Science Café: Temperatures at which even atoms “get cold”

After the summer break, new series of Science Cafés are starting up again. The following event will take place on September 27, 2022 at 6PM in the Úsmev cinema at Kasárenské námestie 1. RNDr. Peter Skyba, DrSc., member of the Institute of Experimental Physics SAS will give talk on the topic “Nature at very low temperatures or temperatures at which even atoms “get cold”.
Slovak Scientist of the year 2019 Peter Skyba has been working in the field of low temperature physics for almost 40 years. His workplace in Košice is amongst the top research centers for low temperature physics in the world. There aren’t many similar places in the world to compare with it.
In his talk we will learn what hides behind the term “temperature” and what happens to matter when we start to cool it down. We will explain why cooled materials can acquire and show completely new properties. We will clarify what is the nature of quantum-mechanical properties of the matter and show one of the quantum-mechanical phenomena in the macroscopic scale. We will learn what are the lowest achievable temperatures in the nature and what connects the low temperature physics with space. The talk will also include several illustrative experiments demonstrating the effect of lowering the temperature on the properties of materials.
Come and listen to the scientist of the year, who is not only our but the world’s celebrity in low temperature physics.
Text: Ján Gálik, Institute of Neurobiology SAS
Original source: News at SAS