Christmas adventures at Science Lair


As the Christmas are approaching, so is the Christmas Science Lair, which will be held online on Saturday, November 28, 2020 at 2PM.

Kids (as well as adults) can look forward to selection of the most interesting pre-Christmas folk customs. Unconventional Science Lair will be realized online with a renowned ethnologist and protector of Slovak traditions, PhDr. Katarína Nádaská, PhD.

Young scientists will learn:

  • What were the “witch days”
  • How people used to celebrate Advent
  • What customs were performed on the Feast of St. Barbara
  • Why iron was poured on St. Andrew’s Day
  • What does the “walk of the Lucy” mean
  • Why do we give gifts on St. Nicholas day

We will learn the importance of each holiday, and why certain customs were performed during the winter time. Moreover, you can try the LEAD CASTING by yourself! It’s easy and interesting – you only need to bring these necessary items:

  • lead fishing sinker (available in fishing supplies stores)
  • candle
  • spoon
  • bucket filled with water


Put the lead sinker onto a spoon and melt it by heating above the candle. After it becomes liquid, pour it into a bucket filled with water and guess what does the shape of solidified lead reminds you of. Lead casting was performed on St. Andrew’s Day by young single women, who used it to guess the profession of their future husband. But we will not reveal more to you. You can learn more during the online Science Lair. The event is realized thanks to the support of the Slovak Academy of Sciences.

More about the Science Lair:
Science Lair website
Science Lair Facebook