Diko, Pavel Ing., DrSc., akademik US Slovenska
Head of Material Physics Depertment
E-mail: dikos@saske.sk
Phone: 055 / 7922272, č. d. 511 (W47 A)
Fax: 055 / 6336292
Ing. Pavel Diko, DrSc, Academician of Learned Society Slovakia.
Head of Department of Material Physics, Institute of Experimental Physics, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Kosice, Slovakia
Pavel Diko was born in Śúrovce, Slovakia 1948. He received the degree of Engineer (summa cum laude), the Ph.D. degree from Technical University Kosice, Slovakia in 1973, 1978 and and DrSc. (Scientific Professor)from Slovak Academy of Sciences in 2002. Since 1978 P. Diko is with Institute of Experimental Physics. He was a Visiting Scientist or Visiting Professor at University of Cambridge, Oxford University, Argonne National Laboratory, ISTEC Tokyo, SIT Tokyo, CNRS Grenoble, ATI Vienna, SJTU Shanghai and IFW Dresden. He is mainly interested in material physics (progressive superconducting and magnetic materials). In 1980, 1985 and 2005 he received the Price of Slovak Academy of Sciences; in 1996 the Director of ISTEC Tokyo ’96 Award; in 1999 the Silver Medal of Aurel Stodola for Achievements in Chemistry and Physics, in 2005 PASREG Award of Excellence (Tokyo), in 2014 Gold Medal of The Institute of Experimental Physics.
He is a member of:
Learned Society of the Slovak Academy of Sciences (title Academician)
International Scientific Committee of International Symposium on Metallography
International Workshop on Processing and Applications of Superconducting Bulk Materials.
P. Diko published 240 CC papers cited more than 1500 times. H-index 23.
P. Diko is reviewing for: Materials Chemistry and Physics, Material Science and Engineering B, Superconductor Science and Technology, Physica C, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Journal of Applied Physics, Journal of Physical Chemistry, Material Science and Engineering News, Recent Patents on Material Science, Physica Status Solidy, Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism.
Head of Department of Material Physics, Institute of Experimental Physics, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Kosice, Slovakia
Pavel Diko was born in Śúrovce, Slovakia 1948. He received the degree of Engineer (summa cum laude), the Ph.D. degree from Technical University Kosice, Slovakia in 1973, 1978 and and DrSc. (Scientific Professor)from Slovak Academy of Sciences in 2002. Since 1978 P. Diko is with Institute of Experimental Physics. He was a Visiting Scientist or Visiting Professor at University of Cambridge, Oxford University, Argonne National Laboratory, ISTEC Tokyo, SIT Tokyo, CNRS Grenoble, ATI Vienna, SJTU Shanghai and IFW Dresden. He is mainly interested in material physics (progressive superconducting and magnetic materials). In 1980, 1985 and 2005 he received the Price of Slovak Academy of Sciences; in 1996 the Director of ISTEC Tokyo ’96 Award; in 1999 the Silver Medal of Aurel Stodola for Achievements in Chemistry and Physics, in 2005 PASREG Award of Excellence (Tokyo), in 2014 Gold Medal of The Institute of Experimental Physics.
He is a member of:
Learned Society of the Slovak Academy of Sciences (title Academician)
International Scientific Committee of International Symposium on Metallography
International Workshop on Processing and Applications of Superconducting Bulk Materials.
P. Diko published 240 CC papers cited more than 1500 times. H-index 23.
P. Diko is reviewing for: Materials Chemistry and Physics, Material Science and Engineering B, Superconductor Science and Technology, Physica C, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Journal of Applied Physics, Journal of Physical Chemistry, Material Science and Engineering News, Recent Patents on Material Science, Physica Status Solidy, Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism.
Ing. Pavel Diko, DrSc. (DrSc. is an equivalent to Scientific Professor), Academician of Learned Society Slovakia
Institute of Experimental Physics, Slovak Academy of Sciences,
Watsonova 47, 04001 Kosice, Slovakia
Telephone: +421 55 7922272, +421 948072733
email: dikos@saske.sk
Kurská 3, 04022 Košice, Slovakia
Phone: +421 55 6713097, MP:+42194807273