Lecture on Art of quantum

On Tuesday, January 31, 2023 at 2PM, a public lecture by professor Vladimír Bužek on the subject of Art of quantum will take place in the pavilion of the Research Center for Quantum Information QUTE.sk at Dúbravská cesta 9 in Bratislava. The lecture is held on the occasion of the opening meeting of the Slovak Quantum Communication Infrastructure (skQCI) project aimed at building a quantum communication infrastructure in Slovakia. The goal of the project is also the development of a single-photon detector with a cooling system and the creation of an international training and education center for quantum technologies.
Today, the second quantum revolution is taking place all over the world. It aims to bring revolutionary quantum technologies to the scientific communities and to society by bringing new commercial opportunities to solve global challenges, provide strategic capabilities for security and create yet unimaginable applications for the future. In response, the EU has launched a network of European quantum technology programs that will support an ecosystem capable of providing the knowledge, technologies and open research infrastructures and testing facilities needed to develop a cutting-edge knowledge-based industry in Europe. It is essential that Slovakia is part of this process.
Professor Vladimír Bužek, founder of the Research Center for Quantum Information at the Institute of Physics SAS, will present in his lecture the developing field of quantum (information) technologies. To better appreciate the transformative potential of quantum technologies, he will explain the basic principles of non-relativistic quantum physics. He will describe in detail two phenomena in particular: quantum superpositions and quantum entanglement. In addition, quantum measurements will be covered in detail. Finally, he will give two examples of quantum technologies: the quantum computer and quantum key distribution schemes.
The lecture will be held in English language.