70 years of CERN

70 years of CERN – Inspiration for the future
CERN celebrates 70 years of its existence, during which it has become the most important research center of elementary particles and the structure of matter in the world, a model of international peace cooperation in the scientific field, the engine of the development of new technologies and their transfer to member countries and a training center for the young generation. On the occasion of this anniversary, the Slovak community of high-energy physicists organizes an exhibition and lecture event “70 years of CERN – Inspiration for the future”, intended for high school students and general public. It will be held in Bratislava on June 10 – 11 at the V-club and in Košice on June 19 – 21 in Steelpark.
“We would like to show the fascinating possibilities that CERN offers for different fields,” says Pavol Strížinec, chairman of the Committee for cooperation of the Slovak Republic with CERN. “We do do cutting-edge physics, but for that we need experts from many fields. Cooperation with CERN helps to become such experts.”
The exhibition part consists of large-scale posters and exhibits that explains the visitors the world of elementary particles, including Higgs boson, particle accelerators and development of new, cutting-edge technologies and their positive impact on society. Questions of the visitors will be answered by team of guides, consisting of students and particle physicists. The morning lecture part will be specially dedicated to high school students and accompanying teachers. Students will be able to listen to lectures, watch interesting physics experiments and participate in the construction of simple particle detectors – fog chambers.
The afternoon part of the program will be dedicated to the general public. In Bratislava, a debate hosted by Gregor Mareš will be held on Monday, June 10. Gusts of the debate will be physicists doing their research directly in CERN: Dr. Lucia Anna Tarasovičová, prof. Stanislav Tokár a Dr. Tomáš Dado. In the beginning of the debate, viewers can participate in a live broadcast on a virtual tour of CERN. A virtual tour of the Data Center at CERN is planned in Košice on Thursday morning, June 20.
More information on the times of lectures, workshops and other points of the program can be found on the following pages:
Bratislava: https://indico.cern.ch/event/1390791/
Košice: https://indico.cern.ch/event/1410756/
Media representatives are invited to the opening of the exhibition:
– in Bratislava on Monday, June 10 at 2:30 PM
– in Košice on Wednesday, June 19 at 2 PM
More information about the event:
• for the Bratislava part of the event: Pavol Bartoš, Pavol.Bartos@cern.ch, +421 904 453 489
• for the Košice part of the event: Pavol Stríženec, pavol@mail.cern.ch, +421 948 047 122
• Ivan Melo, melo@fyzika.uniza.sk, 0949 534 530