

ISWA – Ponorenie sa do sveta vedy prostredníctvom umenia
Immersion in the Science Worlds through the Arts
Program: FP7
Project leader: prof. RNDr. Dusza Ján, DrSc.
Duration: 1.3.2011 – 28.2.2013
IMPROVING – Posilnenie výskumných kapacít Ústavu materiálového výskumu v Košiciach
Improving the research capacity of the Institute of materials research in Košice
Program: FP7
Project leader: prof. RNDr. Dusza Ján, DrSc.
Duration: 1.3.2009 – 28.2.2010
CRV – Centrum rozvoja vzdelávania v oblasti multidisciplinárneho výskumu a vývoja progresívnych materiálov a technológií
Centre for the education on the multidisciplinar research and development of advanced materials and technologies
Program: European Science Foundation (ESF)
Project leader: prof. RNDr. Dusza Ján, DrSc.
Duration: 8.10.2007 – 30.9.2008


Vývoj keramických nanovlákien na báze kovov získaných z recyklácie odpadov technológiou elektrostatického zvlákňovania
Development of ceramic nanofibers based on metals obtained from the waste recycling and prepared by needle less electrospinning.
Program: VEGA
Project leader: Ing. Múdra Erika, PhD.
Duration: 1.1.2023 – 31.12.2025
AdArmy – Prídavná flexibilná balistická nanokompozitná ochrana horných a doných končatín
Program: Other projects
Project leader: Ing. Puchý Viktor, PhD.
Duration: 1.1.2023 – 30.11.2023
FotDekont – Progresívne fotokatalytické materiály pre biologickú a chemickú dekontamináciu
Program: Other projects
Project leader: Mgr. Shepa Ivan, PhD.
Duration: 7.2.2023 – 30.11.2023
CEDITEKII – Rozvoj a podpora výskumno – vývojových aktivít Centra pre testovanie kvality a diagnostiku materiálov v oblastiach špecializácie RIS3 SK
Advancement and support of R&D for "Centre for diagnostics and quality testing of materials" in the domains of the RIS3 SK specialization
Program: Štrukturálne fondy EÚ Výskum a inovácie
Project leader: prof. RNDr. Dusza Ján, DrSc.
Duration: 1.1.2019 – 30.6.2023
Vysokoteplotné vlastnosti boridových MeB2 (Me = Ti, Zr, Hf) keramických kompozitných materiálov
High-temperature properties of diboride MeB2 (Me = Ti, Zr, Hf) ceramic composite materials
Program: VEGA
Project leader: Ing. Kovalčíková Alexandra, PhD.
Duration: 1.1.2020 – 31.12.2022
REDHYBEAR – Výskum a vývoj energeticky úsporného hybridného ložiskového reduktora so zníženým opotrebením pre robotické zariadenia (pre Priemysel 4.0)
Research and development of energy saving hybrid bearing reducer with lowered wear rate for robotic equipment (for Industry 4.0)
Program: SRDA
Project leader: doc. RNDr. Hvizdoš Pavol, DrSc.
Duration: 1.7.2019 – 30.6.2022
SEMOD-75 – Nanokompozitný materiál pre balistickú ochranu
Nanocomposite material for balistic protection
Program: Other projects
Project leader: Ing. Puchý Viktor, PhD.
Duration: 1.5.2019 – 31.8.2021
ProCor – Kompozitné vrstvy pre vysokoteplotnú protikoróznu ochranu kovov
Advanced composite coatings for high temperature corrosion protection of metals
Program: SRDA
Project leader: doc. RNDr. Hvizdoš Pavol, DrSc.
Annotation: Extension of lifetime and enhancing the thermal stability of steel used for construction of exhaust pipes, heat exchangers in waste incinerators, and casting and melting aggregates in steel and glass production can be achieved via suitable anti-corrosion coatings. The aim of this project is development of new types of composite anti-corrosion protective layers, based on ceramics prepared by controlled pyrolysis of organosilicon precursors. The use of organosilicon precursors facilitates application of conventional coating technologies, such as spray and dip-coating, with subsequent pyrolysis and conversion of the precursor to amorphous ceramics. Increased thermal stability, corrosion resistance, and minimisation of volume changes related to conversion of the organic precursor to ceramics will be achieved through the addition of suitable active and passive oxide glass fillers prepared by flame synthesis in the form of microspheres.The flame synthesis facilitates the preparation of glasses with high melting point, which ensures increase of the maximum operation temperature of the coating up to 1400 oC, as well as increased oxidation and corrosion resistance of prepared coatings, optimum compatibility of the filler with ceramic matrix and metallic substrate and, due to spherical shape of glass microparticles, also negligible influence on the rheology of the system polymer-filler in the course of coating on metallic substrate.
Duration: 1.7.2016 – 30.6.2020
Vplyv grafénu na tribologické vlastnosti keramických materiálov na báze karbidov a boridov
The influence of graphene platelets addition on tribological properties of ceramic composites based on carbides and borides.
Program: VEGA
Project leader: Ing. Kovalčíková Alexandra, PhD.
Duration: 1.1.2017 – 31.12.2019
Deformačné a lomové vlastnosti keramických materiálov na nano a mikro úrovni
Deformation and fracture properties of ceramic materials in micro/nano scale
Program: VEGA
Project leader: prof. RNDr. Dusza Ján, DrSc.
Annotation: Project deals with acquirement and application of progressive testing methods for study of deformation and fracture properties of ceramics in micro/nano scale. The project focuses on sintered carbides WC-Co, ceramic materials Si3N4 a ZrB2 and others, which are prepared by spark plasma sintering. The main contribution of the project is the understanding of the newest testing methods, clarification of relationship between the structure (crystallographic orientation of single grains, grain boundaries) and micro/nano mechanical and fracture properties (hardness, strength, Young´s modulus, Yield stress, indentation creep, scratch resistance) of selected ceramic materials.
Duration: 1.1.2016 – 31.12.2018
ConCer – Vývoj vodivej keramiky na báze SiC
Development of SiC based conductive ceramics
Program: SRDA
Project leader: doc. RNDr. Hvizdoš Pavol, DrSc.
Duration: 1.10.2013 – 30.9.2017
VEGA – Modelovanie napäťových stavov pri nanoindentácii a mechanickom zaťažení v kompozitných systémoch
Modeling of stress state during nanoindentation and mechanical loading in composite systems (MONACO)
Program: VEGA
Project leader: doc. RNDr. Lofaj František, DrSc.
Annotation: Project deals with the mathematical and experimental modelling of stress states during instrumented indentation and scratch testing under uniaxial – and multiaxial loading of fixed beam in composite systems by means of finite element modeling and experimental testing in model systems. The aim of the project is to create a knowledge basis for the optimization of the conditions for the measurement of nanohardness and scratch resistance of thin hard coatings on hard and soft substrates using instrumented indentation and scratch testing and on the increase of mechanical bonding of beams under loading mimicking bicortical dental implants.
Duration: 1.1.2014 – 31.12.2016
Vplyv chemického zloženia a tepelného spracovania na odolnosť voči oxidácii moderných keramických materiálov na báze karbidu kremičitého
Influence of chemical composition and heat treatment on the oxidation resistance of advanced silicon carbide based ceramics
Program: VEGA
Project leader: Ing. Kovalčíková Alexandra, PhD.
Annotation: The proposal project deals with the study of the influence of chemical composition, preparation, heat treatment on noxidation resistance of structural silicon carbide based ceramics. Project is focused on relatively insufficiently investigated ceramic systems (SiC+Si3N4 composite), where is expected the high potential for improvement of some o mechanical properties and especially high temperature properties like oxidation resistance. The contribution of the project is to answer some questions concerning the relations between processing, microstructure and resultant mechanical and high-temperature properties. It has the goal to shift the knowledge towards new type of ceramic composites with improved properties. The other aim of the project is to predict tha application possibilities of new developed ceramics.
Duration: 1.1.2014 – 31.12.2016
Lokálne mechanické vlastnosti kostného cementu
Local mechanical properties of bone cement
Program: VEGA
Project leader: doc. RNDr. Hvizdoš Pavol, DrSc.
Annotation: The main purpose of the project is to investigate mechanical properties of bone cement, as well as structuralintegrity and properties of interfaces of bone cement with selected prosthetic materials. The emphasis will be inexperimental studies of hardness and modulus of elasticity of bone cement by means of instrumented indentationand nanoindentation on local micro- and nano-level in relation with parameters of preparation, composition(presence and absence of antibiotics), and with parameters of formed microstructure (grain size, porosity) withaim to understand their influence on the resulting behaviour. Similarly, the cement / prosthesis interfaces will beinvestigated, the mechanical as well as tribological properties will be measured, and their consequnces on themechanical stability of particular joinings will be evaluated.
Duration: 1.1.2013 – 31.12.2015
SiNGra – Vývoj nitridu kremičitého s prídavkom multivrstiev grafénu
Development of Si3N4 with addition of graphene platelets
Program: SRDA
Project leader: Mgr. Tatarková Monika, PhD.
Annotation: One of the ways how to improve the mechanical properties of silicon nitride is by formation of composite systems. After the discovery of graphene with its unique mechanical and electrical properties the investigation of graphene as a filler of different materials has started. Present research confirms the significant improvement of the mechanical and electrical properties of the polymer with graphene filler. It is expected that the incorporation of graphene platelets into the silicon nitride matrix improves the fracture toughness which should considerably broaden the potential application of ceramic materials. The aim of the project is to develop materials with the excellent fracture mechanical properties as well as functional properties. The parameter of the processing route and the complex of mechanical properties which are necessary for the estimation of application possibilities will be the results of the project.
Duration: 1.7.2012 – 31.12.2015
HACONE – Vysokoteplotné nanokompozitné povlaky so zvýšenou oxidačnou odolnosťou a životnostou
High temperature oxidation resistant nanocomposite coatings with improved lifetime
Program: SRDA
Project leader: doc. RNDr. Lofaj František, DrSc.
Duration: 1.5.2011 – 31.12.2013
SVIP – Slovenská výskumno-inovačná platforma pre trvalo udržateľné surovinové zdroje
Slovak Research-Innovation Platform on Sustainable Mineral Resources
Program: EU Structural Funds Research & Development
Project leader: prof. RNDr. Dusza Ján, DrSc.
Duration: 1.1.2010 – 30.6.2013
nanoCEXmatII – Budovanie infraštruktúry Centra excelentnosti progresívnych materiálov s nano a submikrónovou štruktúrou
Infrastructure Improving of Centre of Excellence of Advanced Materials with Nano- and Submicron- Structure
Program: EU Structural Funds Research & Development
Project leader: prof. RNDr. Dusza Ján, DrSc.
Duration: 1.5.2010 – 30.4.2013
Odolnosť proti tečeniu a tepelným šokom žiarovo-lisovaných Si3N4-SiC kompozitov s prídavkom oxidov vzácnych zemín
The study of the creep behaviour and thermal shock resistance of Si3N4-SiC composites with rare-earth oxide additives
Program: VEGA
Project leader: Mgr. Tatarková Monika, PhD.
Duration: 1.1.2010 – 31.12.2012
nanoCEXmat – Centrum excelentnosti progresívnych materiálov s nano a submikrónovou štruktúrou
Centrum of advanced materials with nano and submicron sized structure
Program: EU Structural Funds Research & Development
Project leader: prof. RNDr. Dusza Ján, DrSc.
Duration: 20.5.2009 – 30.6.2011
Tvrdé a supertvrdé nanokompozitné povlaky
Hard and superhard nanocomposite coatings (NANOHARDCOAT)
Program: SRDA
Project leader: prof. RNDr. Dusza Ján, DrSc.
Duration: 1.9.2008 – 31.12.2010
Charakterizácia kvázikryštálov a ich aproximantov v zliatinách Al-Pd-TM (TM=prechodný kov)
Characterisation of Quasicrystals and Quasicrystalline Approximants in Al-Pd-TM alloys (TM= transition metals)
Program: VEGA
Project leader: prof. RNDr. Dusza Ján, DrSc.
Duration: 1.1.2007 – 31.12.2009
Kontaktné mechanické vlastnosti konštrukčných keramických materiálov
Contact mechanical properties of structural ceramics
Program: VEGA
Project leader: prof. RNDr. Dusza Ján, DrSc.
Duration: 1.1.2007 – 31.12.2009
PP7RP 2008/INTEG – Refundácia nákladov na prípravu 7 RP projektu – PP7RP 2008/INTEGRISK
Refundation of the expenses connected with the preparation of 7RP project – PP7RP 2008/INTEGRISK
Program: SRDA
Project leader: prof. RNDr. Dusza Ján, DrSc.
Duration: 1.1.2009 – 31.12.2009
CELMEF – Korelácia elekrofyzikálnych a mechanických vlastností s mikroštruktúrnymi parametrami vo feroelektrických materiáloch perovskitového typu
Correlation between the electrophysical and mechanical properties and microstructural parameters in perovskite-type of ferroelectrics
Program: SRDA
Project leader: prof. RNDr. Dusza Ján, DrSc.
Duration: 1.2.2007 – 30.11.2009
AddArmy – Prídavná flexibilná balistická nanokompozitná ochrana horných a dolných končatín
Program: Other projects
Project leader: Ing. Puchý Viktor, PhD.
Duration: 1.3.2023 – 0.0.0000