Martin Venhart became new President of Slovak Academy of Sciences

On Tuesday, November 19, 2024, the Assembly of the Slovak Academy of Sciences met in the Main Auditorium of the SAS in Bratislava. During the secret vote, the Assembly elected Mgr. Martin Venhart, PhD., as the new President of the Slovak Academy of Sciences. The president of the SAS serves a four-year term. Martin Venhart will hold the position from 2025 to 2029.
Two candidates ran for the position of President of the SAS: Dr. Ing. František Simančík and Mgr. Martin Venhart, PhD., who presented their visions to the members of the Assembly in alphabetical order.
The Assembly then elected the President of the SAS during a secret election using voting slips. Dr. Ing. František Simančík received 26.97% of the votes, while 66.21% were for Mgr. Martin Venhart, PhD.
According to the resolution of the Assembly of the SAS, Ľuboš Kľučár, chairman of the Assembly will inform Tomáš Drucker, Minister of Education, Research, Development and Youth of the Slovak Republic, of the election results and the proposal to appoint Martin Venhart as SAS President for the 2025–2029 term by December 2, 2024.
The President of the Slovak Academy of Sciences is then officially appointed by the President of the Slovak Republic.