

ECOM – Neobvyklé chovanie v korelovaných látkach
Emergent behaviour of correlated matter
Program: COST
Project leader: prof. RNDr. Reiffers Marián, DrSc.
Annotation: no description
Project webpage:,
Duration: 1.1.2005 – 21.9.2009


HERO – Elektrokatalyzátory pre efektívnu produkciu vodíka pre budúce elektrolyzéry a palivové články
Program: SRDA
Project leader: RNDr. Baťková Marianna, PhD.
Annotation: The development of activities in the field of hydrogen technologies was also supported by the EuropeanCommission in the strategic document "Hydrogen Strategy for a Climate Neutral Europe". Today, Slovakia hassuggested own national hydrogen strategy. Already in 2015, the National Hydrogen Association has founded tosupport research, implementation and use of hydrogen technologies. The Hydrogen Technology Center is beingestablished in Košice with the main "Power-to-Gas" concept using renewable power energy sources with nonegative impact on human life and without dependence on fossil fuels. A significant source of hydrogen is waterand the electrolysis of water is the most promising technology for hydrogen production. However, before it can berecognized as an economically significant resource for large scale application with an exceptional energy potential,the simple, efficient, and secure methods of hydrogen retrieval have to be developed. For the time being, the mostefficient electrocatalysts in terms of overpotential for hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) are noble metals.Unfortunately the high cost and scarcity of noble metals motivate the scientists to find the rival low-cost alternatives. Intrinsic structures of TMP meet the criteria of outstanding electrocatalysts that could further improvetheir HER performance in membrane electrode assembly. Excellent dispersity of electrocatalysts allows full use ofactive sites on catalysts to participate in electrode reaction to improve the electrocatalytic efficiency. Therefore, themain challenge in this project is to reduce the production cost of HER and at the same time to maintain the highefficiency of polymer electrode water electrolysis. Substantial aim of the project will be devoted to improve the PEMwater electrolysis components mainly electrode materials based on modified carbon fibers electrocatalysts result inthe technology which should be more approached to commercial markets.
Duration: 1.7.2021 – 30.6.2025
Procesy samousporiadania v mäkkých hybridných zmesiach kvapalných kryštálov a nanočastíc
Self-organization processes in soft hybrid mixtures of liquid crystals and nanoparticles
Program: VEGA
Project leader: RNDr. Tomašovičová Natália, CSc.
Annotation: The proposal aims to approach the research of liquid crystals doped with nanoparticles of different kind from anovel perspective of the self-organization that has an indisputable importance covering all fields of naturalsciences, and has also a deep impact in social sciences. In such composite systems a subtle interplay amongthe nanoparticles, the self-assembling matrix and the topological defects commands the self-organizationprocess. We will focus on the electric/magnetic field induced self-organization in such systems experimentally on different length scales by investigating the processes in different phases, isotropic, nematic, cholesteric with the anticipation that our results can be exploited in applications such as guided material transport, magnetic/electric switches/sensors, chemical/biosensors, in microfluidic/lab-on-a-chip devices, etc. We are convinced that systematic studies in this topic may change fundamentally current knowledge.
Duration: 1.1.2021 – 31.12.2024
Úloha povrchových stavov v hexaboride samária a iných zmiešanovalenčných systémoch vykazujúcich prechod kov-izolátor
The role of surface states in samarium hexaboride and other valence-fluctuating systems exhibiting metal-insulator transition
Program: VEGA
Project leader: RNDr. Baťková Marianna, PhD.
Annotation: Samarium hexaboride (SmB6) represents an important model system exhibiting metal-insulator transition. A mysterious property of this valence fluctuating semiconductor is that at lowest temperatures it does not reveal divergency of electrical resistivity, but behaves as a metal. SmB6 is nowadays intensively studied also as a possible topological insulator, while metallic topologically protected surface is considered to be a reason of absence of insulating ground state. However, the latest results provide evidence about trivial surface states in SmB6. The project aims to evaluate the role of surface states in electrical conduction of SmB6 by investigating SmB6 thin films, to evaluate relevance of the scenario of topological insulator and other alternative approaches to explain electrical conductivity in SmB6, thus to contribute to understanding the nature of electronic transport in SmB6 and similar systems.
Duration: 1.1.2017 – 31.12.2020
MACOMA – Dizajn štruktúry a funkčných vlastností magneticky mäkkých kompozitných materiálov na báze 3-d prechodných kovov
Design of the structure and the functional properties of soft magnetic 3-d transitions metals based composites
Program: SRDA
Project leader: RNDr. Baťková Marianna, PhD.
Annotation: The project focuses on structure and functional properties design of 3-d transition metals based soft magneticcomposite materials, in which will be carried out the experimental research of functional properties of advancedmaterials with heterogeneous structure consisting of isolated ferromagnetic particles. Magnetic micro- and nanocompositesystems will be prepared using advanced powder metallurgy method and current chemical processes.The research will be focused on explanation of the interface influence on the electric, magnetic and mechanicalproperties investigated magnetic composite materials. Expected results extend the potential for application ofadvanced soft magnetic materials suitable for use in a medium frequencies, where ferrites are currently used.
Duration: 1.7.2016 – 31.12.2019
Tenké vrstvy a tenkovrstvové štruktúry pre senzorické a memristívne aplikácie
Thin films and thin film structures for sensoric and memristive applications
Program: VEGA
Project leader: RNDr. Baťková Marianna, PhD.
Annotation: Structures composed of metal oxides display a rich variety of electronic and magnetic properties which can find utilization in various technological applications, such as in sensors of temperature, magnetic field or gas, or as electrodes in solar cells. Unique possibilities yield utilisation of metal/insulator/metal (MIM) structures in devices like resistance-switches or memristors. Recently we demonstrated that memristive MIM structures in lateral planar geometry can be fabricated by local anodic oxidation of thin metal films using atomic force microscope. This enables studies of ionic migration processes, which govern memristive behaviour, by use of advantageous SPM techniques. Purpose of this project is research and development of new types of memristive MIM structures, as well as structures for sensing of physical parameters, and understanding the influence of a preparation process on their properties.
Duration: 1.1.2013 – 31.12.2016
Kvantové fázové prechody. Vplyv chemického a hydrostatického tlaku na vybrané boridy vzácnych zemín.
Quantum phase transitions. Influence of chemical and hydrostatic pressure on selected rare earth borides.
Program: VEGA
Project leader: doc. RNDr. Gabáni Slavomír, PhD.
Annotation: Quantum phase transitions (QPT) occur at absolute zero temperature, T=0K, when some non-thermal parameterlike external pressure, magnetic field or chemical composition of material is changed, and causes a phasechange. These transitions from one ground state to another are driven by quantum fluctuations. At present, QPTin electronic and magnetic systems have attracted considerable attention thanks to new fundamental discoveriesand explanations of open questions (quantum Hall effect, non-Fermi liquid behavior of electrons, unconventionalsuperconductivity in magnetic materials). In this proposal, we plan to / will study especially the influence of highpressure and chemical composition on mostly magnetic rare earth borides at very low temperatures and inmagnetic fields. There are possibilities to observe the new (quantum) phases of materials and to explain theirphysical properties in the vicinity of so called quantum critical points (QCP) at mentioned extreme conditions(pressures up to 10 GPa, mK temp.).
Project webpage:
Duration: 1.1.2013 – 31.12.2015
Extrem II – Extrem II – Dobudovanie Centra pokročilých fyzikálnych štúdii materiálov v extrémnych podmienkach
Extrem II – Center of advanced physical studies for materials in extreme conditions
Program: EU Structural Funds Research & Development
Project leader: RNDr. Skyba Peter, DrSc.
Duration: 28.8.2010 – 31.1.2014
Anomálne transportné vlastnosti silne korelovaných elektrónových systémov
Anomalous transport properties of strongly correlated electron systems
Program: VEGA
Project leader: RNDr. Baťko Ivan, CSc.
Annotation: The purpose of the project is to answer some fundamental questions concerning strongly correlated electron systems (SCES). The project is devoted to experimental studies of selected SCES that are characterized by anomalous transport properties associated with metal-insulator transition, heavy fermion superconductivity or colossal magnetoresistance. Special attention will be paid to investigations of in-gap states of heavy fermion semiconductors SmB6 and YbB12, studies of anomalies in density of states in exotic heavy fermion superconductor CePt3Si, and investigations of the role of phase separation in colossal magnetoresistance of Eu-based borides and EuO-based systems. We expect that planned experimental studies of electrical, magnetic and thermal properties at low temperatures, high magnetic fields and high pressures will bring valuable information necessary for understanding underlying physics of the studied SCES.
Duration: 1.1.2009 – 31.12.2012
EXTREM I – Extrem – Centrum pokročilých fyzikálnych štúdií materiálov v extrémnych podmienkach
Extrem – Center of advanced physical studies for materials in extreme conditions
Program: EU Structural Funds Research & Development
Project leader: RNDr. Skyba Peter, DrSc.
Duration: 19.5.2009 – 30.4.2011
ECOM – Neočakávané chovanie korelovanej látky
Emergent behaviour of correlated matter
Program: Podpora MVTS z prostriedkov SAV
Project leader: prof. RNDr. Reiffers Marián, DrSc.
Duration: 1.1.2005 – 31.12.2009