,microstructure a physical properties of SMC.Methods:quantification of morphology and microstructure using image analysis stereology;analysis of electric and mechanical properties.Project will help to explain the microstructure development patterns and nature of changes in the properties of SMC with the aim to achieve homogeneity and isotropy of properties.
Duration: 1.1.2012 – 31.12.2014
MAGCOMP – Mikroštruktúra a vlastnosti mikro a nano-kompozitných materiálov pre stredofrekvenčné magnetické aplikácie
Microstructure and properties of poder micro and nano-composite materials for middle frequency aplications
Program: SRDA
Project leader: doc. Ing. Dudrová Eva, CSc.
Annotation: The main goal of the project is preparation of isotropic PM micro- and nano-composite materials with optimal distribution of insulation compound with favourable complex of magnetic and mechanical properties for middle frequency magnetic applications. Preparation of powder composite magnetic materials by chemical way will be realized: a) „nanocasting“ of magnetic particles in porous matrix, b) sol-gel method resulted to the preparation of Fe/SiO2 nicro and nanoparticles with core/shell“ structure. Also hybrid composites „inorganic/polymer“ will be prepared based on coated microparticles. Prepared powders will be compacted into shape of cylinder, ring and prism by application of simple cycle of cold pressing and thermal treatment by microwave heating to achieve needful structure and strength, elimination of distortion in Fe lattice and residual stresses. The project proposal imposes interdisciplinary approach of analysis of physical-chemical properties in dependence on size of structural elements of investigated materials. Applied methods will provide knowledge about properties of investigated structures those up to no were not enough examined by these methods. Magneto-structural correlation and magnetic interactions in materials with different degree of size of magnetic active compounds will be explained. Explanation of magnetic interactions will lead to the explanation of macroscopic parameters in direct and alternating magnetic fields under different physical conditions.
Project webpage:
Duration: 1.5.2011 – 31.10.2014
Iniciácia, subkritický rast, koalescencia a šírenie mikrotrhlín pri únavovom namáhaní spekaných Fe-Cr-Mn-Mo ocelí
Initiation, Subcritical Growth, Coalescence and Propagation of Fatigue Microcracks in Sintered Fe-Cr-Mn-Mo-C Steels
Program: VEGA
Project leader: doc. Ing. Dudrová Eva, CSc.
Annotation: The project objective is a microscopic study of initiation, subcritical growth and coalescence of microcracks andcrack propagation in fatigue loading of Powder Metallurgy Fe-Cr-Mn-Mo-C alloys. These will be based onFe-Cr-Mo prealloyed powders with additions of Fe-Mn-C master alloy powder such as to sinter with a transientliquid phase. The main topics: a) effect of master alloy addition and sintering conditions on microstructure andfatigue properties; b) microscopic analysis of fatigue failure stages at selected stress amplitudes and increasingnumber of cycles up to failure; calculation of the microstructural stress intensity factors Ka; c) modelling of shortcrack behaviour, measurement and calculation of critical crack sizes; d) correlation of chemical composition,processing parameters and microstructure with failure micromechanisms and macromechanical fatigueproperties. It is expected that original knowledge about these relations in sintered steels will be attained.
Duration: 1.1.2009 – 31.12.2011
Výroba, štruktúra a vlastnosti kompozitov s kovovou matricou, pripravených z povlakovaných, nanoštruktúrnych alebo amorfných surovín.
Processing, structure and properties of metal matrix composites originating from coated, nanostructured or amorphous raw materials
Program: VEGA
Project leader: RNDr. Kupková Miriam, CSc.
Annotation: The project deals with metal matrix composites made by powder metallurgy from coated, nanostructured or amorphous materials. Metals with nanostructured or amorphous reinforcements represent a relatively new and yet poorly understood class of materials. The project is oriented on fundamentals rather than on a specific composite development. The aim is to answer the questions: How is the powder-mass\’ behavior related to properties of individual coated, nanostructured or amorphous particles? What are the fundamental processes during compaction and sintering of such powders and how do they affect the product’s microstructure? What are the basic links between microstructure and macroscopic properties of metals with coated, nanostructured or amorphous reinforcements?Both experimental and theoretical means will be used to reach the project goals. Experiments combined with a theoretical study of model systems should contribute to the understanding of properties and potential of a given class of materials.
Duration: 1.1.2009 – 31.12.2011
Elektrolytická príprava a charakterizácia nanokompozitných povlakov s cieľom zvýšit koróznu odolnost a katalytickú aktivitu
Electrolytical Preparation and Characterisation of Nanocomposite Coatings in order to Enhance the Corrosion Resistance and Catalytic Activity
Program: VEGA
Project leader: doc. Ing. Dudrová Eva, CSc.
Duration: 1.1.2008 – 31.12.2010
MICOMAT – Kompaktizácia, mikroštruktúra a vlastnosti mikrokompozitných materiálov na báze povlakovaných Fe práškov.
Compactizing, Microstructure an Properties of Microcomposite Materials based on Coated Fe Powders
Program: SRDA
Project leader: doc. Ing. Dudrová Eva, CSc.
Annotation: The objective of the project is an investigation of compactizing, microstructure development and properties of microcomposite materials based on metal, ceramic, and polymer coated Fe powders using conventional and innovative techniques of forming and sintering. The research will be focused on the deformation and diffusion processes related to mechanical and chemical interactions during compactizing (forming and sintering). The aim is a) to identify the morphological, chemical and microstructural changes of coating/substrate interfaces relevant to the acting of the pressure and heat during the compactizing, b) to identify the microstructure composition of sintered microcomposite materials, c) to explain micromechanical and diffusion processes realised during the stages of compactizing, d) to analyse the properties of studied microcomposite materials, e) to determine the relationship between the compactizing parameters, microstructure and properties (mechanical, electrical, magnetical) of studied microcomposite materials. Studied systems: coating/substrate: Cu-Ni-X/Fe, Al2O3/Fe, FePO4/Fe, Somaloy. Processing methods: single and multistep cold pressing, sintering with continual monitoring of furnace atmosphere, warm compaction with thermosetting resins. Evaluation methods: compressibility, sinterability, LOM, SEM+EDS, X-ray analyses, digital image and statistical analysis of microstructure, mechanical, electrical, magnetic properties
Duration: 1.9.2008 – 31.12.2010
Štúdium korelácie medzi vlastnosťami povlakovaných práškových častíc a správaním sa práškovej masy, surových výliskov a spekaných materiálov pripravených z takýchto častíc
Investigation of correlation between properties of induvidual coated powder particles and behaviour of powder mass, green compacts and sinte red materials made of such particles
Program: VEGA
Project leader: RNDr. Kupková Miriam, CSc.
Duration: 1.1.2006 – 1.12.2008
Modifikácia povrchu práškových častíc elektrochemickým nanášaním viacvrstvových a polymérnych povlakov
Modification of the Surface of Powder Particles by Electrochemical Plating of Multilayers and Polymer Coatings
Program: VEGA
Project leader: doc. Ing. Dudrová Eva, CSc.
Duration: 1.1.2005 – 1.12.2007
Analýza správania a vlastností výliskov v rôznych štádiách kompaktizácie
Analysis of behaviour and properties of powder compacts at various stages of compaction
Program: VEGA
Project leader: RNDr. Kupková Miriam, CSc.
Duration: 1.1.2003 – 31.12.2005
Kovové peny a gradientné materiály: štúdium vplyvu mikroštruktúry na makroskopické vlastnosti
Metallic foams and functionally graded materials: Investigation of influence of microstructure on macroscopic properties
Program: VEGA
Project leader: RNDr. Kupková Miriam, CSc.
Duration: 1.1.2000 – 31.12.2002