New therapeutic approach for the cure of neurodegenerative ALS disease published in Nature


Study of application of new therapeutic agent which blocks the gene responsible for progress of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis ALS has been published in the latest Nature issue. This perspective method has been developed at University of California San Diego by the team of Košice native prof. Martin Maršala, MD. The research consisted i.a. of verification of therapeutic effects by several independent methods. One of them, based on evaluation of number and distribution of preserved nerve fibers in the spinal cord and nerves of laboratory rats, has been conducted at the SAS institutes in Košice. MVDr. Ivo Vanický, PhD., member of the Institute of Neurobiology improved imaging and identification of nerve fibers. doc. Ing. Zoltán Tomori, CSc., member of the Institute of Experimental Physics SAS created specialized software for image analysis of preparations.

For more information see the published article and News at SAS (Slovak language).
This text has originally been published on January 15, 2020.