RNDr. Peter Skyba, DrSc. – Scientist of the year 2019

RNDr. Peter Skyba, DrSc., member of the Institute of Experimental Physics SAS has become Scientist of the year 2019 for the research and development in the field of low temperature physics. Ceremony took place on June 16, 2020 in the Moyzes Hall in Bratislava.
The price has been awarded for the experimental results achieved during his studies of the properties of the condensed matter at extremely low temperatures, especially superfluid Helium-3 as a model system for cosmology. Scientist of the year 2019 explained to the media that the results of the research are related to laboratory modeling of the properties of the black holes. “Low temperature physics is an area of human activity where people overcome nature. It is probably the only area where people are better,” said Skyba. As he further explained, people can cool the matter close to absolute zero, yet the humanity is not aware of the fact that nature can do it by itself. He has been working on this research throughout his entire professional career since 1982.
The 23rd annual Scientist of the Year of the Slovak Republic was announced by Slovak Centre of Scientific and Technical Information, Slovak Academy of Sciences and The Association of Slovak Scientific and Technological Societies under the patronage of President of the Slovak Republic Zuzana Čaputová. The Scientist of the year award is aimed to professionally and socially highlight the most significant scientific personalities and the most outstanding results achieved in science and research in Slovakia.
Text and photo: SME
National Center for the Popularization of Science and Technology in Society