Science and technology week

During the “Science and Technology Week 2024” at the Institute of Experimental Physics SAS in Košice, we are organizing the following activities.
“Open Doors Day 2024” event titled “Magnetism is Everywhere” will be held on November 13 – 19, 2024 from 9 AM to 12 PM for pre-registered students from primary and high schools. In the beginning, students will attend a brief popularization presentation on the current research and activities at the Institute of Experimental Physics SAS in Košice. After that, students will participate in a guided tour of the laboratories, where we will aim to give them the opportunity to explore the principles of magnetic phenomena through games, experiments, and exhibits. The goal is to provide insights into the magnetic state of materials and how these materials behave in a magnetic field. We will also show interesting topics from the world of nanoparticles and nanomaterials, demonstrating how particles on the scale of 10^-9 meters, or a millionth of a millimeter, exhibit significantly different physical properties compared to bulk materials. We will also discuss the applications of such materials in various areas of nanotechnology.
The event will take place at the Institute of Experimental Physics of SAS in Košice at Watsonova 47, where we will present the laboratories of the Department of Magnetism, including the High Magnetic Field Laboratory, the Chemical Laboratory, and the Hyperthermia Laboratory.
We are looking forward to seeing you here!
Katarína Paulovičová