

JUICE-PEP-ACM – Slovenský príspevok k misii ESA-JUICE: Vývoj anti-koincidenčného modulu ACM pre časticový komplex PEP
Slovak contribution to ESA-JUICE mission: Development of Anti-Coincidence Module ACM for Particle Environment Package PEP
Program: European Space Agency (ESA)
Project leader: Ing. Baláž Ján, PhD.,
Annotation: The ESA’s JUICE (JUpiter ICy moons Explorer) mission ( have to face to very hostile environment of Jovian radiation belts where the penetrating energetic electrons dominate. The Particle Environment Package (PEP) payload of this mission ( ) was developed within a wide international collaboration led by Swedish Institute for Space Physics IRF in Kiruna. Due to limited available mass for efficient radiation shielding, the PEP payload will operate in rather unfavourable environment of penetrating energetic electrons that will affect the detection process inside the PEP/JDC (Jovian plasma Dynamics and Composition) sensor. To mitigate the unfavourable influence of the penetrating electron radiation to the plasma ions detection process, a concept of anti-coincidence module (ACM) has been identified within the PEP consortium. The project involves development of space-flight grade semiconductor solid state detector, the processing electronic board and a laboratory testing and calibration system RATEX-J (RAdiation Test EXperiment for JUICE). The JUICE probe has been successfully launched 14.4.2023 from space port Kourou. The PEP science suite has been successfuly commissioned in June 2023. The JUICE probe will be inserted into the orbit around Jupiter on 18. July 2031.
Duration: 15.11.2018 – 31.12.2024
JEM-EUSO – JEM-EUSO, Kozmické Observatórium Extrémneho Vesmíru na palube Japonského Experimentálneho Modulu
JEM-EUSO, Extreme Universe Space Observatory Onboard Japan Experiment Module
Program: European Space Agency (ESA)
Project leader: RNDr. Bobík Pavol, PhD.
Annotation: Research of extreme energy cosmic rays with use of observations of secondary responses in the atmosphere of Earth from the International space station
Project webpage:
Duration: 1.1.2010 – 31.12.2021
Radiačné polia v blízkosti Zeme: možné súvislosti s kozmickým žiarením meraným na zemskom povrchu
Program: Inter-academic agreement
Project leader: Prof. Ing. Kudela Karel, DrSc.
Duration: 1.1.2015 – 31.12.2017
COST ES 0803 – Vývoj produktov a služieb pre kozmické počasie v Európe
Developing space weather products and services in Europe
Program: COST
Project leader: Prof. Ing. Kudela Karel, DrSc.
Annotation: Data from NM Lomnický štít measurements, particle data, physical analysis of space weather effects
Project webpage:
Duration: 1.8.2008 – 30.11.2012


Interdisciplinárne aplikácie pozorovania a výskumu kozmického žiarenia na pracovisku ÚEF SAV na Lomnickom štíte
Interdisciplinary applications of cosmic rays observation and research in the laboratory of Institute of Experimental Physics of SAS at the Lomnicky stit observatory
Program: VEGA
Project leader: Ing. Kubančák Ján, PhD.
Annotation: The goal of the project is to create conditions for the further development of interdisciplinary applications of cosmic radiation research at the ÚEF SAS workplace on Lomnické štít, mainly through: a) maintaining continuity in the field of cosmic radiation observation, b) innovation and workplace development a c) intensive scientific cooperation and promotion of the workplace.The project will focus on the analysis and evaluation of data recorded by the neutron monitor and the SEVAN device during the 24th and the first third of the 25th solar cycle. Scientific work will be intensified in the field of cooperation in the field of radiation protection against cosmic rays and in the field of development and testing of detectors in mixed radiation fields occurring at high-altitude observatories.One of the results of the project will be a retrospective analysis of the increased or decreased intensity of secondary cosmic radiation in the atmosphere during periods with significant fluctuations in solar activity that occurred in the years 2014-2024.
Duration: 1.1.2022 – 31.12.2024
Detekcia kozmickej plazmy a energetických častíc na palube vesmírnych sond.
Detection of space plasma and energetic particles on board of space probes.
Program: VEGA
Project leader: Ing. Baláž Ján, PhD.,
Annotation: The project is oriented to investigation of particle environment of Earth\’s magnetosphere, interplanetary environment and in magnetospheres of other planets of Solar system, particularlyat the field of design and development of space experimental devices. The Department of Space Physics has long history in this topic and has a reach international cooperation with similar workplaces of space research. The project requires procurement of electronic components, mechanical works, travel expenses for meetings, testing and launch campaigns.The current project space activities:- development of charged particle detector ASPECT-L for mission LUNA-Resurs- development of charged particle detector DOK-M for mission Resonance- development of net of UV photometers for airglow study- development of anti-coincidence module ACM for PEP/JDC science suite of the ESA JUICE mission to Jupiter
Duration: 1.1.2019 – 31.12.2021
CRSPSW – Nízkoenergetické kozmické žiarenie, supratermálne častice a kozmické počasie
Low energy cosmic rays, suprathermal particles and space weather
Program: SRDA
Project leader: Prof. Ing. Kudela Karel, DrSc.
Duration: 1.7.2016 – 27.12.2017
SPACEDET – Vývoj detektorov kozmických energetických častíc pre vedecké satelity a podpora infraštruktúry kozmických technológií na Ústave experimentálnej fyziky SAV.
Development of space energetic particle detectors for scientific satellites and support of the space technology infrastructure at the Institute of Experimental Physics SAS.
Program: VEGA
Project leader: Ing. Baláž Ján, PhD.,
Annotation: Development of scientifiic devices for detection of space energetic particles on board of space satellites and interplanetary probes and participation of IEP SAS on many international space missions has already 40-years long tradition. With regard to this, the workplace is frequently invited to participate on new missions of various space agencies. The objective of the proposed project is aimed to support the participation on currently running space projects, i.e. development of energetic particle spectrometer DOK-M for mission RESONANCE and spectrometer ASPECT-L for mission LUNA-GLOB Russian space agency ROSKOSMOS, and starting up development of energetic neutral atom (ENA) imager NAIS for mission MIT of Chinese national space agency CNSA and also development of ENA imager NAIK for European-Chinese mission KuaFu. The development, construction, testing and calibration of space technology infrastructure at IEP SAS.
Project webpage:
Duration: 1.1.2013 – 31.12.2015
NSI – Vývoj a kalibrácia kozmických instrumentov pre nové kozmické misie SPETR-R a RESONANCE – analýza prvých dát
Development & calibration of space instruments for the new space mission SPEKTR-R and RESONANCE – first data analysis
Program: SRDA
Project leader: Prof. Ing. Kudela Karel, DrSc.
Duration: 1.1.2013 – 31.1.2015
CKV – Centrum kozmických výskumov: vplyvy kozmického počasia – druhá etapa
Program: EU Structural Funds Research & Development
Project leader: Prof. Ing. Kudela Karel, DrSc.
Project webpage:
Duration: 1.3.2010 – 30.6.2014
Energetické kozmické častice a ich úloha v kozmickom počasí
Energetic cosmic particles and its role in space weather
Program: VEGA
Project leader: Prof. Ing. Kudela Karel, DrSc.
Annotation: Dynamics of energetic particles in space in its relation to various effects of space weather
Project webpage:
Duration: 1.1.2010 – 31.12.2012
Spektrometria kozmických energetických častíc na palube vedeckých satelitov
Spectrometry of space energetic particles on board of the scientific spacecraft
Program: VEGA
Project leader: Ing. Baláž Ján, PhD.,
Annotation: The project involves design and development of modern space energetic particle spectrometers for scientific spacecraft. The development and construction assumes use of modern semiconductor sensors of corpuscular radiation, space qualified electronic components for analogue and digital signal processing, space qualified design and manufacture of mechanical components and modern methods of software preprocessing of registeredinformation already on board of the spacecraft. An important and cost-demanding issue includes the qualification tests of the space device. The purpose of the VEGA project is supporting of the material and travel cost that are necessary for participation in prestige space research projects.
Duration: 1.1.2010 – 31.12.2012
CKV – Centrum kozmických výskumov: vplyvy kozmického počasia
Center of Space Research: influence of space weather
Program: EU Structural Funds Research & Development
Project leader: Prof. Ing. Kudela Karel, DrSc.
Duration: 24.4.2009 – 31.8.2012
NMDB – Dátová báza meraní neutronovými monitormi s vysokým rozlišením
Real time high resolution neutron monitor data base
Program: Podpora MVTS z prostriedkov SAV
Project leader: Prof. Ing. Kudela Karel, DrSc.
Project webpage:
Duration: 1.1.2009 – 31.12.2009
Energetické častice v niektorých kozmických plazmových útvaroch
Energetic particles in the selected formations of space plasma
Program: FP5
Project leader: Prof. Ing. Kudela Karel, DrSc.
Duration: 1.1.2007 – 31.12.2009