Notable personalities of the SAS 2024


On Tuesday, September 10, 2024, a ceremonial seminar Notable Personalities of the Slovak Academy of Sciences was held in Lecture Hall of Dionýz Štúr at Institute of Virology, Biomedical Research Center of the Slovak Academy of Sciences. 16 long-serving exceptional employees of the Academy, this year’s jubilarians, received the Greeting Letter from the SAS Presidium from the hands of Prof. Pavol Šajgalík, President of SAS. 

“Meeting wise people, whose diligent scientific work, often invisible, lies behind them, is simply an experience. For a moment, one might feel that the world is moving in the right direction, forward,” said the host of the ceremonial event, Juraj Turis, in his opening remarks.

In his ceremonial address, President of the SAS Pavol Šajgalík continued by stating that every prestigious university owes its fame to its scientists, who spread its good name and ensured its lasting memory. “I am very pleased that we have established the tradition of this ceremonial event at the Slovak Academy of Sciences, where each year we can honor our distinguished long-serving employees, who have significantly contributed to the history of our academy. Thanks to them, our institution has remained one of the most trusted in recent, quite turbulent years,” said President of SAS in his speech. “You are the strong pillars on which the academy stands. I thank you and congratulate you,” he added.


This year, the following individuals were honored:

Section I – Physical, Space, Earth, and Engineering Sciences:

doc. Ján Svoreň, DrSc., Astronomical Institute SAS

Prof. RNDr. Vladimír Sládek, DrSc., Institute of Construction and Architecture SAS

Ing. Karol Fröhlich, DrSc., Institute of Electrical Engineering SAS and Centre for advanced materials application SAS

RNDr. Milan Timko, CSc., Institute of Experimental Physics SAS

Ing. Viliam Nagy, PhD., Institute of Hydrology SAS

RNDr. Jaroslav Lexa, CSc., Earth Science Institute SAS

Section II – Life, Chemical, Medical, and Environmental Sciences:

RNDr. Anna Lackovičová, CSc., Plant Science and Biodiversity Center SAS

Prof. Dr. h. c. RNDr. László Miklós, DrSc., Institute of Landscape Ecology SAS

RNDr. Terézia Salaj, DrSc., Institute of Plant Genetics and Biotechnology SAS

RNDr. Vlasta Sasinková, Institute of Chemistry SAS

RNDr. Eva Varečková, DrSc., Institute of Virology, Biomedical Research Center SAS

Section III – Social Sciences, Humanities, Arts, and Culture

doc. PhDr. Gertrúda Březinová, CSc., Institute of Archaeology SAS

PhDr. Vlasta Jaksicsová, PhD., Institute of History SAS

doc. PhDr. Ľubomíra Kaminská, DrSc., Institute of Archaeology SAS

PhDr. Magdalena Piscová, CSc., Institute for Sociology SAS

PhDr. Ján Rajtár, CSc., Institute of Archaeology SAS


On behalf of the honorees, Jaroslav Lexa delivered a speech expressing gratitude for the recognition. “I also want to thank our institutes, from which we have emerged, and our mentors, who awakened our love for science, as well as our partners, who have supported us and continue to do so. At the same time, I hope that we have not yet said our last word in science,” added J. Lexa in his speech.

The musical highlight of the ceremonial event was provided by the string duo Jozef Ostrolúcky (violin) and Pavol Mucha (cello).

Original text HERE