Selection procedure for the appointment of the director of the Institute of Experimental Physics SAS

President of the Slovak Academy of Sciences
announces selection procedure for the appointment of the director of the
Institute of Experimental Physics SAS
address: Watsonova 47, 040 01, Košice, Slovakia
Required qualifications:
The minimum required qualification is the scientific qualification degree “independent researcher” or the scientific-pedagogical title of associate professor; the minimum required qualification in the case of an foreign applicant is a PhD. academic degree or its equivalent.
Required experience in a management position:
The minimum required experience is five years experience in management (as an employee who directly manages the work of employees) in a legal entity carrying out any of the activities according to § 1, paragraph 4 of Act no. 243/2017 on a public research institution, and on the amendment of certain laws.
Rules of the selection procedure are available on the SAS website in the section Documents – SAS Competitions (, as well as on the website of the SAS organization
Wage conditions are governed by Act no. 553/2003 on the wages of certain employees working in the public interest, and on the amendment of certain laws;
Requests for participation in the selection procedure together with the required documents should be sent no later than July 7, 2023 to the address:
Slovak Academy of Sciences
Staff department of the SAS Office
Štefánikova 49
814 38 Bratislava
Please write “Do not open – Selection procedure” on the envelope and also state the name of the organization and the job position you are applying for.
Full text (.doc)