

Ordering and self-organization of magnetic nanoparticles in liquid crystals
Ordering and self-organization of magnetic nanoparticles in liquid crystals
Program: Inter-academic agreement
Project leader: RNDr. Lacková Veronika, PhD.
Duration: 1.1.2019 – 31.12.2022
Usporiadanie a samoorganizácia magnetických nanočastíc v kvapalných kryštáloch
Ordering and self-organization of magnetic nanoparticles in liquid crystals
Program: Inter-academic agreement
Project leader: RNDr. Lacková Veronika, PhD.
Duration: 1.1.2019 – 31.12.2021
Teoretické a experimentálne štúdium orientačných, magneto-optických a dielektrických vlastností kompozitov kvapalných kryštálov dopovaných magneticckými časticami.
Theoretical and experimental studies of orientational, magneto-optical and dielectric properties of composite liquid crystals filled with magnetic particles.
Program: Inter-academic agreement
Project leader: RNDr. Tomašovičová Natália, CSc.
Annotation: At the last decades, one of the important areas of modern soft matter physics is theoretical and experimental study of liquid crystals (LC) which are very attractive for use in various commercial exploitations. The great interest of researchers to this area of science is explained, first of all, by fast development of electronic technique and communication equipments which require reliable, convenient and compact devices for processing and displaying information – indicators, displays, screens, etc. The successful use of LC materials in such devices considerably expanded a circle of technical applications of liquid crystals: now they are applied also in modern industrial machineries, in different transport vehicles and systems, medicine, household appliances, etc. Additionally, the search for new materials with exotic properties and for new technologies continues, in order to comply with the needs of these, and other novel applications.
Duration: 1.1.2017 – 31.12.2019
MAPACON – Magnetické vlastnosti anizotrópnych kompozitnych systémov
Magnetic properties of anisotropic composite nanosystems
Program: Bilateral – other
Project leader: RNDr. Tomašovičová Natália, CSc.
Annotation: The aim of the present project proposal will significantly contribute to the better understanding ofthe complex interaction between the liquid crystalline matrix and the nanoparticles inferronematics (nematics liquid crystals doped with magnetic nanoparticles). The investigationand understanding of the interaction will help to prepare composite systems with highersensitivity to external magnetic field. Our preliminary (unpublished) results, devoted to studyingof magnetic properties of ferronematics, indicate a clear signature of the phase transitions (boththe isotropic to nematic and the nematic to crystal phase) in the magnetic properties of thesecomposite nanosystems: the ac susceptibility changes substantially at temperatures which canbe associated with the phase transition temperatures. The effect has neither been observed inundoped nematic liquid crystals, nor in pure nanoparticle systems. Therefore, it is reasonable tosuppose that the effect originates from the interactions between the nanoparticles and the liquidcrystal host. However, the exact cause, and the nature of the phenomenon is still unknown andrepresents an unexplored area of research.
Duration: 1.1.2015 – 31.12.2016


Laditeľné štruktúry vo feromagnetických cholesterických kvapalných kryštáloch
Tunable structures in ferromagnetic cholesteric liquid crystals
Program: VEGA
Project leader: RNDr. Lacková Veronika, PhD.
Duration: 1.1.2024 – 31.12.2027
NANOFLIT – Nano-funkcionalizácia kvapalín pre olejové transformátory
Nano-functionalization of liquids for liquid-immersed transformers
Program: SRDA
Project leader: RNDr. Rajňák Michal, PhD.
Annotation: The current increase in electricity consumption and the greening of its distribution, together with the increase in the price of materials for the production of distribution transformers, represent a challenge for applied research in electric power engineering. The intention of the presented project is to respond to this challenge by functionalizing the current liquids used in electrical transformers in order to increase their cooling efficiency while maintaining or improving their dielectric and insulating properties. For this project, the liquids used in the distribution transformers of the manufacturer interested in this research will be selected. These are commercial liquids primarily based on liquefied natural gas, synthetic and natural esters. Based on current state of the art, the liquids will be functionalized by means of nanotechnologies and nanomaterials, which can significantly improve thermal conductivity, natural and thermomagnetic convection, and thus make the overall heat transport in the liquids more efficient. The functionalizing nanoadditives will be mainly made from carbon (fullerene, nanodiamond) and iron oxides or other ferromagnetic elements. The functionalized liquids will undergo laboratory measurements of physico-chemical, electrical, magnetic and thermal properties. Based on the analyzes of laboratory experiments and numerical simulations, nanofluids with the greatest potential for improving the thermal and insulating properties of the transformer will be selected. The selected nanofluids will be tested by the industrial partner (the customer of the research results) and applied in the selected distribution transformer. The transformer will be subjected to electrical and temperature rise tests. One can expect that the nanofunctionalization of the liquids will result in a lower operating temperature of the transformer, which can lead to an extension of the transformer service life and to the production of smaller transformers.
Duration: 1.7.2023 – 30.6.2027
SASiFER-LC – Štipendiá pre excelentných výskumníkov a výskumníčky R2-R4 (Samousporiadané štruktúry vo feromagnetických kvapalných kryštáloch)
Self-assembled structures in ferromagnetic liquid crystals
Program: Plán obnovy EÚ
Project leader: RNDr. Lacková Veronika, PhD.
Duration: 1.9.2024 – 31.8.2026
Procesy samousporiadania v mäkkých hybridných zmesiach kvapalných kryštálov a nanočastíc
Self-organization processes in soft hybrid mixtures of liquid crystals and nanoparticles
Program: VEGA
Project leader: RNDr. Tomašovičová Natália, CSc.
Annotation: The proposal aims to approach the research of liquid crystals doped with nanoparticles of different kind from anovel perspective of the self-organization that has an indisputable importance covering all fields of naturalsciences, and has also a deep impact in social sciences. In such composite systems a subtle interplay amongthe nanoparticles, the self-assembling matrix and the topological defects commands the self-organizationprocess. We will focus on the electric/magnetic field induced self-organization in such systems experimentally on different length scales by investigating the processes in different phases, isotropic, nematic, cholesteric with the anticipation that our results can be exploited in applications such as guided material transport, magnetic/electric switches/sensors, chemical/biosensors, in microfluidic/lab-on-a-chip devices, etc. We are convinced that systematic studies in this topic may change fundamentally current knowledge.
Duration: 1.1.2021 – 31.12.2024
Návratová projektová schéma
Electromagnetically tunable structures in ferromagnetic cholesteric liquid crystals
Program: Návratová projektová schéma
Project leader: RNDr. Lacková Veronika, PhD.
Duration: 1.7.2023 – 30.6.2024
NANOELEN – Nanokvapaliny v elektrotechnike
Nanofluids in Electrical Engineering
Program: SRDA
Project leader: RNDr. Rajňák Michal, PhD.
Annotation: The submitted project is oriented on research into nanofluids based on alternative cooling and insulating liquidmedia such as oils based on liquefied natural gas, natural esters and new types of transformer oils. We willprepare novel nanofluids based on these oils by dispersing magnetic nanoparticles, fullerenes, graphenenanoplatelets or carbon nanotubes. The purpose of the nanofluids preparation is to enhance the coolingeffectiveness of the liquid media. The nanofluids will be investigated from dielectric, insulating, magnetic andheat transfer properties point of view. Finally, their cooling effectiveness will be tested in loaded powertransformers. Therefore, the aim of this project is the development of advanced liquid media for cooling andinsulating in electrical engineering, the application of which will have a potential impact on electric power saving,electrical equipment service life and protection of the environment.
Duration: 1.7.2019 – 30.6.2023
Makroskopicky anizotrópne kompozity na báze kvapalnych kryštálov a magnetických nanočastíc
Macroscopic anisotropic composites based on liquid crystals and magnetic nanoparticles
Program: VEGA
Project leader: RNDr. Tomašovičová Natália, CSc.
Annotation: The proposal targets basic research on composite materials consisting of liquid crystals and various magnetic nanoparticles. Combination of the anisotropic properties of liquid crystals with the magnetic properties of the nanoparticles results in composites with unique magnetic and optical properties that the component materials themselves do not possess. The proposed studies concentrate on the increase of the sensitivity of our composite soft matter materials (liquid state) to magnetic fields and prepare new materials having unique dielectric, magnetic and optical properties. The main goal of the proposal is to influence the sensitivity of these anisotropicsystems to external magnetic field by adding suitable magnetic nanoparticles and by this way make a step forward towards potential applications in various magneto-optical or dielectric devices as for example sensors of low magnetic fields or light shutter.
Duration: 1.1.2017 – 31.12.2020
MVISION – Nanočastice v anizotrópnych systémoch
Nanoparticles in anisotropic systems
Program: SRDA
Project leader: doc. RNDr. Kopčanský Peter, CSc.
Annotation: The proposal is devoted to study complex anisotropic systems based on thermotropic as well as lyotropic(biological) liquid crystals. Liquid crystals represents the uniq state of matter, which is liquid but posses theanisotropic properties. The structuralization phenomena in such systems play key role in fundamental as well asin applied research. The main aim is to s influence the sensitivity of these anisotropic systems to externalmagnetic field, what will be done by adding suitable magnetic nanoparticles and open the way for theirapplications in magneto-optical devices.
Duration: 1.7.2016 – 31.12.2020