European Researchers’ Night in Slovakia

The annual festival of science will take place on September 24, 2021! Everything you need to know about European Researchers’ Night in Slovakia can be found on
The main organizer of the event, Slovak Organization for Research and Development activities (SOVVA) in cooperation with Slovak Academy of Sciences, the portal and Slovak Centre of Scientific and Technical Information will once again prepare a rich and varied program that will appeal to all ages and groups. A special target group of the event will be school-aged children, with an emphasis on increasing their interest to study science and technology at universities.
The main motto of the 15th year will be “Try it! It is a science.” which wants to encourage visitors and especially young people to be active and enjoy experiential education. Through experiments and interactive demonstrations in festival venues, we want to show visitors that behind all the phenomena around us and in nature are scientific explanations and principles. Our goal is to encourage young people and the general public to try simple experiments at home and to get to know science and the people behind it better. The main topic will also reflect the Scientific Courier activity, within which we will distribute sets of experiments for students to schools throughout Slovakia. In addition, we want to put emphasis on the need of verification of the theoretical knowledge and critical and creative thinking, which are needed in all areas of education.
European Researchers’ Night is project financially supported by European Commission’s Framework Program for Research, Development and Innovation – Horizon 2020 under Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions with number 101036038. The European Researchers’ Night was initiated by the European Commission and is currently organized by 30 European countries.
The event takes place under the patronage of the President of the Slovak Republic Zuzana Čaputová and under the patronage of the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic.
The event is also patronaged by:
President of the Žilina self-governing region Erika Jurinová,
President of the Bratislava self-governing region Juraj Droba,
President of the Prešov self-governing region Milan Majerský,
Mayor of Bratislava Matúš Vallo.