NANOConVEX CIG – – Nanokvapaliny pre zariadenia na prenos tepla prúdením NANOConVEX CIG | |
Nanofluids for convective heat transfer devices NANOConVEX CIG | |
Program: | COST |
Project leader: | RNDr. Timko Milan, CSc. |
Annotation: | In this project we would like to use the obtained results and experiences in application magnetic nanofluids prepared by our group in high power transformers with the intention of lowering of working temperature, increasing of heat dissipation from the transformer core at preservation its insulation characteristics. This fact will have the influence on the lifetime and lowering the cost reduction during the operation. |
Duration: | 1.5.2020 – 30.4.2021 |
MAGBBRIS – Nové magnetické biomateriály pre obnovu mozgu a zobrazovanie po mozgovej príhode | |
New MAGnetic Biomaterials for Brain Repair and Imaging after Stroke | |
Program: | ERANET |
Project leader: | doc. RNDr. Kopčanský Peter, CSc. |
Annotation: | By engineering novel magnetic nano-biomaterials we will achieve tissue repair in the context of an ischemic event. We will take advantage of nanotechnology to deliver therapeutic growth factors, secreted by progenitor cells, into the injured brain.According to the World Health Organization, 15 million persons suffer a stroke worldwide eachyear. However, the only available treatment is the acute thrombolytic therapy (pharmacological or mechanical) which is being administered to less than 10% of stroke patients due to strict selectioncriteria. In contrast, neuro-repair treatments could offer the opportunity to include most strokepatients by extending the therapeutic time window.MAGBBRIS will demonstrate that growth factors, secreted by endothelial progenitor cells, with proved potential to induce tissue repair, can be encapsulated in magnetic biomaterials and be successfully and safely transplanted into mouse brains to induce tissue repair. In the ischemic brain, the secretome will be retained by an external magnetic field in the vasculature, improving vascular remodelling and neurogenic tissue regeneration after stroke. |
Duration: | 1.3.2018 – 28.2.2021 |
NANOUPTAKE – Prekonanie bariiér pre komerčné využitie nanokvapalín (NANOUPTAKE) | |
Overcoming Barriers to Nanofluids Market Uptake ( NANOUPTAKE) | |
Program: | COST |
Project leader: | RNDr. Timko Milan, CSc. |
Annotation: | Nanofluids are defined as fluids that contain nanometre-sized particles with enhanced heat transfer properties. Nanofluids improve the efficiency of heat exchange and thermal energy storage. In addition, nanofluids fall within one of the Key Enabling Technologies (KET) supported by the European Commission. Although some nanofluid commercial applications currently exist, most of the current nanofluids are at Technological Readiness Levels (TRL) 1 to 3. Most of the nanofluids research in COST countries has been conducted by Research, Development and Innovation (R+D+i) centres through national funding. Additional coordinated research and development efforts are required to develop nanofluids up to higher TRL levels and to overcome commercial application barriers. If these barriers are overcome, nanofluids will be an important player in the Value Added Materials (VAM) for the energy sector.The objective of the NANOUPTAKE COST Action is to create a Europe-wide network of leading R+D+i institutions, and of key industries, to develop and foster the use of nanofluids as advanced heat transfer/thermal storage materials to increase the efficiency of heat exchange and storage systems. |
Project webpage: | |
Duration: | 19.4.2016 – 18.4.2020 |
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Nanoparticles in anisotropic soft matter | |
Program: | Inter-academic agreement |
Project leader: | RNDr. Tomašovičová Natália, CSc. |
Annotation: | Liquid crystals and liquid crystalline polymers are anisotropic fluids, and as such they are in general responsive to external stimuli. However, because of the small value of the anisotropy of the diamagnetic susceptibility (~10-7), they require rather high magnetic fields for a measurable response. In an effort to enhance the magnetic susceptibility, the idea of doping with magnetic particles was theoretically introduced more than fourty years ago. The experimental confirmations of the idea followed shortly, however, the results have been mainly found unreproducible indicating that the colloids were not stable. The research on this topic (especially on ferronematics) has been intensified in the last decade, and a number of experimental evidences has been given for obtaining stable composite materials when the concentration of the magnetic nanoparticles is kept low enough. In a recent paper [Soft Matter 7, 4742 (2011)] an experimental confirmation has been given for a measurable optical response of a ferronematic already at magnetic field of about 0.01T. The observation of the response at such a low field is very important for construction of various magneto-optical devices. We expect that our proposed research will contribute to a better understanding of the physics of the anisotropic colloidal systems, which represents the first step in designing materials with improved magnetic properties, and helps to establish the knowledge base to utilize related future technologies. |
Duration: | 1.1.2013 – 31.12.2015 |
Získavanie energie magnetickými kvapalinami | |
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Program: | VEGA |
Project leader: | RNDr. Rajňák Michal, PhD. |
Duration: | 1.1.2024 – 31.12.2027 |
NANOFLIT – Nano-funkcionalizácia kvapalín pre olejové transformátory | |
Nano-functionalization of liquids for liquid-immersed transformers | |
Program: | SRDA |
Project leader: | RNDr. Rajňák Michal, PhD. |
Annotation: | The current increase in electricity consumption and the greening of its distribution, together with the increase in the price of materials for the production of distribution transformers, represent a challenge for applied research in electric power engineering. The intention of the presented project is to respond to this challenge by functionalizing the current liquids used in electrical transformers in order to increase their cooling efficiency while maintaining or improving their dielectric and insulating properties. For this project, the liquids used in the distribution transformers of the manufacturer interested in this research will be selected. These are commercial liquids primarily based on liquefied natural gas, synthetic and natural esters. Based on current state of the art, the liquids will be functionalized by means of nanotechnologies and nanomaterials, which can significantly improve thermal conductivity, natural and thermomagnetic convection, and thus make the overall heat transport in the liquids more efficient. The functionalizing nanoadditives will be mainly made from carbon (fullerene, nanodiamond) and iron oxides or other ferromagnetic elements. The functionalized liquids will undergo laboratory measurements of physico-chemical, electrical, magnetic and thermal properties. Based on the analyzes of laboratory experiments and numerical simulations, nanofluids with the greatest potential for improving the thermal and insulating properties of the transformer will be selected. The selected nanofluids will be tested by the industrial partner (the customer of the research results) and applied in the selected distribution transformer. The transformer will be subjected to electrical and temperature rise tests. One can expect that the nanofunctionalization of the liquids will result in a lower operating temperature of the transformer, which can lead to an extension of the transformer service life and to the production of smaller transformers. |
Duration: | 1.7.2023 – 30.6.2027 |
Kapitálový booster pre schémy na podporu výskumu a vývoja (Nano-funkcionalizácia kvapalín pre olejové transformátory) | |
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Program: | Plán obnovy EÚ |
Project leader: | RNDr. Rajňák Michal, PhD. |
Duration: | 1.7.2024 – 30.6.2025 |
Procesy samousporiadania v mäkkých hybridných zmesiach kvapalných kryštálov a nanočastíc | |
Self-organization processes in soft hybrid mixtures of liquid crystals and nanoparticles | |
Program: | VEGA |
Project leader: | RNDr. Tomašovičová Natália, CSc. |
Annotation: | The proposal aims to approach the research of liquid crystals doped with nanoparticles of different kind from anovel perspective of the self-organization that has an indisputable importance covering all fields of naturalsciences, and has also a deep impact in social sciences. In such composite systems a subtle interplay amongthe nanoparticles, the self-assembling matrix and the topological defects commands the self-organizationprocess. We will focus on the electric/magnetic field induced self-organization in such systems experimentally on different length scales by investigating the processes in different phases, isotropic, nematic, cholesteric with the anticipation that our results can be exploited in applications such as guided material transport, magnetic/electric switches/sensors, chemical/biosensors, in microfluidic/lab-on-a-chip devices, etc. We are convinced that systematic studies in this topic may change fundamentally current knowledge. |
Duration: | 1.1.2021 – 31.12.2024 |
Štruktúra a dynamika magnetických kvapalín v elektrickom poli | |
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Program: | VEGA |
Project leader: | RNDr. Rajňák Michal, PhD. |
Annotation: | Magnetic fluids (MF) are suspensions of magnetic nanoparticles (MNP) in a liquid carrier. Their behavior inmagnetic field is intuitive and scientifically well explored. Within the fundamental research on MF, electricalproperties of MF are actively studied, the clear understanding of which requires deeper experimental study. Themechanism of electrical breakdown and structural changes of MF in external electric field belong to the mostintriguing properties of MF. The objective of this project is to investigate these phenomena experimentally in MFbased on nonpolar liquids. Within the project, the streamer development will be visualized and investigated. Theanalysis will take into account the model of electric charge trapping on MNP. Dielectric spectroscopy,neutronography and microscopy of MF in electric field will be employed. The other objective is to prove ordisprove a hypothesis of electromagnetic coupling between the spontaneous magnetic moment and inducedelectrical polarization of MNP. |
Duration: | 1.1.2020 – 31.12.2023 |
NANOELEN – Nanokvapaliny v elektrotechnike | |
Nanofluids in Electrical Engineering | |
Program: | SRDA |
Project leader: | RNDr. Rajňák Michal, PhD. |
Annotation: | The submitted project is oriented on research into nanofluids based on alternative cooling and insulating liquidmedia such as oils based on liquefied natural gas, natural esters and new types of transformer oils. We willprepare novel nanofluids based on these oils by dispersing magnetic nanoparticles, fullerenes, graphenenanoplatelets or carbon nanotubes. The purpose of the nanofluids preparation is to enhance the coolingeffectiveness of the liquid media. The nanofluids will be investigated from dielectric, insulating, magnetic andheat transfer properties point of view. Finally, their cooling effectiveness will be tested in loaded powertransformers. Therefore, the aim of this project is the development of advanced liquid media for cooling andinsulating in electrical engineering, the application of which will have a potential impact on electric power saving,electrical equipment service life and protection of the environment. |
Duration: | 1.7.2019 – 30.6.2023 |
FRUSTKOM – Frustrované kovové magnetické systémy | |
Frustrated metallic magnetic systems | |
Program: | SRDA |
Project leader: | doc. RNDr. Gabáni Slavomír, PhD. |
Annotation: | The up to now experimental and theoretical studies of frustrated magnetic systems (FMS) has been concentrated mainly on dielectric systems. Such systems can be found in 2D and 3D lattices based on equilateral triangles, and in dielectrics the interaction between their spins can be relatively well defined and described. In metallic FMS (M-FMS), which have been much less studied, an important role plays the long-range indirect exchange interaction between the spins mediated by conduction electrons (the RKKY interaction). To the small number of up to now studied M-FMS belong also some rare earth metallic borides having a fcc (e.g.HoB12, ErB12) or Shastry-Sutherland (e.g.TmB4, HoB4, ErB4) structure. This project aims are to investigate experimentally the impact of high pressure (hydrostatic and uniaxial), the influence of alloying and the anisotropy on the magnetic, transport and thermal properties of M -FMS, which has not been studied yet. A pioneering work will be above all the direct observation of magnetic structures of individual phase diagram regions of these M-FMS by spin-polarized scanning tunnelling microscopy. Investigated will be also the dynamics of magnetic structures (the influence of the rate of change of the magnetic field on these structures) and the study of magnetic excitations (by neutron diffraction methods) in selected tetraborides and dodecaborides.The challenging experimental studies, for which both high quality samples and suitable methods are already available, will be supported by the theoretical interpretation of received results, and by the theoretical elaboration. |
Project webpage: | |
Duration: | 1.8.2018 – 31.12.2022 |
Makroskopicky anizotrópne kompozity na báze kvapalnych kryštálov a magnetických nanočastíc | |
Macroscopic anisotropic composites based on liquid crystals and magnetic nanoparticles | |
Program: | VEGA |
Project leader: | RNDr. Tomašovičová Natália, CSc. |
Annotation: | The proposal targets basic research on composite materials consisting of liquid crystals and various magnetic nanoparticles. Combination of the anisotropic properties of liquid crystals with the magnetic properties of the nanoparticles results in composites with unique magnetic and optical properties that the component materials themselves do not possess. The proposed studies concentrate on the increase of the sensitivity of our composite soft matter materials (liquid state) to magnetic fields and prepare new materials having unique dielectric, magnetic and optical properties. The main goal of the proposal is to influence the sensitivity of these anisotropicsystems to external magnetic field by adding suitable magnetic nanoparticles and by this way make a step forward towards potential applications in various magneto-optical or dielectric devices as for example sensors of low magnetic fields or light shutter. |
Duration: | 1.1.2017 – 31.12.2020 |
Interakcia magnetických kvapalín s elektromagnetickým poľom | |
Interaction of magnetic fluids with electromagnetic field | |
Program: | VEGA |
Project leader: | RNDr. Timko Milan, CSc. |
Annotation: | The proposed project will be devoted to the study magnetic principle of heating mechanism – hyperthermia in magnetic nanoparticles systems in dependence on preparation process, size and size distribution and magnetic properties. Besides usually used biocompatible spherical anoparticles as a subjects of this proposal will be special prepared magnetosome and magnetoferritin containing spherical magnetite nanoparticles. The obtainedexperiences for achievement high specific heat power will enable the application magnetic nanoparticles at cancer treatment in biomedicine.We aim to investigate the shielding (absorption and reflection) effects of transformer oil based magnetic fluid.Besides the unique cooling and isolating properties, these magnetic fluids can be reliable shielding medium in electromagnetic devices as well. The research on radiation stability of MFs will address electromagnetic fields and another type radiation. |
Duration: | 1.1.2016 – 31.12.2019 |
Citlivosť kvapalných kryštálov s nanočasticami na vonkajšie magnetické pole | |
Sensitivity of liquid crystals containing nanoparticles to external magnetic field | |
Program: | VEGA |
Project leader: | doc. RNDr. Kopčanský Peter, CSc. |
Annotation: | The proposed project will devoted to the study of composite systems of liquid crystal with nanoparticles mainly magnetic particles with the aim to change their sensitivity to external magnetic field. The object of such study will be new kind of liquid crystals with bent-core molecules as well as traditional calamitic liquid crystals with rod-like molecules. Also the influence of magnetic particles on the structural phase transition from isotropic to nematic phase in external magnetic field will be investigated. We suppose this structural transition will be induced by external magnetic field. Moreover, the response of the above mentioned composite systems to low magnetic field (up to 0.1T) will be investigated, which is important for the construction of various magneto-optical devices as for example maping of magnetic fields. |
Duration: | 1.1.2013 – 31.12.2016 |