APVV and VEGA excellence in science

A recent publication entitled Research Projects of Excellence presents the results of projects of excellence funded by The Slovak Research and Development Agency (APVV). This publication contains information about implementation and results of several years of work by Slovak experts on projects between 2016 to 2020 in the fields of basic and applied research in natural, technical, medical, agricultural, social and human sciences.
The APVV-15-0621 project entitled “Atomic structure and unique properties of intermetallics, amorphous, nanocrystalline and complex metallic alloys” was also selected among the research projects with an excellent level. It was realized under the leadership of Ing. Peter Švec, DrSc. from the Institute of Physics SAS in cooperation with our Institute of Experimental Physics SAS where the responsible leader of the project was RNDr. Ivan Škorvánek, CSc. from the Department of Applied Magnetism and Nanomaterials. Further information can be found in the aforementioned publication.
At the same time, all VEGA projects ending in 2021 were evaluated. Among the successful projects with excellent results were also some from our institute:
- 2/0007/18 Investigation of nuclear materia properties during the production of heavy quarks on nuclear targets, project leader: doc. RNDr. Ján Nemčík, CSc.
- 2/0112/18 Systematic study of the influence of local and non-local interactions on the coexistence of quantum phases with different arrangement parameters, project leader: RNDr. Pavol Farkašovskýy, DrSc.
- 2/0044/19 Alloyed REBCO massive superconductors, project leader: Ing. Pavel Diko, DrSc.
- 2/0137/19 Orthorhombic multiferroic materials with strong magneto – electric bond: influence of substitution in octahedral positions on magnetism and multiferroicity, project leader: RNDr. Marian Mihalik, CSc.
- 1/0053/19 Influence of chemical composition on significant physical properties of modern functional materials, project leader: prof. RNDr. Rastislav Varga, DrSc. (UPJŠ Technology and Innovation Park), responsible researcher for IEP SAS: RNDr. Jozef Kovac, CSc.
Congratulations to all scientific teams for the excellent evaluation of completed scientific projects.