European Researchers’ Night in Optima, Košice

After three years, on the last Friday of September 30, 2022, visitors of the Optima shopping center in Košice could once again soak up the atmosphere of the European Researchers’ Night festival in a traditional, not only online form between 9AM and 9PM. The motto of the 16th year was “Trust science”, which was intended to stimulate the audience and especially young people to activity and experiential learning. Through experiments and interactive exhibits, it was shown that there are scientific explanations and principles behind all the phenomena and events in nature around us. The goal of the festival is to encourage young people and the general public to try simple experiments at home and get to know the science and the people behind it better. The European Researchers’ Night is a project financially supported within the framework program of the European Commission to support research, development and innovation – Horizon Europe, in the part – Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions under the number 101060946. The European Researchers’ Night was initiated by the European Commission and is organized in 30 states of Europe as well.
Our institute could not be absent from this event, and that is why it showed its experiments in four scientific stands:
- Fun with vacuum
- Superconductivity and low temperatures
- Where can proteins be found?
- Ferrofluids
and one invited talk:
- RNDr. Šimon Mackovjak, PhD. – “Cosmic safety”
The media did not miss the Researchers’ Night as well:
News at Slovak Radio and Television