EMP – Europská Mikrokelvinová Platforma | |
European Microkelvin Platform | |
Program: | Horizon 2020 |
Project leader: | RNDr. Skyba Peter, DrSc. |
Project webpage: | |
Duration: | 1.1.2019 – 31.12.2023 |
CFNT MVEP – Centrum fyziky nízkych teplôt a materiálového výskumu v extrémnych podmienkach | |
Centre of Low Temperature Physics And Material Research at Extreme Conditions | |
Program: | Centrá excelentnosti SAV |
Project leader: | prof. RNDr. Samuely Peter, DrSc., akademik US Slovenska |
Annotation: | Centre of Low Temperature Physics and Material Research at Extreme Conditions Kosice, CLTP-MREC, represents a concept of cutting-edge experimental research institution focused on low temperature physics and material research under extreme conditions. By the extreme conditions apart from low temperatures meant are also high as well as extremely small magnetic fields, extremely high pressures and temperatures, and also reduced dimensions – preparation of nanomaterials and investigations of properties on a nanoscopic scale. Main goal of the project has been to mobilize a common research of constituting organisations and to target it to the area of materials and technologies with a high application potential and technological transfer. The world competitive physics and material science demands the up-to-date research infrastructure. CLTP-MREC has already now in disposal top level instruments and techniques obtained within the framework of the European structural funds, Framework Programmes and other grant schemes but as the most important added value the Centre deems its capability to develop own unique scientific methods, instruments and technologies. The Centre belongs to a dozen world laboratories able to perform experiments in microkelvin range but it disposes also other unique techniques for processing and characterization of materials in high magnetic fields, and at high pressures and temperatures. In this proposal we will concentrate on development of another top level instruments and technologies as well on a synergetic collaboration of our laboratories which represent an important base of the material R&D in Košice. |
Project webpage: | |
Duration: | 1.7.2011 – 30.6.2015 |
Supratekuté 3He – modelový systém pre kozmológiu | |
Superfluid 3He – model system for cosmology | |
Program: | VEGA |
Project leader: | RNDr. Skyba Peter, DrSc. |
Duration: | 1.1.2006 – 31.12.2008 |