50th anniversary of Physical Review B

American journal Physical Review is considered to be one of the most renowned physical journals in the world. It is also undoubtedly the largest forum for physicists. Its origins trace back to 1893 and since then it is dedicated to publishing the most significant studies in the field of physics. Because the world physics community started to grow rapidly, in 1970 American Physical Society decided to split the journal into several sections and publish them individually.
Physical Review B, which is dedicated to solid and liquid state physics, structural and physical properties of materials, is by far the largest of these sections. Since its establishment it has been one of the leading journals in the field of physics. During the 50 years of its existence, more than two hundred thousand studies has been published by this journal, including the ones rewarded by Nobel Price. To celebrate its 50th anniversary, journal editorial board selected the most influential works published since 1970, which highly impacted future development of physics. The first selected paper was „Determination of effective permittivity and permeability of metamaterials from relection and transmission coefficients“, Physical Review B 65 (2002) 195104 (link HERE). One of the authors of this work is Peter Markoš, former researcher at Institute of Physics SAS, currently professor at Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics, Comenius University in Bratislava.
More info at News at SAS or Dennik N (both in Slovak language)
Original author: P. Samuely
Up to date, Institute of Experimental Physics SAS has published 75 papers in the Physical Review B (source: Scopus). The first work dates back to 1991 (link HERE):
J.A. Blanco, M. Reiffers, D. Gignoux, D. Schmitt, and A.G.M. Jansen, Evidence of quadrupolar scattering in the anisotropic electrical magnetoresistivity of PrNi5, Phys. Rev. B 44 (1991) 9325.
Note: S. Gabáni